I really like your take on things, it’s nice to see original thinkers. I don’t necessarily agree with all of it for now, but a lot of it fits with observations and thoughts I’ve arrived at too.
The way I see it, the whole of existence can be seen as change, or as a sum of experiences. Contradictions (or paradoxes as you call them) are not possible because otherwise we couldn’t distinguish any experience from any other, any experience would also be any other one and so they would be the same, and if all experiences are the same then nothing changes and there is no existence. So in order for there to be existence (change), there cannot be contradictions, two experiences that are different cannot be the same experience.
We also relate experiences with one another, if we didn’t do that there would be no past and no future, we wouldn’t see motion as we wouldn’t remember the experience right before, we wouldn’t see change, and again that would be non-existence.
By relating experiences with one another we get an idea of past and future, we describe an experience in terms of other experiences, we notice regularities, if there weren’t regularities everything would be random, and if everything was random then there would be no being experiencing the randomness (as a being isn’t pure randomness) and again there would be no existence (at least no existence that could be experienced).
So indeed in order for there to be an existence that is experienced it is a necessity that there be no contradiction, no pure randomness, and that there be at least a being who can experience change, relating experiences with one another. From noticing regularities within change we gain the ability to predict. But we don’t just notice, we aren’t mere spectators, we are also involved, we participate in the change, we make effort to move to a different state. We attempt to move towards happiness and away from suffering. Why do we do that?
There I particularly like your idea of associating feelings with stability and instability, I don’t agree with associating positive feelings with stability and negative feelings with instability but I think you’re on the right path. I have noticed that positive feelings are correlated with unity, with connectedness, with symmetry, whereas negative feelings are correlated with division, separation, disorder. We attempt to move towards positive feelings, but they aren’t stability, we attempt to make them stable but if they were inherently stable we would simply stay with positive feelings in a stable equilibrium. On the other side negative feelings aren’t inherently instability, it could be that the state of maximum division/separation/disorder is stable and that once there it becomes impossible to go back towards more unity, connectedness and order. It’s rather that we attempt to move away from that state, and what is that state? Non-existence. We attempt to move away from non-existence, we don’t want it to become permanent.
And that way it all makes sense, we attempt to move towards happiness and away from suffering because we attempt to move towards existence and away from non-existence. And indeed if we increase the positive feelings within ourselves by exploiting others and increasing the negative feelings within them, we create local order within us and disorder all around us and eventually we pay the price as the disorder all around makes our local order harder to maintain. It’s by spreading positive feelings all around us that we can maintain order over disorder, existence over non-existence. I used to think that existence is the fight of good against evil, while in fact it is simply existence fighting against non-existence, order against disorder, unity against division, connectedness against separation, love against hate. We’re all connected in that we are all part of existence, when one part of existence suffers it eventually impacts all of us, the more we spread suffering to others the more we move as a whole towards non-existence.
Thanks to your post I now see the connection between randomness/disorder and non-existence, I hadn’t made that connection yet, it’s what we’re struggling against fundamentally, what we attempt to move away from, suffering is a perception that tells us when we’re moving towards it, positive feelings tell us when we’re moving away from it, and it’s important to listen to what everyone feels, as how each being feels is what they perceive from their own point of view, from where they are, if we don’t listen to the disorder they experience, to their suffering, eventually it spreads to us too. Whereas somehow through love we spread order and maintain existence against non-existence. There is more to the world than meets the eye, feelings tell us about things that other senses do not see.
Your “Part 4” might be too optimistic when you equate perfect randomness with the biggest multiverse, and you say that when it is observed from a point of view in it new information is created. The problem is that in perfect randomness there is no mind to observe it, so I’m afraid that if we reach perfect randomness existence will be gone forever, unless somehow some tiny order can arise within maximum disorder and grow again. Maybe once we reach maximum randomness there is no going back.
Regarding quantum mechanics I don’t believe we are forced to see the randomness within it as fundamental, the collapse of the wave function as what’s really happening, I believe it’s still possible to see that apparent randomness as incomplete information rather than as that information not existing, the mainstream interpretation is that this randomness is fundamental but they haven’t explored all options even if that’s what they believe now, so we shouldn’t assume it is proven (and thus that it is evidence for your relative information model) but it’s definitely something to explore further anyway.
As to what happens to a dying mind I’m not sure I follow you, especially the part where what’s left of the mind interacts with the enormous randomness surrounding it considering that there is not so much randomness here on Earth, and the part where the mind becomes a random new being in a random new world, maybe you can explain that in more details when you have the time, but it’s not a priority since it seems more speculative than the rest.
Beyond the important realization that disorder/randomness, suffering and non-existence are related, and as such that it is extremely important to spread positive feelings such as love and happiness in order to maintain Existence over non-existence, I see two things that are important to reflect on: the apparent laws of this universe, and the widespread idea that the universe as a whole moves progressively towards disorder (leading to the so-called heat death of the universe).
It seems hard to believe that the laws of this universe would have somehow emerged randomly, or out of pure randomness. It seems to me equally hard to believe that everything we do and think would be dictated by these laws and that we have no control over anything. To me these laws must be maintained by some being, otherwise I don’t see how they could have arisen like that and I don’t see why they would be so regular, why so many objects would keep following these laws. And to me we must have freedom to act within these laws, they can’t dictate everything we do, otherwise our most basic intuitions would be illusions and so much would stop making sense, I believe empirically we should be able to show that there are things that go on within living beings that don’t reduce to these laws, that eventually we will demonstrate that. All of that is important to consider if we want to eventually explain everything.
Regarding the supposed heat death of the universe, it’s far from a certainty (there are various objections to it) but it’s something to reflect on as well, what will happen in the future will depend in part on what we do and in part on what these laws are and whether they can be modified (it is usually assumed that they can’t be modified, maybe we just haven’t found how yet).
A lot of food for thought, I feel like we can make progress together, you and me, all of us, everyone, we all see existence from our own point of view and each one sees things that others don’t, we have to put all these points of view together in order to move forward, towards unity, connectedness, happiness, existence, and away from disorder, separation, suffering and non-existence. Something important is starting.