Dude, I'm not here for eristic. The only philosophical thread I published is an anti-eristic thread. — Leontiskos
:gasp: :rofl: :lol:I was under the impression that you cared to resolve your moral self-contradiction. — Leontiskos
Are you just here to evangelise? — Michael
:rofl:(I only request that you do not edit these recent posts and falsify the record.) — Leontiskos
it, and in my opinion my recent posts to ↪hypericin have saddled him squarely with the contradiction at hand. — Leontiskos
(The theory you hold denies normative truths and yet you "personally" affirm normative truths.) — Leontiskos
a) no moral sentence is truth-apt (non-cognitivism)
c) no moral sentence is true (error theory)
e) no moral sentence is true if nobody believes so (non-objectivism)
f) some moral sentence is true even if nobody believes so (robust realism) — Michael
There is a contradiction if they follow Hume in his is-ought distinction, for in that case a non-normative metaethical theory will not account for a normative ethical theory. — Leontiskos
I admit that this is an apparent contradiction, due to your taking the two quotes out of context. as well as some honestly poor wording on my part. The first quote was a response to:Do you not admit that this is an apparent contradiction? — Leontiskos
Is your subjective conscience theory intended to be normative? — Leontiskos
Just so you know, normative/non-normative does not map to ethics/meta-ethics. It's a conflation that pops up occasionally, but this is the first time in this thread. — Leontiskos
My concern is that you purport to provide a non-normative theory and then begin flirting with normativity, — Leontiskos
You simultaneously hold that one should follow their conscience, while at the same time considering yourself a non-normative subjectivist who is propounding a non-normative theory. — Leontiskos
Do you really say that 'ought' is a non-normative term? — Leontiskos
If you think we should listen to our conscience, then your theory of conscience is normative, and it is a "moral theory" — Leontiskos
But do you see how you are toeing the line between normativity and non-normativity, which I have complained about several times throughout this thread? — Leontiskos
Should we act according to our moral sensibility or not? Should we listen to our conscience or not? — Leontiskos
You say that a subjective conscience morality is normative, but that anti-realist theories (including subjectivism) seldom if ever intend to be normative. Is your subjective conscience theory intended to be normative? — Leontiskos
I would say that, by the very substance of anti-realist metaethics, obligations aren't obligatory [...] If the anti-realist theory intends to be merely descriptive, then it is denying the existence of true obligations and substituting some faux placeholder. — Leontiskos
This thread is fast becoming inane. — Banno
I would say that, by the very substance of anti-realist metaethics, obligations aren't obligatory. If the anti-realist theory intends to be normative, then this makes it incoherent. If the anti-realist theory intends to be merely descriptive, then it is denying the existence of true obligations and substituting some faux placeholder. — Leontiskos
Is it this idea? — Leontiskos
I'm working on being kind to fools. It's not easy. — Banno
This discussion is on meta-ethics, not descriptive ethics, and your post seems to be discussing the latter. — Michael
"Society said so, therefore I ought to obey," is a false statement. — Leontiskos
Valid and coherent, but it erroneously divorces morality from oughtness, as noted above. Society saying something does not intrinsically obligate anyone to obey. — Leontiskos
Well, you did make a series of silly mistakes. — Banno
No one here is being as escalating or trollish as you are. — Leontiskos
↪hypericin I find myself constantly lowering my expectation of what you understand of philosophy. — Banno
You'll be sending me the hemlock, then? — Banno
For others it is incoherent because in being a response to moral issues it pretends to tell us what we ought to do, and yet it only tells us what most people do. — Banno
Can you give us an example of a moral truth that is not a truth? — Banno
nd it's poverty is that it fails completely to tell us what we ought to do. — Banno
Nothing in the story here is incompatible with realism. We may well have "conventionalized system devised to punishes uncooperative behavior and reinforce cooperative behavior", and yet it is still open to us to ask if such a system is indeed moral. — Banno
This shows, yet again, that what you are calling "antirealism" is not what the rest of us are calling antirealism. — Banno
If moral realism is correct then it is perfectly appropriate to ask "what if they're wrong?"
So to simply use this example of socially advantageous behaviour as a refutation of realism is to beg the question. — Michael
Our beliefs may be wrong. — Michael
"Such-and-such is socially advantageous behaviour" and "such-and-such is morally wrong" seem to mean different things. — Michael
Like 'subjective truth', 'moral subjectivism' is chimerical. — Leontiskos