Because of the First Incompleteness Theorem we know that if S is consistent then G is unprovable in S. Since "G is unprovable in S" is our function G (see above) we can shortcut: If S is consistent then G. Now, we just formulate this statement in S and we know it's provable in S. Now, we assume we could also prove in S that S is consistent. Then by mp G would follow (and thus be proven) in S which is impossible due to the First Incompleteness Theorem. Because of this contradiction our assumption must have been false. — Pippen
1) If a system is complete (as in every possible truth can be proved) then it's necessarily inconsistent (contradictions arise)
2) If a system is consistent (as in there are no contradictions) then it is neccesarily incomplete (some truths can't be proved) — TheMadFool
How would you explain the Second Therorem based on my version with S, G(G is unprovable in S) and my explanation of the Frist Theorem? Maybe that is the best way to show me what you mean, because I will see the difference in my and your version. — Pippen
Thank you for taking the time to write that fascinating reply. I see that the a priori / a posteriori distinction is based on the justification of the terms now, - it is an epistemological, not ontological distinction. — Hallucinogen
I can't see how natural scientific statements or mathematical statements fall exlusively into synthetic or analytic statements. In order to make scientific explanations, causation has to be involved, ways of referring to time and space, or movement. An example would be "the sun is warming this rock". I don't think synthetic statements are able to do this, they're purely associative right? All they can do is refer to how sets of objects overlap. — Hallucinogen
5. Since 1.-2. seem true, 3. must be false, and so it follows: LH <-> RH, but that's absurd because it basically says that my left hand can only exist with my right hand and vice versa which is obviously wrong. — Pippen
Kripke' view that there is a difference between name and descriptions, which challenges the idea that a name that can be replaced by a description and be 'bound by a variable' so without a remainder. But if names do refer to objects, the real-world actual existence of F does not make sense of non-existing objects, such as "the king of France is bald". — TimeLine
If truth in arithmetic means provability in ZFC then it is false that every PA formula is either true or false. Thats odd.
What kind of "truth" concept is used in the Gödel and Tarski theorems? — Meta
What you do in 3. is using the AND-introduction. My question is if I could instead introduce an implication "A -> ~A". I doubt that. I doubt that you can just with two premises P1 and P2 follow P1 -> P2 and vice versa. — Pippen
But this can't be true since it leads to contradictions. — Pippen
Then why don't I feel ecstatic about someone gifting me $0? — TheMadFool
I thought not having a solution to a mathematical problem is, well, a problem itself. For instance, before zero became a number 2 - 2 had no solution. Zero was invented and now 2 - 2 = 0. Fine. However, 4 ÷ 0 has no solution. So, doesn't this take the punch out of zero's use. It solved some problems but created new ones. — TheMadFool
Also, zero is nothing. And, mathematically, there's no solution to 4 ÷ 0. Put differently, the solution to 4 ÷ 0 is nothing. But nothing in mathematics is, well, zero. So, I shouldn't be completely off the mark in saying 4 ÷ 0 = 0. — TheMadFool
Goedel's real accomplishment was to formulate the function G in a system that just contains propositional and predicate logic and the natural numbers with addition. — Pippen
Let S be consistent (assumption). Because of the first incompleteness theorem it follows that if S is consistent, then G is unprovable. From this it follows by mp (and is thus proved) that G in S is unprovable. But this is precisely the content of G (see above, the italic style marked one), so that G in S would be proved, which is impossible according to the first incompleteness theorem (there case 1a), so that the consistency assumption must be false. — Pippen
The usual arguments for the even parity of 0 are facile, self-serving, and question-begging. There are certain mathematical contexts where it is convenient to assume that 0 has even parity, but it does not follow that 0 MUST have even parity. If it does, it must be proved from set theory, or from the axioms of arithmetic, or better still both. — alan1000
I'd agree with that, but I don't agree that libel is sufficient for harm, either.
On the other hand, "harm" is ambiguous, so we'd need to define it better. — Terrapin Station
I agree that it's almost certainly a Porphyrian Aristotle in the background here, but in truth, I don't think I did justice to Deleuze's reading in the OP. In reality, the engagement with Aristotle in D&R takes place almost exclusively with respect to Aristotle's impositions upon difference. If anything, what is 'selected' for is not where individuals fall under in terms of genera and species (as I put it in the OP), but the kind of difference which is given legitimacy in Aristotle. Aristotle 'selects for' specific difference, while ruling out, as ontologically illegitimate as it were, generic difference - hence the turn to equivocal/analogical Being. — StreetlightX
As I said to Moliere earlier in the thread, the associations of language here might lead us astray, because despite it's 'voluntarist' tenor, 'selection' is anything but voluntary in Delezue, and selection is always the result of an 'encounter' with or 'interference of' a 'question-problem complex' which forces one to creatively engage and fabulate responses as a result (the quoted phrases are Deleuze's). The kind of 'phenomenology' - if we may call it that - of Lewis being 'gripped' by the necessity of imposing the sorts of divisions he does is very much in keeping with the Deleuzian conception of philosophy as involving a 'pedagogy of the concept', where creation - or in this case selection - is very much a matter of imposition, of 'subjective dissolution', if we may put it that way. — StreetlightX
Libel is a legal term, recall, not a constitution of harm. Courts of law investigate whether a case of alleged libel is unlawful. You don't get to determine that libel would constitute harm. — jkop
Some of us aren't in favor of libel laws, by the way. — Terrapin Station
Why do you rephrase what is open to read? I've said none of those things. Your argument is clearly unsound, and the above is an informal fallacy (loaded question). — jkop
Finally, in Aristotle, it is a matter of 'selecting' what falls under a particular genus and a particular species: Being is 'distributed' according to what categories they fall under, and it is a matter of selecting between what falls where. — StreetlightX
It is open to read in my post (e.g. "Granted that some.. portrayals are unfair or misleading...") that here I'm not primarily concerned with the right or wrong of portrayals but the relation in the assumption that one could be diminished or objectified by them. In social constructionism, for instance, it is assumed (incorrectly) that our reality would be constructed by they ways we portray it.
You omit what is said in my post, and instead misuse one of it sentences in a related but different context, libel, which concerns the right and wrong of portrayals. The shift of context makes the sentence appear ironic or irrational, which seems to be your primary concern. But your argument isn't sound, just vengeful sophistry disguised as "logic". — jkop
I don't deny the validity of your conclusion, but it ain't sound. It is selective and misleading, because my statement, which is selectively used in your argument, is not directed at those who find libel unfair but at those who believe that an unfair portrayal could somehow objectify or diminish what it portrays. It takes magical thinking, social constructionism, or the like, to believe that a mere utterance or depiction could diminish or objectify what it portrays. But one does not have to be a social constructionist to find portrayals unfair or draft libel laws against them. — jkop
Only social constructionists, or the like, would believe such nonsense; because for them there is no truth beyond our public interaction with words or pictures. As if injustice against women would be caused by how they're portrayed in public. — jkop
Plato, Socrates, many other ancient philosophers, and Wittgenstein..none of them received any formal training. — anonymous66
I never said it proves classical logic true, merely, that it begs the question of whether it is true or not by assuming the position that it is true. — wuliheron
That's a tricky question and, as I keep saying, I'm not a mathematician and even they don't have the foundations of the mathematics complete as of yet. My own view is with everything being context dependent it depends upon what you mean by provable in any given situation. — wuliheron
You cannot prove something is true without somehow demonstrating it is true! Conditional reasoning or otherwise, you must assume if nothing else that we can make clear distinctions between true and false! Godel's theorem is based upon the rules of classical logic in that, at the very least, the law of identity and noncontradiction must apply to any proof. You can play around with variations on the excluded middle all you want, but the essential nature of the logic remains the same. — wuliheron
I'm not a mathematician and those that I've read about claimed the foundations are incomplete. That said, subtypes of the overall symmetry will always express a four fold symmetry or supersymmetry that can be expressed as root metaphors or axioms. In physics, a four fold supersymmetry should be expressed in everything observable and can be thought of metaphorically as infinite dimensions or universes all converging and diverging within the singular void and making it impossible for us to perceive anything less than a four fold symmetry in anything clearly discernible. Such a scenario could only be proven statistically by classical standards, but even if it can never be disproved it would mean everything must express four fold symmetry and so you can use eight dimensions and a singularity or 16 or 32 and so on depending on how much accuracy is desired. — wuliheron
The foundations of Intuitionistic mathematics have yet to be fully developed and, as far as I can tell, they first need to be expressed as a systems logic along the lines of what I've described. That mathematicians are beginning to express things like Godel's theorem in Intuitionistic terms merely means they are working on the problem and not that they have left classical logic and mathematics behind as of this date. — wuliheron
"Intuitionism is based on the idea that mathematics is a creation of the mind. The truth of a mathematical statement can only be conceived via a mental construction that proves it to be true, and the communication between mathematicians only serves as a means to create the same mental process in different minds."
Hence, most certainly classical mathematics can be considered a subtype of Intuitionistic mathematics. My own belief is that everything is context dependent making even what is mental or physical a matter of the situation and, for example, the mind and brain have already been demonstrated to substitute for each other at the most fundamental level of their organization for increased efficiency and error correction. They express the particle-wave duality of quantum mechanics which, for me, is simply another way of saying the display extreme context dependence or are "yin and yang". — wuliheron
My assertion is that Godel's theorem begs the question and is demonstrably useless outside of classical mathematics and limited physical applications. — wuliheron
Categorization is part of the confusion because there is no way to characterize or categorize Indeterminacy. Calling something like quanta random or a joke meaningless or insisting a shadow has no properties is merely another way of saying we can't define them as anything other than false or context dependent. Clearly shadows, for example, exist and calling them false can only have limited usefulness when they can be more broadly defined as context dependent and sharing their identity with photons.
The way around the issue is to use a systems logic where even its own axioms and identity go down the proverbial rabbit hole into Indeterminacy, thus, displaying context dependence in everything which can be established statistically as factual in some contexts and metaphorical or a personal truth in others. — wuliheron
Quantum mechanics are noncommutative and you are merely arguing that classical logic and mathematics must be commutative and Godel's theorem is classical. — wuliheron
As best I can tell you are confused over the central issue. Classical logic proving internally consistent, yet, contradicting the physical evidence means all classical truths are context dependent and become a jokes in other contexts. The law of identity itself is going down the nearest convenient rabbit hole or toilet of your personal preference and what is classical mathematics or Intuitionistic mathematics also becomes context dependent.
Photons provide a similar example because what appears to be a shadow in a well lit room can become a faint blob of light in a dark one even though it is identical in every other respect other than the changing context. — wuliheron
The idea that any theory is demonstrably incomplete is the heart of the matter. For me, a context without significant content or any content without a significantly greater context is an oxymoron along the lines of a statistic of one. What is incomplete defines what is complete just as you cannot have an up without a down, a back without a front. What Godel showed is that it is incomplete by the standards of classical logic and the principles of the excluded middle and noncontradiction. What he did not do is take it that next step further and show how logic itself is context dependent as quantum mechanics suggests. What is a joke and what makes sense is merely a question of the context. — wuliheron
Intuitionistic subtypes are metaphors meaning the subsets of classical logic must also be treated as metaphors if they are to be compatible with the physical evidence and statistically demonstrated to be valid. — wuliheron
Kuhn is merely another historian giving his personal interpretation of history in the name of science and philosophy. I'll take experimental evidence over the word of a historian or even the consensus of the scientific community any day. — wuliheron
Godel used classical logic to formulate his theorem and, by the standards he used, if he was not asserting his theorem was true, than he was asserting it was false! — wuliheron
Mathematicians have already demonstrated that all of classical mathematics and causal physics can be represented using any number of simple metaphors or analogies such as asserting everything is merely composed of bouncing springs, balls of string, or vibrating rubber sheets for all I know. Another study similar concluded they can be fully represented using only two dimensions. In other words, all of causality and causal mathematics are demonstrably based upon what I like to call "Cartoon Logic", that is, the logic of small children who will pick whatever explanation sounds good to them at the time or happens to contradict reality less. The implication is clear that mathematics and logic are merely pragmatic conventions just as quantum mechanics suggest our concepts of reality are. — wuliheron
I just awarded ModBot the poster of the month award for the shoutbox. She appears to be the most proliferate and productive member over there at the moment.
Sad, sad, sad. :’( — Sir2u