"Skeptics," Science, Spirituality and Religion Pre apprehension sounds a lot like Kierkegaard's concept of appropriation. He explains that the subject appropriates truth directly in existence.
Religion encounters difficulty when the existing subject is negated through the dialectic movement into objectivity and speculation. This is where understanding commences, where the truth of understanding is posited through speculative system. Yet all speculative knowledge is merely an approximation, so that, objectively, we are only capable of apprehending relative and contingent truth. Only the existing subject stands in relation to absolute truth (God) through the religious commitment.
Religion is a dialectical halt, stopping with the existing subject in the inwardness of faith and the passion of appropriation. This is what makes religion such a tricky category, viz. by having its reality in the inwardness of the existing subject, its direct communication is rendered impossible. Since all speculation communicates directly, every speculative system, even mighty modern science, moves in the opposite direction, towards objectivity and away from religion.
Probably explains why classic religious documents have the tendency of being vague and cryptic. Like the finger pointing at the moon, religious texts are attempting to assist the existing subject into a direct relation with the absolute and be forgotten. But the religious texts have no inherent value. The absolute does not exist imminently as religious text, so that to relate oneself to the absolute by worshiping the text is simply idolatry.
The religious person's faith depends on his letting go of objective understanding, on grasping and cultivating his socratic ignorance towards the uncertainty of objectivity. The skepticism of Socratic ignorance is the opposite of modern skepticism because it exposes the unreliability of speculation and repels objectivity.