Btw, true is an adjective indicative of a quality that true statements have. Good luck with any attempt to comprehensively further define just what that quality exactly is. — tim wood
Let's try this. Suppose you have your "this," call it T. Now suppose you have some expression. Is it or its negation in T? If so, great! You're done. If not, then you have to figure out if it should be or not. And using existing knowledge, you cannot (if you could, it or its negation would already be in T). — tim wood
Higher-order logic is the union of first-, second-, third-, ..., nth-order logic; i.e., higher-order logic admits quantification over sets that are nested arbitrarily deeply.
— PL Olcott
Do we need more than first and second order logic in practical uses? — Corvus
By the theory of simple types I mean the doctrine which says that the objects of thought ... are divided into types, namely: individuals, properties of individuals, relations between individuals, properties of such relations, etc. — History of Type Theory
↪PL Olcott What is your point? We suppose - that's the best I can do - that a proposition undecidable in L is decidable in L', and one in L' in L'', and so forth. But apparently there is no Lωω...ω that is itself complete. — tim wood
"[They, (the ideas here presented)] implicitly justify the generalization that every symbolic logic is incomplete...." (316) — tim wood
There are many ways to further extend second-order logic. The most
obvious is third, fourth, and so on order logic. The general principle,
already recognized by Tarski (1933 [1956]), is that in higher order
logic one can formalize the semantics—define truth—of lower order logic. — Stanford
there'd need to be a single unifying metalanguage in which the formulae of all the levels could be expressed. — fdrake
The truth and provability symbols in the metalanguage would thus apply for theorems applying to the big union logic, rather than having a plethora of distinct symbols in different metalanguages — fdrake
Now consider that you're taking the set of all provable statements of all logics up to the nth order. That will then be the set of provable statements of the nth order logic, due to the hierarchy. — fdrake
seems to follow the principle that every simple idea can be made convoluted enough that it can no longer be understood.
— PL Olcott
That's a convenient principle. Btw, how do you know when an idea is just that simple? — tim wood
A formal system having only one order of logic is like the "C" volume of an encyclopedia only having articles that begin with the letter "C".
— PL Olcott
And a complete set would have everything from A to Z. But in our case, you can't have a complete set. — tim wood
I imagine Tarski's indefinability theorem would. AFAIK second order logic already has diagonalization results - so it's either inconsistent or incomplete. You don't need to go above first for it. So long as you put enough arithmetic in, you're going to get the self referential bullshit that sets up these paradoxes. — fdrake
I cannot give a rigorous answer, but I agree with this. If Tarski's undefinability theorem is basically that "arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmetic", or that true Gödel numbers are not definable arithmetically, meaning there’s no first-order formula for this, I think it does go for higher order logics. For those higher order logics there is their own true but unprovable Gödel number. — ssu
↪PL Olcott Which is to say - just between us in case we're both wrong - that each system being itself deficient requires a successor system to fix it, but that simply creating a new deficiency. Ordinal arithmetic being formidable, I don't see an escape. — tim wood
Your question (again, if I understand it), is can there be a super-strong formal system that is not incomplete. I am guessing not. And I'm sure a rigorous discussion would be well, rigorous. — tim wood
And if nothing else, this is the clue, "next higher order...". It appears you want to get to the point where there is no higher order. And that would seem to lead to a set-of-all-sets type of contradiction. — tim wood
This is probably hard to believe but I do not have the intuitions necessary to see the “mysteries” of some paradoxes. For example, the liar paradox “this sentence is false” simply appears meaningless to me and I do not enter the logic of: If 'This sentence is false.” is true, then since it is stating that the sentence is false, if it is actually true that would mean that it is false, and so on.
Language conveys information and I can’t extract relevant information from this sentence, this is why I do not understand why people manage to reason logically with it. — Skalidris
That is always the excuse given by users of that site. It is either "a good summary", when there are often mistakes right in the header and the site itself is rotten to the core, or to "check the sources on the bottom". — Lionino
That sounds like a cumbrous task for normal users to go through for using the system. They would want just type in the expressions in their ordinary use of the language or words into the system, and expect to get the correct definitions for their queries. Somehow the Cyc Project must be able to convert the expressions or words into the unique GUID to narrow down and select the correct definitions for them. Would you agree? — Corvus
↪PL Olcott I have no dog in the fight. I don't know if the article on Tarski is correct or not, I don't have much of a way to judge myself. Mine was just an off-the-cuff comment. — Lionino
I imagine that that happens because you learn from there. I find nonsense there all the time. The people who run it are oligophrenic. So I avoid it like a plague. — Lionino
Tarski's proof doesn't work the way you describe it. To see that, you just need to read the article that you yourself say is "clear and accurate". — TonesInDeepFreeze
The proof of Tarski's undefinability theorem in this form is again
by reductio ad absurdum. Suppose that an L-formula True(n)
as above existed, i.e., if A is a sentence of arithmetic, then
True(g(A)) holds in N if and only if A holds in N. Hence for all
A, the formula True(g(A)) ⟺ A holds in N. But the diagonal
lemma yields a counterexample to this equivalence, by
giving a "liar" formula S such that S ⟺ ¬True(g(A)) holds
in N. This is a contradiction QED.
"Does there exist a proof of T?" is a question. — TonesInDeepFreeze
Yet I showed exactly what was amiss in the Wikipedia article recently cited. — TonesInDeepFreeze
a good amount of caution is warranted when referencing Wikipedia.
— TonesInDeepFreeze
Huge amount. — Lionino
One can couch things as questions. But the proofs themselves do not have questions in them. — TonesInDeepFreeze
All steps in proofs are statements, not questions. — TonesInDeepFreeze
So, if set theory without the axiom of regularity proves a contradiction, then set theory with the axiom of regularity proves a contradiction. — TonesInDeepFreeze
And, again, as I just explained, disallowing sets from being members of themselves does not avoid inconsistency. — TonesInDeepFreeze
Moreover, the purpose of the axiom of regularity is not to avoid inconsistency but rather to facilitate the study of sets as in a hierarchy indexed by the ordinals. — TonesInDeepFreeze
It is a common misconception on Internet forums that ZFC avoids inconsistency by disallowing sets to be members of themselves.
Yes, the axiom of regularity, which is adopted in ZFC, disallows that a set can be a member of itself. — TonesInDeepFreeze
(1) The article conflates a language with a theory.
(2) The proof in the article handwaves past the crucial lemma, thus appearing to commit a serious non sequitur. — TonesInDeepFreeze
How do the users know the unique ID? How does the Cyc Project know that is the ID it has to select the answer for the query? — Corvus
But so far I can't make any sense of what you're saying - this is why I'm trying to get some basic terminology clear. I'll ask again. What is the difference between a "sense input" and a "sense meaning"? — EricH
I still can't make any sense out of this. What is the difference between a "sense input" and a "sense meaning"? The only way we can even know that there are such things as dogs is through sense input. — EricH
(1) The article conflates a language with a theory.
(2) The proof in the article handwaves past the crucial lemma, thus appearing to commit a serious non sequitur. — TonesInDeepFreeze
↪Count Timothy von Icarus
That article doesn't properly state the subject matter. — TonesInDeepFreeze
The use of "analytic" here bears little resemblance to the normal usage. As far as I can tell, any fact is "analytic" so long as it can be defined as true by definition by some string. The analytic normally is "what is true by definition," and apparently non-analytic facts like "Moscow is the current capital of Russia," can become analytic despite the fact that "Moscow" is not synonymous with "the capital of Russia," by simply stipulating an axiom that says "Moscow is the capital of Russia, by definition." — Count Timothy von Icarus
I still can't make any sense of this. Does the Cyc project identifier refer to
- a conceptual object
- a collection of conceptual objects (i.e., how do we know that one person's conception of a dog is the same as another's)
- a particular existing living animal that happens to be a dog
- all living animals that happen to be dogs
- other? — EricH
Something is true or false always in relation to some respect. Dogs are animals is false in case of the robot AI dogs. Dogs can be tools in wood carving toolbox. Dogs are pieces of the wooden material that get inserted in the holes of the workbenches to secure a plank of wood to be carved. In this case dogs are animals is false again. — Corvus
Dogs exist as conceptual objects even if all of reality is a mere figment of the imagination.
— PL Olcott
So this whole project is merely the embodiment of people's imagination. — EricH