How does one deal with an existential crisis? Hi there. I've been through something similar. Last year I realized life was meaningless. I also began to question my spiritual beliefs which felt like a kick in the balls. I felt existential truth would swallow me from above and I had nothing else to hold on to the ground. Embracing the void, as Camus put it, was something very hard for me to perform, I mean, that's the last thing one would embrace. However, I would not end my own life, I would just remain hopeless. That hopelesness started to decline when I talked to my mom about that. She burst into tears when she find out how I felt about that and she told me it was not a good idea to feel that way if I would eventually be forced to feel even worse (i.e. when somebody close to me died). Of course I told her that an existential crisis was still something hard to go through and that as long as I did not know how feeling worse was then I would not feel any better, I know that doesn't make any sense. Nevertheless, I took her words as a mantra and started to take any "bad" things that happened to me as meaningless. It became clear to me that problems were not worth my stress or anxiety.
Time went by and I felt some consolation: it was clear that regardless of my spiritual beliefs, regardless of the lack of meaning and the absurdity of it all, my family and friends remained as a constant. I remembered how fortunate I was to have the life I now have. I thought that if life is absurd then we can feel as victims because we were brought into it or we can just laugh at its absurdity, in fact, we frequently laugh at what is absurd. Why not laugh at life once in a while? I do.
I of course condemn people's evil acting but rather than focusing on it I focus on doing good. Goodness is from my point of view the closest thing to divinity we will ever manage to be.
Finally, I stay as close as I can to my passions. I love philosophy, so I try to frequently read about it. I love physics, so I read a lot about it. I love music, so I try to practice playing piano or whatever; you get my point. Passions fuel my will to live in a way I can't explain.
I sincerely hope you will get out of your crisis soon. Just hang in there.