Why are most people unwilling to admit that they don't know if God does or does not exist? Hi, hope today finds you well, & happy. Your position is referred to as psychoneural identity theory, the belief the brain produces the mind, the theory that brain states are identically mental states.
I'm not an adherent for the reasons I gave you above. 1. I direct my awareness. 2. Mental facts are not a consequence of physical facts. 3. A mental state can be dispositional with no accompanying physicality, & 4. In sum, the function of the noetic subsystem of mind is evaluative & supervisory.
All 4 of these things are my experiential reality every waking moment of my life and some of the time when I'm sleeping too.
83 (footnote) While Dennett makes complex neurophysiological arguments, the issue can be resolved by simple reflection. For information to unite at a single locus, it must unite at a point, because uniting in a finite region, however small, is no different in principle than being spread over the whole brain. No single point can have the differentiation to represent complex data physically. The idea that physically encoded information must unite at a single locus is untenable, regardless of details. - God, Science & Mind: The Irrationality of Naturalism by Dennis F. Polis, Ph.D. Dr. Polis is a physicist and has studied the Hard Problem of Consciousness extensively throughout his life. He's also a contributor here, dfpolis.
While we disagree about God, science & naturalism, I'd like to thank you for the polite conversations. I appreciate you articulating your position and how you frame it in the context of it being your position and not something you claim to be experiencing. I really do appreciate that, you very well have the courage of your convictions and aren't stating those as facts for me. Thank you!
For a glimpse into the phenomenology of psychic experience I suggest Dfpolis #22 The Mind Body Problem & Dfpolis #45 Knowledge and Mysticism, both on YouTube.