Who Cares What Stephen Hawking Writes about God? As I stated previously, you know virtually zero about science. I earned a degree in physics, and I'm getting bored of your ludicrous claims regarding science. Name the experiment that any scientist has come up with to disprove the existence of any and all Gods? — LD Saunders
And yet, despite your claim of an education, you keep demanding proof of this non-existence; showing how little you actually understand the scientific process. It is like those people who demand science prove that vaccines never cause autism. It is an impossible standard and it cannot be done. Science can show that there is no evidence of a link, and it is on the lack of evidence where we draw our conclusion. Science is an evidence based methodology, which often also includes making conclusions on a lack of evidence. So much for your college degree, as in this area it seems to be worthless.
Scientist absolutely have studied supernatural claims, they have just failed to prove any of them. Science is not about studying only that which can be proven, as we don't know if it can be proven until we study it.
At any rate this thread is not about science, it is about a scientist and there is nothing in the world which bars a person, on the sole condition that their profession is science, from calling BS on the God theory.