But ultimate reality may in fact be one or the other, computable or not. Which supports my belief that noncomputability is the next frontier in physics. If someone ever proves that a noncomputable real is necessary to explain some observable physical phenomenon, it's off to the races to find such a thing in the world. — fishfry
So I actually understand all of what you said, from a mathematical point of view. — fishfry
And now that you mention it ... that's one of my arguments against constructive physics! A Hilbert space is a complete inner product space. By complete we mean Cauchy-complete. So you can't even have such an object in constructive math, because the constructive real line is not Cauchy-complete. — fishfry
Now if I'm understanding some of your comments correctly, you are saying this doesn't matter because even if we assume the constructive real line, we can still prove the same theorems. Constructive completeness is just as good as completeness, for purposes of calculations in QM. And even if there is ultimately a difference, we couldn't measure that difference anyway!
Perfectly sensible. We could do physics with the rational numbers and a handful of irrational constants if we needed to. No experiment could distinguish that theory from a theory based on real numbers. — fishfry
This is a very interesting point I hadn't considered before. It makes the enterprise of constructive physics seem somewhat more reasonable to me. Am I understanding you correctly? — fishfry
You're claiming that if I flip infinitely many coins, they must land in a pattern that is computable — fishfry
But this can't be, since calculating machines can't calculate ANYTHING with arbitrary precision. Where are you getting these mystical TMs? If the theory gives a result like pi, I'd accept that as a result having arbitrary precision. But if you are saying that even in theory there is a TM that can calculate anything with arbitrary precision, that's wrong. The best a TM can do is approximate a computable real number with arbitrary precision. That's much less than what you are claiming, if I'm understanding you correctly. — fishfry
Ok. It was only recently that I learned that protons have quarks inside them. Another thing I've learned is that gravitational mass is caused by the binding energy that keeps the quarks from flying away from each other. How that relates to Higgs I don't know. I've also seen some functional analysis so I know about Hilbert space. I have a general but not entirely inaccurate, idea of how QM works. — fishfry
Perhaps you can clarify exactly what you mean here. If you mean that you get the same physics, yes of course that would be the point. If I'm understanding you correctly. You want to be able to do standard physics but without depending on the classical real numbers. So if that's what you're saying, it makes sense. — fishfry
Cantor's theorem. |X|<|P(X)||X|<|P(X)|. This is a theorem of ZF, so it applies even in a countable model of the reals. You mentioned Skolem the other day so maybe that's what you mean. Such a model is countable from the outside but uncountable from the inside. — fishfry
On a different topic, let me ask you this question.
You flip countably many fair coins; or one fair coin countably many times. You note the results and let H stand for 1 and T for 0. To a constructivist, there is some mysterious law of nature that requires the resulting bitstring to be computable; the output of a TM. But that's absurd. What about all the bitstrings that aren't computable? In fact the measure, in the sense of measure theory, of the set of computable bitstrings is zero in the space of all possible bitstrings. How does a constructivist reject all of these possibilities? There is nothing to "guide" the coin flips to a computable pattern. In fact this reminds me a little of the idea of "free choice sequences," which is part of intuitionism. Brouwer's intuitionism as you know is a little woo-woo in places; and frankly I don't find modern constructivism much better insofar as it denies the possibility of random bitstrings. — fishfry
I do not see how this can be. The constructive real line is not Cauchy-complete. It's only countably infinite. It does not contain any of the noncomputable numbers. It can not possibly be an intuitively satisfying model of a continuum. I'm troubled by this and I'm troubled that the constructivists never seem to be troubled. — fishfry
Prediction is not a good indicator of understanding. Remember, Thales predicted a solar eclipse without an understanding of the solar system. All that is required for prediction is an underlying continuity, and perhaps some basic math. I can predict that the sun will rise tomorrow morning without even any mathematics, so the math is not even prerequisite, it just adds complexity, and the "wow' factor to the mathemagician's prediction. So, continuity and induction is all that is required for prediction. Mathematics facilitates the induction, but it doesn't deal with the continuity. Real understanding is produced from analyzing the continuity. This is an activity based in description, and as I mentioned, is beyond the scope of mathematics.
Again, we encounter the problem of pragmatism. If prediction is all that is required, then we gear our epistemology toward giving us just that, predictability. If this is easiest done using false premises like Platonic realism, then so be it. But we do this at the expense of a real understanding. — Metaphysician Undercover
Notice that the problem is with the conception itself, it has nothing to do with "the real". The idea that we can conceive a point anywhere is false, as demonstrated by the square root problem. Conceiving of continuity in this way, such that it allows us to put a point anywhere is self-defeating. Therefore we need to change our concept of the continuity of "space". — Metaphysician Undercover
Now. let's add time to the mix. We already have a faulty conception of space assumed as continuous in a strange way which allows us to create irrational figures. Special relativity allows us to break up time, and represent it as discontinuous, layering the discontinuous thing, time, on top of the continuous, space. Doesn't this seem backward to you? Time is what we experience as continuous, an object has temporal continuity, while space is discontinuous, broken up by the variety of different objects. — Metaphysician Undercover
Your analogy is faulty, because what you have presented is incidents of something representing what is meant by the symbol "5". So what you have done is replaced the numeral "5" with all sorts of other things which might have the same meaning as that symbol, but you do not really get to the meaning of that symbol, which is what we call "the number 5". The point being, that for simplicity sake, we say that the symbol "5" represents the number 5. But this is only supported by Platonic realism. If we accept that Platonic realism is an over simplification, and that the symbol "5" doesn't really represent a Platonic object called "five", we see instead, that the symbol "5" has meaning. Then we can look closely at all the different things, in all those different contexts, which you said could replace the symbol "5", and see that those different things have differences of meaning, dependent on the context. Furthermore, we can also learn that even the symbol "5" has differences of meaning dependent on the context, different systems for example. Then the whole concept of "a number" falls apart as a faulty concept, irrational and illogical. That's why you can easily say, anything can be a number, because there is no logical concept of what a number is. — Metaphysician Undercover
I don't quite get this. "Space-time" here is conceptual only, like "the square" we've been talking about, or, "the circle". Therefore, the positioning of the points is what creates the "object" called space-time, just like we could position points in a Euclidian system, to outline a line, circle, or square. What is at issue, is the nature of the medium which is supposed to be between the points, which accounts for continuity. The continuity might be "the real", what exists independently of our creations of points according to some geometrical principles. — Metaphysician Undercover
Actually, if you analyze this situation closely, "wave functions" are produced from observations, so they are still mathematical representations of the movements of objects. The wave function is a use of mathematics to represent observable objects. There is no such separation between the representation of a physical particle and the wave functions, the wave functions represent the particles. They are of the same category, and I think the physicist treats the particle as a feature of the wave functions. Wave functions are used because such "particles" are known to have imprecise locations which they can only represent as wave functions. With observed occurrences (interactions) the particles are given precise locations. Wave functions represent the existence of particles when they are not being observed. — Metaphysician Undercover
Ok this is the post I wanted to get to. — fishfry
Ok that's beyond my pay grade, but maybe I can tell you what I know about it. Say you have a hydrogen atom, one proton and one electron, is that right? The electron can be in any one of a finite number of states (is that right?) so if you take two hydrogen atoms with their electrons in the same shell (is that still the right term?) or energy level, they'd be exactly the same. — fishfry
But you know I don't believe that. Because the quarks inside the proton are bouncing around differently in the other atom. Clearly I don't know enough physics. I'll take your word on this stuff. — fishfry
I don't believe you. I do believe that you know a lot more physics than I do. But I don't believe that there is an exact length that can be measured with infinite precision. I'm sorry. I can't follow your argument and it's clearly more sophisticated than my understanding of physics but I can't believe your conclusion. — fishfry
Wait, what? You just agreed with me. The "real physical predictions" are only good to a bunch of decimal places. There are no exact measurements. The theory gives an exact answer of course but you can never measure it. You agree, right? — fishfry
All of this is quite irrelevant to whether we can measure any exact length in the world. Since it's perfectly well known that we can't, it doesn't matter that you have this interesting exposition. There's some QED calculation that's good to 12 decimal digits and that's the best physics prediction that's ever been made, and it's NOT EXACT, it's only 12 decimal digits. Surely you appreciate this point. — fishfry
If that's all you mean, you have gone a long way for a small point. Of course if we have a theory we can solve the equations and get some real number. But we can never measure it exactly; nor can we ever know whether our theory is true of the world or just a better approximation than the last theory we thought was true before we discovered this new one. — fishfry
I'm not following this. — fishfry
I do not see how this can be. The constructive real line is not Cauchy-complete. It's only countably infinite. It does not contain any of the noncomputable numbers. It can not possibly be an intuitively satisfying model of a continuum. I'm troubled by this and I'm troubled that the constructivists never seem to be troubled. — fishfry
Are you saying that classical and constructive physics are equivalent as categories? I'm afraid I don't know exactly how you are categorifying physics — fishfry
The mathematical system being employed premises that a symbol represents an object, and that each time the symbol appears within an expression, like an equation, it represents the very same object. Any conclusions produced must uphold this premise. — Metaphysician Undercover
Right, clearly there are "problems" if we represent mathematical figures as real objects. Notice I removed your qualifier, "physical" objects. If we begin with a statement as to the nature of an "object", a definition, such as the law of identity, then we must uphold this definition. If the claim is that a "mathematical object" is fundamentally different from a "physical object", such that the same definition of "object" cannot apply to both, then we need to lay out the principles of this difference so that equivocation can be avoided. — Metaphysician Undercover
The problem is that any such "grid of points" is laid out on a spatial model. If a square is an invalid spatial model, then so is the Cartesian coordinate system Then "space-time" itself is improperly represented. — Metaphysician Undercover
Pragmatism is not the answer, it is the road to deception. Human objectives often stray from the objective of truth. When we replace "the truth" with "they simply have to work", we allow the deception of sophism, because "what it works for" may be something other than leading us toward the truth.. — Metaphysician Undercover
Thirdly, we'd need some principles to relate the continuous to the quantized. For example, to me time appears to be continuous, and space appears to be quantized. If this is the case, then we need different principles for modeling time than we do for space, and some principles to relate these two systems to each other. — Metaphysician Undercover
On paper you produce "a representation" of the Euclidean ideals. That representation is something completely different from the square root, which is part of the formula behind the representation which you draw on paper. When I want to lay out a square corner, a right angle, on the ground, I might use a 3,4,5, triangle. In this exercise I am not using a square root at all. I could make this square corner without even knowing the Pythagorean theorem, just knowing the lengths of 3,4,5. But if one side of the right angle is to be 5, and the other side 6, I'll need to know the Pythagorean theorem, and then figure the diagonal as the square root of 61 if I am going to make my right angle. — Metaphysician Undercover
That's not quite right. We, as human beings, cannot necessarily distinguish two distinct things, due to our limited capacities of perception and apprehension. So it's not quite right to say that you can always distinguish a thing from all other things. A thing is distinct from other things, but we cannot necessarily distinguish it as such. And that difference may be a factor in quantum mechanics — Metaphysician Undercover
Right, but to perceive a thing, name it "X", and then claim that it has the "identity" of X, is to use "identity" in a way inconsistent with the law of identity. You are saying that the thing's identity is X, when the law of identity says that a thing's identity is itself, not the name we give it. The law says a thing is the same as itself, not that it is the same as its name. — Metaphysician Undercover
Consider that human beings are sometimes mistaken, so it is incorrect to say "the name is a reference that identifies always the same concrete object". The meaning of the name is dependent on the use, so when someone mistakenly identifies an object as "X", when it isn't the same object which was originally named "X", then the name doesn't always identify the same concrete object. And, there are numerous other types of mistakes and acts of deception which human beings do, which demonstrate that the name really doesn't always identify the same concrete object, even when we believe that it does. — Metaphysician Undercover
Do you recognize that Einstein's relativity is inconsistent with Euclidian geometry? Parallel lines, and right angles do not provide us with spatial representations that are consistent with what we now know about space, when understood as coexisting with time. My claim is that the fact that the square root of two is irrational is an indication that the way we apply numbers toward measuring space is fundamentally flawed. I think we need to start from the bottom and refigure the whole mathematical structure. — Metaphysician Undercover
Consider that any number represents a discrete unit, value, or some such thing, and it's discrete because a different number represents a different value. On the other hand, we always wanted to represent space as continuous, so this presents us with infinite numbers between any two (rational) numbers. This is the same problem Aristotle demonstrated as the difference between being and becoming. If we represent "what is" as a described state, and later "what is" is something different, changed, then we need to account for the change (becoming), which happened between these two states. If we describe another, different state, between these original two, then we have to account for what happens between those states, and so on. If we try to describe change in this way we have an infinite regress, in the very same way that there is an infinite number of numbers between two numbers. — Metaphysician Undercover
If modern (quantum) physics demonstrates to us that spatial existence consists of discrete units, then we ought to rid ourselves of the continuous spatial representations. This will allow compatibility between the number system and the spatial representation. Then we can proceed to analyze the further problem, the change, becoming, which happens between the discrete units of spatial existence; this is the continuity which appears to be incompatible with the numerical system. — Metaphysician Undercover
No, division and multiplication are not at all symmetrical, because you never have a remainder in multiplication. In multiplication, you take a designated number as the "base unit", a designated number of times, and you never end up with a remainder. You have no such "base unit" in division, you have a large unit which you are trying to divide down to determine the base unit, but you often end up with a remainder.
Evidence of this difference is the existence of prime numbers. These are numbers which we cannot produce through multiplication. We can still divide them, knowing there will be a remainder, but that doesn't matter, because there's often a remainder when we divide, even if the dividend is not prime. — Metaphysician Undercover
The problem of irrational numbers arose from the construction of spatial figures. That indicates a problem with our understanding of the nature of spatial extension. So I suggested a more "real" way of looking at spatial extension, one which incorporates activity, therefore time, into spatial representations. Consider that Einsteinian relativity is already inconsistent with Euclidian geometry. If parallel lines are not really "parallel lines", then a right angle is not really a "right angle", and the square root of two is simply a faulty concept. — Metaphysician Undercover
If you mean electron microscope photos of a lattice of atoms, those are still subject to the quantum and classical measurement problems. To clarify what I said earlier:
* In quantum theory, nothing has an exact position at all. Before it's measured, it doesn't have a position. Sometimes that's expressed by saying that it's in a "superposition" of all possible positions. Then when you measure the particle, it (somehow -- nobody understands this part) acquires a position drawn randomly from a probability distribution.
This applies to all objects, large and small, though the effect is much more pronounced when an object is small.
For example you yourself are where you are in space right now because that's the most likely place for you to be. It is statistically possible that you might suddenly find yourself in a statistically improbable place. For example all the air molecules in your room could move to the corner of the room and you'd have no air. That is extremely unlikely, but it has a nonzero probability. It could happen.
So even if all instances of a given particle are the same, you still have no idea exactly where it is, or exactly how long a line made up of these particles is.
Atoms, by the way, are way too large and they're all different. I don't even know if two hydrogen atoms are exactly the same.
However it's interesting that every electron in the universe is (as far as we know) exactly the same. Why is that? It's another thing nobody understands. — fishfry
* And even in classical physics, a measurement is only an approximation.
So now I'd like to re-ask your question but pertaining to electrons, which are all exactly the same. But electons are very small and extremely subject to quantum effects. You simply can't say exactly where an electron is at any time. Only where it's statistically likely to be. One, because nothing is exactly anywhere at all in quantum physics; and even when it is, after a measurement, the measurement itself is subject to classical approximation error. You made the measurement in a particular lab with a particular apparatus, built and operated by humans. It's imperfect and approximate from the getgo. — fishfry
Well there are no computers with arbitrary precision. That's the problem with the computational theory of the universe. There's too much it can't account for.
It's those pesky noncomputable numbers again, one of my favorite topics. If the universe is "continuous", in the sense that it's modeled by something like the real numbers; then it is most definitely not a computer or an algorithm. Because algorithms can't generate noncomputable numbers. — fishfry
So in your hypothetical world there would be squares and if you want to go from (0,0) to (1,1) you simply have to move 2 units, one unit right and one unit up. You can't travel along the diagonal because at the finest level of the lattice, you can't move diagonally. I have no idea what that means physically but I think you are overthinking this or underthinking it. It's kind of tricky, which is a problem for the theory. — fishfry
Some people do! There are some discrete or quantized theories of reality around, like loop quantum gravity. From the article: "The structure of space prefers an extremely fine fabric or network woven of finite loops." — fishfry
But I don't speculate about the physical world. Math is so much simpler because it doesn't have to conform to experiment! In math if you want a square root of 2, you have your choice of mathematically rigorous ways of cooking up such a thing. — fishfry
A wave is active, so it requires the passing of time, for its activity. So let's assume "space" is an active medium. Now suppose we try to make something static, like a circle or a square, within this medium which is active. The shape won't actually be the way it is supposed to be, because the medium is actively changing from one moment to the next. So if we want to make our shape, (circle or square), maintain its proper shape while it exists in an active medium, we need to determine the activity of the medium, so that we can adjust the shape accordingly. Understanding this activity would establish a true relationship between space and time, because defining this activity of space would provide us with a true measure of time. — Metaphysician Undercover
What I am talking about specifically, is dividing numbers. Divide ten by three, and you have a remainder of one. It is the remainder which is a problem. When we multiply numbers we never get remainders, yet we tend to treat division as the inversion of multiplication. It's actually quite different from multiplication because multiplication starts from premises of fundamental base units, whereas division presupposes no such base units.. So I think we need to pay close attention to this fact, that constructing a magnitude through multiplication is really a completely different process from destroying a magnitude through division. — Metaphysician Undercover
I don't understand how you would build an irrational length segment. — Metaphysician Undercover
What the law of identity says is that a thing is the same as itself. This puts the identity of the thing within the thing itself, not as what we say about the thing, or even the name we give it — Metaphysician Undercover
First, to be a thing is to have an identity — Metaphysician Undercover
Second, a thing is unique, and no two things are alike, and this is the principle Leibniz draws on — Metaphysician Undercover
So the law of identity is not concerned with how we refer to objects, it is a statement concerning the real existence of objects, as the objects that they are, independent of what we say about them — Metaphysician Undercover
To state the problem succinctly, set theory allows that two distinct things have the same identity, in the same way that we might say two distinct things are equal. The faulty premise is that things with the same value "2" for example, are the very same thing. In other words set theory premises that, "2" refers to an object, rather than a value assigned to an object. It is a category mistake to treat what "2" refers to, as a particular object, rather than as a universal principle. — Metaphysician Undercover
I think there are two issues becoming evident. One is that we do not know how to properly represent space. The irrational nature of the "square", and the "circle", as well as the incompatibility between the "point" and the "line" indicate deficiencies in our spatial representations. — Metaphysician Undercover
The other is that we do not know how to properly divide something. There is no satisfactory, overall "law of division", which can be consistently, and successfully used to divide a magnitude. We tend to look at division as the inversion of multiplication, "how many times" the divisor goes into the dividend. Because there is often a remainder, division really cannot be done in this way. The "square root of two" is a more complex example of this simple problem of division, the issue of the remainder. — Metaphysician Undercover
Why not move on, and inquiry what this principle tells us about numbers and spatial relations, instead of trying to disprove it. — Metaphysician Undercover
Yes, ok. — fishfry
Sure. Agreed. All open sets are measurable. — fishfry
Like f(x) = 2x stretching (0,1) to (0,2)? Yes. Open sets are easy if you don't require the maps to be isometries.
I don't know if the rotations or translations carry open sets to open sets. I'd tend to doubt it. — fishfry
If you're having intuitions of topologies or continuity, those are the wrong intuitions to be having. What's interesting though is that each orbit is dense — fishfry
I linked it in the post just before this one. Here's the link:I'm not sure what you mean. Can you please link your earlier post on B-T? — fishfry
However, with ubiquitous and incredibly powerful computing and no need for physicists to believe in a physical continuum, I would argue the average student is much better served by focusing on "what can the computer do for me", viewing constants algorithmically with arbitrary (to a physical limit of computation) precision potential determined in practice by one's problem, and building up intuitions around machine calculation (and analytical work including error bounds, computational complexity, along with analytical proofs of convergence when available, just in the "arbitrarily close to the limit" finitist framework); rather than, what we seem to all agree here, building up wrong intuitions about the real number system. — boethius
But you did give a wrong and misleading definition of an open set. I do have to say that. Open sets are really important. An open set in the reals is just like an interval without its endpoints. What matters about it is that "all its points are interior points." It doesn't include any points of its boundary. That's what makes open sets have the interesting properties that they do.
They're not really infinitesimal. They can be arbitrarily small. But they aren't "infinitely" small. In fact that is the great "arithmetization of analysis," the great founding of the continuous world of calculus on the discrete world of set theory. Instead of saying things are infinitely small, from now on say they're arbitrarily small. For every epsilon you can go even smaller. But in any individual instance, still nonzero. That's the essence of open sets. — fishfry
. It's still valid!What's wrong with the Banach-Tarsky paradox — Mephist