I thought we'd be able to incorporate implementation details (a description of them at least) into our types and differentiate them at that level followed by a truncation to Set as required for computation. Conor McBride and his talks on linear logic gave me that impression. If the problem is how to distinguish algorithms when reduced to Set, can't we just add some marker element and still retain UA? — RainyDay
Edit: No, I can't say that. I do care. Is there a formal way to express finiteness of execution? I presume you mean finite in principle. If we stick with computability as logicality, aren't we excluding non-computable statements from being logical? I see the appeal but it also seems to unnecessarily conflate two perfectly good concepts — RainyDay
If we stick with computability as logicality, aren't we excluding non-computable statements from being logical? — RainyDay
∑n=infinityn=1∑n=1n=infinity −1nn−1nn , as you can see in this series we have not indexed the set using negative numbers, and l think the series will not be well defined if we do not restrict R to natural numbers.( countable ) — Wittgenstein
I would have thought -- in fact I do think -- that each of these groups is an object in the category of groups; and that there are morphisms from one to the other and back whose compositions are the respective identities, hence the two groups are isomorphic. This is true in category theory. — fishfry
I would think that UA simply says that from now on I should just think of there being one group, the cyclic group of order 4, and I shouldn't care that there are two different set-theoretic presentations of it. Which is how we normally think of it anyway. Which is how I'm approaching UA. — fishfry
But your para is quite opaque to me. You say the integers mod 4 and the powers of i are NOT objects in the category of groups. I'm in deep trouble here, please throw me a lifeline. — fishfry
But to see them as functors, I'm not sure I get that. Functors from "categories with the appropriate structure of morphisms to the category of groups." Ayyy. I'm in trouble. Help me out please.
What are the categories with the appropriate structure etc.? Can you give me an example? — fishfry
I thought we'd be able to incorporate implementation details into our types and differentiate them at that level followed by a truncation to Set as required for computation. Conor McBride and his talks on linear logic gave me that impression. If the problem is how to distinguish algorithms when reduced to Set, can't we just add some marker element and still retain UA? — RainyDay
Is the UA intended to apply to standard set theory? — fishfry
Now if I imagine that there is exactly one set of each cardinality; and that the group of integers mod 4 and the powers of i are the same group (and not just two isomorphic groups) is that in the spirit of UA? Is this a simplified way of understanding it? — fishfry
I'm probably having trouble separating HoTT+UA from HoTT. Doesn't truncation allow us to ignore identifications where necessary anyway? — RainyDay
Is there an example you had in mind where we'd not want isomorphic structures identified and also not want UA? — RainyDay
1.If the segment is not made up of points, is it a non zero measure or something else ? — Wittgenstein
2.Can a divergent series be obtained from an uncountable set, ( I think it can be ) but can a convergent series be obtained from a uncountable set ? ( A sum that is definite must have a fundamental difference to a divergent one ) — Wittgenstein
an infinite convergent series sum is a different mathematical object compared to an infinite divergent series as we can have well defined results for earlier one — Wittgenstein
The measure of Cantor set is zero and that requires the existence of an infinite set.
Can you clarify on the representations of geometrical objects using an infinite set, I think finite sets suffice. — Wittgenstein
One point that I found enlightening was the suggestion that, to paraphrase, invariance under homotopy equivalence is a hallmark of logicality. — RainyDay
ernestm — ernestm
My point was more about setting up propositions that refuse analysis — I like sushi
We can NOT currently (as far as I understand it) get modern physics off the ground using nonconstructive math. The 't' in the Schrödinger equation is taken to be a variable that ranges over the standard mathematical real numbers, noncomputables at all.
I am aware of only one book that attempts to get physics working on nonconstructive math. That's a tiny drop of water in an ocean that needs to be filled. — fishfry
I will agree that synthetic differential geometry is some kind of counterexample to my claim but I don't know enough about it. But SDG is not the same as nonconstructive approaches, is it? I thought SDG is just a categorical approach to infinitesimals so it's more like a complementary idea to nonstandard analysis. Not something directly related to homotopy type theory or neo-intuitionism or whatever. — fishfry
I would never call B-T a "physical" result. On the contrary it's only a technical result regarding the isometry group of Euclidean 3-space, which happens to contain a copy of the free group on two letters, which has a paradoxical decomposition — fishfry
I've heard of lambda calculus but don't know anything about it except that everyone thinks it's terribly important. I gave the Wiki a quick scan and they pointed out in their section on beta reduction that "The lambda calculus may be seen as an idealised version of a functional programming language ..." — fishfry
Ok. But a functional programming language can't do anything a Turing machine can't, and in fact Turing proved that TMs are equivalent to the lambda calculus, and Turing machines can't crank out the digits of noncomputable numbers. So once again I'm up to my original brick wall of understanding. Or misunderstanding. — fishfry
You are advocating nonconstructive foundations. It's in that context that my remarks make sense. We can NOT currently (as far as I understand it) get modern physics off the ground using nonconstructive math — fishfry
If I could only understand this. You are saying that if I can prove a theorem at all, I can prove it using constructive methods, by adding certain axioms. This could be within my grasp. What are the axioms that make this work? — fishfry
I know of Bishop's book and I even know a book where a physicist tried to do constructive physics. That's a project in its infancy but you constructivists will have to face the problem someday. Physics is founded on classical math, ie continuity and the real numbers as defined in set theory. — fishfry
I am grateful for your summary and I will try to work through it at some point. I have to confess I did not dive into this exposition but I'm glad you wrote it — fishfry
I can't agree that intuition is useful here. Intuitively, the even numbers adjoined with a single odd number are "larger" than the even numbers; and in fact this is confirmed by the proper subset relationship. But these two sets have the same cardinality. This is specifically a point of confusion for beginners. I reject naive intuition here and insist that "bigger" means injection but no surjection, end of story and no intuition allowed! Intuition is exactly what gets students into trouble when they first learn the math of infinity. — fishfry
Moreover if you reject the axiom of choice (necessary if you reject LEM) there are "amorphous" sets that have no sensible cardinality at all. Such sets defy anyone's intuition. — fishfry
And where does this map exist? Where is the 'place' where this map is stored and retained, ready for later use? The only thing I know of that can store an idea is a conscious mind. Perhaps there is some other container that can also achieve this, but what and where is it, this store? — Pattern-chaser
You mentioned a lot of other interesting things that I'll try to get to later. One was about LEM and HOTT. I was not under the impression that HOTT is a constructivist theory. — fishfry
Yes of course, but this in my opinion is not really related to intuitionism.I'm sure Voevodsky believed in uncountable sets. — fishfry
A machine could verify Cantor's theorem. So I am not sure that HOTT and constructive math are the same. — fishfry
I'm not sure what that means. You can't iterate through a set unless it's well-ordered. And there are sets that are not well-ordered, unless you accept the axiom of choice, which implies LEM. How would you iterate through the real numbers, for example? Here's how I'd do it. First, well-order the reals. Second, use transfinite recursion. Those are two powerful principles of math not available to constructivists. I don't know how constructivists feel about transfinite recursion, but it applies to very large sets that constructivists can't possibly believe in.
But the "for all" operator can be applied to the reals without the need for such powerful machinery as the axiom of choice and transfinite recursion. You just say "for all reals" and you're good. That's much more powerful than iteration IMO. — fishfry
Here's why IVT is false in constructive math. IVT, you will recall, says that if a function from the reals to the reals is continuous, and if it takes a negative value at one point x and a positive value at another point y, then it must be zero at some point between x and y.
That is if we have f(x) < 0 and f(y) > 0 then there exists p with x < p < y and f(p) = 0. This is intuitively correct about a continuous function f.
If you take the standard real line and omit all the noncomputable points, you get the computable real line. The computable real line is full of holes where the noncomputable reals used to be — fishfry
One thing I do know is that the axiom of choice implies LEM. To reject the axiom of choice involves throwing out quite a lot of modern math. — fishfry
where is this "Platonic world", where the plans for the Universe are stored until they are needed? For if the map/plan exists, and this Platonic world is where it exists, then where is this Platonic world? Your surmise seems to rest upon your having an answer to this question, doesn't it? :wink: :chin: — Pattern-chaser
When we don't have a pattern, we can't extrapolate, calculate or do the other usual mathematical stuff. Yet of course something not having a pattern is still logical and still part of mathematics — ssu
Same thing with immeasurability or non-measurability. Take for example the non-measurable sets like the Vitali set — ssu
What the axiom of infinity says is that {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} is a set, not just a collection. That's a much stronger statement. Without the axiom of infinity we still have PA and everything that we can do with it. But we don't have the powerset of the natural numbers nor do we have an easy way to get the theory of the real numbers off the ground. — fishfry
But Cantor doesn't prove that P(A) is bigger than A. He proves that there is no surjection from A to P(A); then we DEFINE "bigger" to mean there's no surjection. — fishfry
Yes. But then you can't get the theory of the real numbers off the ground and the intermediate value theorem is false. The constructivists counter: The IVT becomes true again we only consider computable functions. — fishfry
That's reassuring :-)Yes agreed. We agree on everything — fishfry
I just think the world of the full powerset of N is richer and more interesting than the computable powerset. That's an aesthetic judgment. And it's more useful. That's a pragmatic judgment. — fishfry
Nobody has yet succeeded in developing a computable or constructive theory of physics. People are working on it. Perhaps we'll need another few decades to get more insight into this question. — fishfry
I read that article and didn't fully understand it or the point you're making — fishfry
I agree. And I think Godel himself would agree: he built this model to confute Hilbert's idea that there is no truth except formal logic.Math is more than Gödel numbering — fishfry
I think Godel's idea was something similar to what I tried to express in (https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/5792/is-mathematics-discovered-or-invented): there exists a meaning of truth based on a physical world that is more "fundamental" than the physical world that we observe.Gödel himself was a Platonist. I found that surprising when I first learned it. He believed there is mathematical truth "out there" that's beyond the limitations of formal systems. — fishfry
The axiomatization of mathematical ideas is invented, but our axiomatizations are based on some many underlying objective facts observations of nature that are discovered — Pattern-chaser
I don't believe this is true. ZF is a first-order theory with a countably infinite language that easily proves uncountable sets exist. See Cantor's theorem, as simple a proof as one can imagine for a fact so profound. — fishfry
No I don't believe so. This is confusing syntax with semantics. A formal theory consists of finite-length strings of symbols. But models of those theories are not strings of symbols. They're sets, often quite large ones. — fishfry
I don't see why calculus cannot be defined purely in terms of potential infinity. A limit should approach but never reach actual infinity: — Devans99