Do you mean most people have moral attitudes and opinions? I would agree with that. — Andrew4Handel
Anthromorphizing compositional fallacy at the very least. And, without a clear conception of "consciousness" either in philosophy or science, the phrase "consciousness-bearing" is uninformative. The rest of your post, trafficking as it does in pseudo-science / misinterpreting QM's 'observer effect', doesn't make much sense either except maybe as wishful thinking (i.e. "theology"). Lastly, I don't recognize the theisms of Abrahamic, Vedic, or any other pagan faiths in your account, ucarr, so on that point, again, I don't know what you mean by "theism" or, for that matter, "atheism". — 180 Proof
NOS has been more gracious than I could ask for. He's rational, to the point, and eminently non-abusive. — frank
1. What does the discussion's place have to do with my argument?The whole discussion takes place in the shadow of Plato. You're offering his middle period view. — frank
How long is a thread about what cannot be said? — Banno
Of course, without any basis to "doubt" as my post history demonstrates). — 180 Proof
So did I, only to find out much later that they were not really Hungarian, most of them. They were Grimm and Anderson and translated from German - sort of pan-European fairy tales. The illustrator dressed Hansel and Gretel in a different national costume, but the witch a leftover from medieval Christian boogie-lore. They all bear the imprint of Imperial civilization: monarchy, the importance of power, wealth and glitz, with an overlay of the bootstap mythos. — Vera Mont
There was no "proposition". — Vera Mont
This is why all peasant revolutions in the middle ages failed. They had the power, they had the numbers, but they had not the idea.
ā god must be atheist
Or any weapons, supplies, fortifications, armour, horses, trained leaders or soldiers. I don't think an idea would have got them past the moat. — Vera Mont
Yes, your sense of smell is right. I noticed that Vera was upset at anything, even facts, and definitely of opinions, that gave more weight to the then contemporary situation than to left wing truths that are known now. I am definitely a leftie, but I am able to put myself into the era's historical reality, I BELIEVE (but can't prove it) better than Vera. This is why I became arrogant: because she was unable to adjust her thinking mode that was necessary to assert the situation. She thought as a modern leftie, and she was unable to see that in that era the reality had no relevance to her sentiments now.I think I smell arrogance — Benj96
I have already created an entire method and system of philosophy using axioms such as these, as well as others. my conclusions prove mental monism true. It really is quite a spectacular system. I am almost ready to publish and am looking for editors. Iām also ready to present my work in a formalized setting. — TheGreatArcanum
as a foundation for a new modal method which is based, not in the concepts of necessity and possibility (as antitheses), but the concepts of necessity and contingency (antitheses). — TheGreatArcanum
why line the highway with crucified rebels? — Vera Mont
If entity A is necessary for the existence of entity B (and B is not necessary for A), then does it necessarily follow that that entity A is also logically prior to entity B, and if entity A is logically prior to entity B, does that not also mean that it is temporally prior to entity B as well (in terms of the first possible occurrence of entity B), or does logical necessity not necessarily also imply temporal priority?
Does Necessity Imply Temporal Priority? — TheGreatArcanum
I am looking to use the a priori analytic truth: "If A is necessary for B (and B is not necessary for A), then A is necessarily either logically prior or both logically and temporally prior to B in time (in terms of the absolute first possible occurrence of B), as a foundation .. etc.. — TheGreatArcanum
I agree with the first sentence. the second sentence is an opinion, and I think it is irrelevant.I think that the logic of quantum mechanics is ultimately derived from classical logic. this is because quantum logical pertains to spatial categories, and space is not eternal. — TheGreatArcanum
bones are necessary for human bodies, so all you have to do is prove that human bodies can exist independently of bones (in terms of the first possible occurrence), and you will have proven me wrong and you right.
If you wish to call yourself a philosopher, here is your chance to prove yourself. — TheGreatArcanum
If entity A is necessary for the existence of entity B (and B is not necessary for A), then does it necessarily follow that that entity A is also logically prior to entity B, and if entity A is logically prior to entity B, does that not also mean that it is temporally prior to entity B as well (in terms of the first possible occurrence of entity B), or does logical necessity not necessarily also imply temporal priority? — TheGreatArcanum
is therefore not logically possible in this context. — SpaceDweller
Correlation does imply causation. — Bartricks
To A. Smith: if you think you can get Bartricks to agree with anything, then you set yourself up to a Gargantuan task. Moses could get water out of a rock for his people in the desert by simply asking, and rather convincingly. Moses himself could not squeeze an agreement out of Bartricks, in my opinion.Correlation ?ā?ā causation. Would you agree? — Agent Smith