Metaphysics - what is it? Meta, meaning "above", and physics, meaning "matter and whathaveyou"...
Metaphysics is seriously just a Philosophical attempt to answer "What is?" It's like the study of what there is. There's a whole field of Philosophy devoted to something else which no one can seem to explain, but that is still ultimately just what Metaphysics is. The ancient Greeks wanted to know what there was. Were there forms and modes? Was there just atoms and the void? That, by my estimation, is what Metaphysics was, and is still, I would argue, ultimately what Metaphysics is. It's sort of absurd now for Philosophy to answer Metaphysical questions when there are scientists. If someone thinks that Metaphysics is really something else, then I don't see why they shouldn't get into it and discover whatever it is that they will or can from that. I'm not terribly interested in Metaphysics because I just think that that's what it is. It can be fun to engage in Metaphysics, and I suppose that that does have a place in Philosophy, but it is kind of absurd anymore.
Edit: Like, the term either means something like "to see the physical world from the Archimedian Point" or to "transcend the physical world". It's a whole lot of theories proceeding from there. I honestly can't quite say what Metaphysics is either, and I honestly suspect for this to have something to do with pretense in Philosophy. I do think that that just is what Metaphysics is, though.
Like, it's just how Aristotle navigated that there was Philosophy and that you were supposed to believe in the gods. In a way, it's just Philosophy, but what I think that Metaphysics ultimately does is to just simply ask, "What is?"