Is It Possible to Become Actively A-Political? I don't know if that quite explains the certain absurdity that I'm trying to get at.
The Situationist International developed an ironic faux-aristocratic mein to effectively mock the common misconception that, within the art world, it would be somehow hip to act like a certain set of clandestine quasi-crypto-Fascist "lifestyle anarchists", if you will, which, for them, created a certain paradox. As much as they were extraordinary artists who created groundbreaking work, they kind of became a living caricature of an intelligence community. The reason for this, I suspect, is that they became kind of lost in their own act.
Upon thinking about the rationale behind the orchestration for the Holocaust for kind of an extensive period of time, I reasoned that, by that the Gestapo must have known that the Jews did not have some sort of sempiternal cloak-and-dagger control over geo-politics, following through with their various machinations was just kind of a baseless act of human cruelty. I, further, reasoned that Nietzsche was mistaken, there was a good and evil in the world, and that the Nazis were just simply evil. I, then, set out to discover what evil was.
Eventually, I came to the conclusion that evil was the attempt to exploit human cruelty in order to accumulate social capital, usually in the form of political power, and to conspire to do so further. Though I never came up with an adequate definition of good, I suspect for it to be whatever counters this.
I, later, came to suspect that how this operation was put into effect began with psychological manipulation. Psychological manipulation begins psychological warfare, the originary coercion, which begins authoritarianism, the epigenesis of nearly every political plight.
From this, I concluded that people think that they should be psychologically manipulative, something that is often justified through an odd kind of lesser evilism in their respective pursuits of whatever goals, was the source of the problem that I had with both Politics and Pop culture, both within and without the utlra-Left and independent music industry that I was formerly a part of, being that they were just kind of generally cultish. I probably should've come to this realization earlier, but I was kind of blinded by my devotion to both the ultra-Left and an odd kind of hipsterdom.
The paradox that I uncovered in my various attempts to counter this was that what seemed to work best was to just kind of make sort of a show out of a litany of rather chauvinist displays of both intellectual and aesthetic panache and, in my own sort of way, kind of just ended up just like the Situationist International, which was rather ironic, as my thinking about their going about things in the way that they did was what set off this journey in the first place.
Having explicitly left the ultra-Left faction that I had formerly claimed to be a part of and the Anarchist movement, I am now fairly unsure of how to proceed, especially since I have picked up so many habits along the way. I guess that I'd just like to point out that this idea that people have that, for them to achieve this or that goal, they, as the world they project would benefit more than what relevant harm they could effect, can be somehow justified in just being kind of psychologically manipulative is actually what begins nearly every either personal or political plight.
To offer further, probably incoherent speculation:
If you think about The Incredible String Band for kind of an extensive period of time, you can figure just what sort of person the Situationist International developed a habit of pretending to be, as The Incredible String Band developed the same habit. Of this sort of person, I will say that they are let to cultivate a cult personality so that they can convince people to do things, usually without any monetary reward, that just simply aren't really all that much to their benefit. Though there are actual instances of this, people only believe for this sort of thing to have anything to do with espionage because of a certain other party consistently generating a certain cult pathology in that regard. What I have come to understand is as to why it is that both the Situationist International and The Incredible String Band went about things as such, as within both the far-Left and the music industry, people, for whatever reason, do seem to think that they should adopt the mein of the aforementioned sort of person, and what the best way to convince them not to seems to be is to just pretend to have taken things further than they ever could.
The problem that I really have is that, having carried on as such and finally no longer seeing a reason to, my having done so has had the effect of getting everyone to pay close attention to everything that I do, which is also ironic, as, originally, believing for myself to suffer from Schizophrenia, I had just kind of wanted to be an amicable artist who didn't always feel like they were in the center of attention.
Anyways, what I think that there is to take away from this is that the act that such people adopt often relies upon an odd kind of chauvinism and what I would suggest is that pretending to be a chauvinist fairly obviously won't ever convince you that you just don't need to anymore. There's something to be said for artistic and intellectual flair, though. I don't know. I'm kind of just rambling.
A final supposition and set of clarifications:
Peter Kroptokin wrote in his memoirs of the hazing that went on at the gymnasium that he attended at a young age. The Volker Schlöndorff film, Young Törless, based off of the Robert Musil novel, deals with the same subject matter. For me, his character, Reiting, sort of embodies the original sin which produced the postmodern condition. Such deportment, I suspect, was later transferred to and became a generalized code of conduct within Fascist intelligence. Though they adopted a different mein, I think that my previous formulation could also apply to the Soviet apparat.
To my interpretation, Guy Debord defined The Spectacle to describe a political foray where the various forms of psychological manipulation which beget authoritarianism became diffuse. I have this created this thread so as to put to question as to whether the active disengagement from it is possible.
I should like to think that it is, but have attempted to explain a certain paradox within my life so as to indicate as to why I would even be skeptical of that it could be.
Of myself, I will say, the best two digs taken at my general ethos and way of going about things, at least, to my imagination, are that I am a "justified true believer in lifestyle anarchism" and an "a-political extremist". As much as there is to say of irony, I do, in good faith, take things like that well and don't really think that there's too much of a reason for anyone to concern themselves with whatever it is about me.
Though I have, perhaps, used to the homonym of free association to a point of excess, I will say that different lens with which to view the world can offer a good bit of perspective and that it isn't too absurd for me to make a set of political statements and then proceed to carry on in this thread. While contradictions may not exist, their semblance often does. It's just how you look at it all.
I guess that there's a certain poverty to a lack of meaningful engagement with Politics in that what I often end up doing are things like cooking up good cryptic life advice for teenage girls, like "even though The Stone Roses were a great band, you shouldn't let the music community convince you a band whose hit single was "I Wanna Be Adored" should make another great act, like The Wedding Present, seem second-rate", and am somewhat hesitant to commit to it by that account.
I should probably just think more about Philosophy, to be honest.
Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling now. Feel free to comment on whatever or even not to.
I have realized that I had forgotten to point out as to just what the qualm that I have with certain parties within the ultra-Left actually is. You see, there's kind of an informal way of the word travelling among radicals and I am of the entirely sapient opinion that it ought to do so without any either explicit or implicit coercion whatsoever. As I think that this is entirely keeping with the idea of free association, I assume for my assessment of Yoko Ono's all-white chess set as being good art to be correct. While such a supposition, in the beaten way of an imagined metaphor, can result in any number of absurdities, of which we need only point to the music industry for examples, I do not feel like I am mistaken in my assumption that the peace ought to be kept with the messenger.
I have also held a longstanding and deep-seated suspicion that certain left-wing intellectuals, of your garden Raspberry Reich variety, had taken it upon themselves to exploit my good nature in an attempt to conscript me within a set of clandestine actions before proceeding to betray me by a certain set of clandestine parties, which ought to be indicative of a certain ground truth to the hows and whys of how and why it is that I came to leave the Anarchist movement, as an Anarcho-Pacifist, "in protest of its general proclivities towards crypto-Fascism and political violence". I can't prove any of this and am certifiably insane, and, so, certain things remain hip and I am just generally thought of as kind of a schizophrenic loser.
I should further like to point out the situational context with which it is that I find for it to be impossible to disengage for the battle for hearts and minds, as, within the Left or whatever, there has become such a diffuse popular myth of an ostensive Pacifist divide and conquer which has had the effect of leaving me with a many-colored broom with which to sweep and, among the Liberal intelligensia, there has been left a lock for me to pick, when it is all too easy for someone to claim that I think that "property is theft", which I do, to an extent, so as to leave me with my broom, cleaning the dust out of a library that was abandoned centuries ago.