I answered that question in another post today.
Two great social-scientists, P.T. Barnum and W.C. Fields, have the answer to that question:
P.T. Barnum said that there's sucker born every minute.
W.C. Fields said, "Never give a sucker an even break."
Between them, those two experts explain society and the way it is (and always will be)."
---Michael Ossipoff
I agree with what you say is true, but I also that such problems are aspects of the human condition and blaming people for being suckers in certain situations is almost like blaming animals for having to walk on four legs instead of two. Often when we are young we can sense that the world is messed up but in order to fit in and/or maintain our sanity we cut ourselves off from some of these senses and if the powers that be rig the system to take advantage of us because we take part in a kind of group which has this negative aspect of it, I'm not sure what can be done about it.
Our society often promotes those that act as bobble head/yes-man type mentalities and penalizes those who think for themselves or those who "don't always work well in groups". When the 1% surround themselves with too many bobble heads, it because nearly impossible for them to get a counter opinion to whatever they think and believe because they are surrounded by those unable and/or unwilling of getting a opposing opinion based upon what they are doing wrong. Hopefully I have not gone on a tangent from what you said in your post.... .
"Why are our world's people like that?
I suggest that natural-selection created a large class of suckers, because a two-tiered system of sheep and herders was adaptive (at least in prehistoric times).
The sheep (suckers) are matched to their herders like a glove to a hand. It's uncanily like Huxeley's "Brave New Worldl", except that there's nothing new about it. ...and, where, in the novel, it was done by drugging, in real life, it was done by natural selection.
Yes, we have a lot to thank evolution, natural-selection for. But it just happens that it resulted in a population of sheep. ...suckers.
Get used to it. Accept it."
---Michael Ossipoff
Or maybe we are already partly HARDWIRED to be sheep because of an aspect of evolution which happen in the past. Julian Jaynes's book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" he explains his theory that in our early evolution we were not conscience/self aware as we are today and instead had a "talker"/"listener" aspects instead. I'm kind of guessing the "ego" was almost split between the superego and the id, and the ego/id would try it's best to do what was expected by the "ego/superego" since it acted as a commanding voice/authority of what it "ought" to be doing at any given time.
Or another way to put it, for both the bicameral as well as post bicameral(modern people) minds, slef awareness, rationality, etc is often trickier than we normally think it should be since our minds were really never designed to function in such a way because our nature CRAVES for a more simplistic world...perhaps where enough of us are still in bicameral mode and we don't have to worry about others trying to find ways to trick and use us for their own purposes. Also this might explain a little bita bout religion as well, but I covered that in another post..
"But need things have been like that?
I don't know. It could be argued that any social species is likely to end up like that, due to conditions during its early evolution.
But the Eastern religious/philosophical traditions say that there's a wide variety of worlds in which people are born--some like ours, some a lot better, and no doubt some that are worse.
Maybe we were all born into the Land of the Lost because that was what we were (for some reason) deserving of, good for, or inclined toward in some way.
I don't know.
I'd like to add that it seems to me that, if there's reincarnation, past-lives are indeterminate. This life doesn't need an explanation, in terms of a past life. Each life, such as this one, is free-standing and independent, without need of any past-life origin or explanation.
But nevertheless, if there's reincnarnation, then, among the infinity of life-experience possibility-stories, there are likely to be life possibility-stories that would lead to this life, as their next one.
I realize that reincarnation isn't a universally-accepted fact. But this discussion of possible explanations for how things are led to it.
I mention reincarnation because I wanted to mention various explanations for how things are in this world. ...and a possible explanation for all of us being born in the Land of the Lost."
----Michael Ossipoff
If reincarnation exists I think it works in that whatever animals or plants that use the water, minerals, vitamins, etc are sort of "you" (just as "you are a sort of a representation of any being that used the same resources that makes up you at this particular moment) after you are no longer here but since there is no construct to save our memory and our mind (the main source of what makes up our conscience), I have a bit of a problem with any reincarnation that doesn't resolve this. Because of this I think it is probably best for anyone/everyone to delay going off to the great beyond, even if it takes being put into an ice cube for centuries or millenniums is need be. As the old saying goes "any port in a storm", or I at least that is the proper analogy at least.