You appear to be the Kelley-Ann Conway of talking about relativity. Free speech has its limits, if you're just a troll. Keep trolling and I myself will request you be banned. — tim wood
So now we have mind without brains and life without physical bodies — prothero
biology, chemistry and physics which underlie it, — prothero
In fact my argument is about a discrete movement. — bahman
generated by my mind — Xav
hat scientific observations and physical empirical measurements do not explain everything, they are a good starting point for deeper insights — prothero
Fair enough. Just something to contemplate then.I don't know how the universe came to be — Xav
The only thing I can know is that I exist and I believe I exist as some kind of contextual existence because I am inarguable more than the matter that makes me. — Xav
you state that every event has a purpose, you are setting forth the basis of religious doctrine. It inserts meaning into life as it indicates higher purpose and a reason for our being in existence. — Hanover
Not that facts, science or even empirical data — prothero
d as I said before, no one gives much of a thing for factory workers anyway. — Coldlight
Clocks run based on physical principles. In the case of atomic clocks on the emissions of atoms. If the physical process on which the clocks keep time is slowed by gravity there is little reason to think the chemical processes, biochemical processes and other processes of life — prothero
We are all involved in sharing experiences." are both statements that you believe are true of ALL minds, — Harry Hindu
But minds are not created from nothing, they are a context of the physical world and how was the nature of the cosmos generated? There cannot be an answer. — Xav
made of atoms and in turn waves of energy resonating into matter — Xav
results of evolution and our physical anatomy and the behavioral results of it. — Xav
Give me one example of something that has been created from nothing — Xav
Time dilation is a real observable and measurable phenomena. Time dilation is seen in both special relativity (relative motion) and general relativity (gravity or acceleration) .
In fact the GPS system would be worthless were the effects of time dilation on the clocks in the satellites not taken into account. In this instance general relativity (gravity) effects dominate. — prothero
I think the idea of creation is an inherently flawed concept — Xav
I am confused if you disagree with the fact that we are all bouncy particles, that yes were discovered recently and so what, what do you think we are? — Xav
As for why we eat big macs despite the repercussions is very simple. Our design .. — Xav
What constructs the essence of one's being? — Lone Wolf
I don't believe that mind can be observed — Janus
Take your pick; whatever you choose, you will find plenty of others that disagree. — Janus
There are many discernible states of change within the "one BIG STATE" of change that we call the universe. That is what science studies states of change, rates of change and regularities of change. Do you find a problem with that? — Janus
Sentience most certainly did not create the universe. — Xav
Please someone tell me if I'm making any sense or if I should go see a psychologist. — Xav
You can cut off your legs, arms; remove various parts of the body such as the spleen and kidneys; several feet of intestine; you can even gat a machine to do your breathing and pumping blood - all miraculously WITHOUT affecting the functioning of the mind.
If you do ANYTHING to the brain, you change the mind is profound ways. — charleton
What do you think it could be? — Harry Hindu
objective state-of-affairs (laws) — Harry Hindu
My argument has nothing to do with Zeno argument. What I am arguing is that you need a mind with ability to annihilate and create in order to have motion. — bahman
Of course there is the laws of nature. We experience it in any moment of our lives. Mind is however dominate to the laws of nature. — bahman