Here I go repeating myself; but, that can only depend on one world from within a stipulation of another possible world can be made. — Wallows
Yes, but I don't understand how you can quantify modal relations. Sure, I can set up a frame of reference wrt. to this world relative to another world where something might have happened otherwise than in this one; but, that's the limit of what I can do. I can't say that something happened if I did nothing in this world that would conditionally restrain another world where the event could have happened otherwise. — Wallows
Each of the modal logic axioms we have discussed corresponds to a condition on frames in the same way. The relationship between conditions on frames and corresponding axioms is one of the central topics in the study of modal logics. Once an interpretation of the intensional operator □ has been decided on, the appropriate conditions on R can be determined to fix the corresponding notion of validity. This, in turn, allows us to select the right set of axioms for that logic.
Ok, so this touches the crux of the issue. Basically, I understand logic to be pluralistic not unitary, so predicate logic might converge with modal logic; but, not absolutely. What do you think? The case I'm making is in regards to when do they converge or don't in this thread. — Wallows
I don't really know what you mean by "political leanings", I was just wondering about this kind of stuff — TogetherTurtle
As for presenting things as statements and only using your own observations, I don't know what other way you would present an idea. How would you know something unless you read it somewhere or saw it? — TogetherTurtle
Let me preface this next statement by saying I wholeheartedly believe that killing people is wrong. I think it's wrong, and from your statements, I assume you do as well. Clearly, Hitler and many of his followers didn't. What makes us correct morally in thinking that it's wrong? I know that it's wrong, and many people think it's wrong as well, but that's more of an opinion and less of an objective truth. — TogetherTurtle
So far, what has been said about the shortcomings of philosophy seems quite unfair considering philosophy has played its part of providing the necessary information — BrianW
But, what I'm grappling with may be more succinctly described as to how does quantification work for other possible worlds? — Wallows
Hardly pointless, friend. The average Joe, utterly unlike a computer, does not do calculations when he understands, thinks, make judements, and uses his mind. . Making distinctions here is necessary. Nor is there a reason to depict logic and math as something only the more intelligent people can do. — Anthony
How does one 'know' epistemically when an accessibility relation obtains or is successful or not? I am mainly interested in that regards. — Wallows
For centuries there have been the subjugated and the subjugators, and it is often said that the victors write history. I challenge this. Often, when looking back at history, modern societies see some as the victim and talk more about them than the aggressors. Of course, they were aggressors. — TogetherTurtle
. I propose that there is not a "good" or "bad" side of anything, just the side that we agree with now and everything else. Constantly I see historical figures being vilified or being hailed as heroes, which of course is fine on its own, but should we be teaching that to children as objective truth? — TogetherTurtle
To refer to a machine as being intelligent is a blunder of intelligence. None of the definitions of "intelligence" can be satisfied by machines. Every definition (save the misnomer referring to computers) of intelligence includes terms like capacity to understand, to think, reason, make judgments; and mental capacity. These terms are precisely outside the ambit of what computers can do, so why was such a poor term chosen for computing operations and data processing of a machine — Anthony
I mean as little as possible by it so as to leave open to interpretation what it could mean. Most generally, I take just to mean "capable of being understood" whether by humans or any other rational creature. My intuition for its truth is that any "world" that were completely incapable of being conceptualized in any way by any kind of rational creature would not qualify as a world at all. It would essentially be chaos. — Mentalusion
Agree about the math formalism, but I don't see why the premise wouldn't work with whatever theory of numbers you accept, whether platonic, intuitionist, whatever. Are you suggesting it makes sense to suppose there could be different possible worlds where, say, constructivist , platonic, etc. interpretations hold in each? I guess my assumption is you would first have to decide what you think numbers are before running off to look for them in different possible worlds. — Mentalusion
1. Any possible world that is intelligible is such that it contains some structure and form.
1a. All possible worlds are intelligible
2. At least some aspect of all structure and form is inherently quantifiable
3. Anything quantifiable is capable of being expressed numerically
4. All possible worlds contain aspects that are capable of numeric expression
5. The capacity for expressing numbers is sufficient for numbers to exist (whether or not anyone uses them or has discovered how to use them)
6. Numbers exist in all possible worlds
7. Therefore, numbers necessarily exist — Mentalusion
Logically I would state that the reason why aleph-null makes no sense is because like both aleph-null and the numbers on the list are infinity, then to say that aleph-null is in any way different from the numbers on the list is to state that the numbers on the list have an ending. This is because for them to actually be different is for both numbers to end in a difference. Such statement may sound illogical at first glance because no matter what number appears it will always be different, however the point is that if we think about it aleph-null is still impossible to fully become different. — Emmanuele
As I said, and provided examples for, some divisions of degree are arbitrary, I didn't say that all are arbitrary. But the fact that some are, is all that's required to disprove Ikolos' claim that quantity is what is measured. Actually, quantity is the measurement. — Metaphysician Undercover
That's not even an argument, the number of degrees in a circle is not arbitrary, it was chosen because it's "easy to do basic math with". — Metaphysician Undercover
1. Infinity is a never ending quantity.
2. Infinity is not a number. — Emmanuele
Btw, countable and uncountable infinity is counterintuitive, insane and nonsensical. Cantor was a lunatic. — Emmanuele
First of all the new number has conditioned itself to be infinitely different from the one on the list. In no possible way can the number be the one on the list, however the same can be said by the number on the list ever actually being a quantity. It has and will never end. Thus they're both infinite numbers, and thus they both have the same length. The only difference is the rate at which they grow. — Emmanuele
Second of all the rate of growth in infinite numbers is not a valid argument to define N (aleph-null) as an ordinal 'uncountable infinite'. This is because the rate of growth can still be achieved without ever actually having the list to being with. This new number N is in no way different or special from the numbers on the list. — Emmanuele
Third of all the rate of growth to infinity does not change at all the fact that they're both infinite. Saying that some N1 is infinite will then have an N2 being infinite proceed from that one makes no sense and is mathematically possible but absolutely irrational, and a waste of time for your brain to acknowledge. But people don't understand these three simple concepts. — Emmanuele
The units of measurement, which are counted as a quantity, are very often created by the human mind, for the purpose of measurement, they are artificial. So "quantity", as the thing measured, is not necessarily presupposed. In the cases where we cannot find individual units to count, we simply create them, giving us the capacity to measure without there being any real quantity which is being measured. — Metaphysician Undercover
That number of degrees around a circle is complete arbitrary. The circle could be divided into an infinite number of degrees, and there could be an infinite number of degrees between each of the four right angles, — Metaphysician Undercover
If so, the cure is then to abstain from philosophy. — javra
↪MindForged Our cranky and inarticulate friend has a point in that there is a difference between a conceptual definition of a number, which describes the properties that anything fitting the definition of a 'number' ought to have, and its particular theoretical construction, such as von Neumann's (which was designed to meet the requirements of the conceptual definition). — SophistiCat
This is the condition to CONSIDER the 'singleton'(I trust you on the term) as the number one, but not to DEFINE it. Numbers are defined by a postulate and succession: see Peano Arithmetics( 0 is number(POSTULATE). If n is a number, then n+1 is number.(AXIOM) Then 1 is a number, as 0+1=1.) — Ikolos
Thinking infinity has THE QUANTITY OF WHICH NO QUANTITY IS GREATER is the MEDIEVAL conception of infinity. — Ikolos
This is the 'singoletto'(I don't know the English word, kind of 'single set') not of a number. — Ikolos
I'm curious about what the problems really are — Andrew M
That Aristotelian and classical logic are distinct will hardly be denied. But it might
well be suggested that the adoption of classical logic did not revise Aristotelian logic
in any interesting sense: Aristotelian logic was perfectly correct as far as it went; it was just incomplete. Classical logic simply extended it to a more complete theory. Such a suggestion would be false. It is a well-known fact, often ignored by philosophers (though not, perhaps, historians of philosophy) that Aristotelian logic is incompatible with classical logic in just the same way that non-Euclidean geometries are incompatible with Euclidean geometry. A central part of Aristotelian logic is syllogistic, and the most natural translation of the syllogistic forms into classical logic is as follows:
AaB | All As are Bs ∀x(Ax ⊃ Bx)
AeB | No As are Bs ¬∃x(Ax ∧ Bx)
AiB | Some As are Bs ∃x(Ax ∧ Bx)
AoB | Some As are not Bs ∃x(Ax ∧ ¬Bx)
Given this translation, Aristotelian syllogistic gives verdicts concerning the validity
of some syllogisms that are inconsistent with classical logic. Consider the inferences
called by the medievals Darapti and Camestros, which are, respectively:
All Bs are Cs
All Bs are As
Hence some As are Cs
All Cs are Bs
No As are Bs
Hence some As are not Cs
Both of these are valid syllogisms. Both are invalid in classical logic. The problem is, of course, one of existential import. Some syllogisms seem to presuppose that various categories are instantiated. It is sometimes suggested that the problem can be repaired by adding the import to the translations explicitly. Specifically, we add the clause ∃xAx to each of the a and e forms. (It would be redundant in the other two.) This is, indeed, sufficient to render all the syllogistic forms classically valid, but the problem with this is that it invalidates other central parts of Aristotelian logic, notably, the square of opposition. The square is:
AaB| AeB
AiB | AoB
where the claims on the top line are contraries; on the bottom line are sub-contraries; and on both diagonals are contradictories. Now it is clear that, once the a form is augmented with existential import, a and o are not contradictories: both are false if
there are no As. For the same reason, neither are e and i.
Another suggested repair is to add existential import to the a form (but not the e), and take the o form to be its negation (∃x(Ax ∧¬Bx)∨¬∃xAx). This validates all the syllogisms and the square of opposition. The oddity of taking ‘some As are not Bs’ to be true if there are no As is clear enough. But more importantly, this repair invalidates another part of the traditional logic: the inferences of obversion. Specifically, obversion permits the inference from ‘no As are Bs’ to ‘all As are non-Bs’; which fails if the e form
is not existentially loaded. Obversion is not in Aristotle, but it is a perfectly standard
part of traditional logic.
It is sometimes suggested that, rather than adding existential import to the translations explicitly, we should take the instantiation of all the categories involved to be a global presupposition.This is a move of desperation. If it is correct, then we cannot use syllogistic to reason, e.g. in mathematics, where we certainly do not make such presuppositions. I don’t think that the traditional logicians who endorsed syllogistic believed this. Moreover, if we were to allow validity to have contingent presuppositions, pretty much anything could be made to be valid.
More importantly, the suggestion really will not save syllogistic. All winged horses
are horses, and all winged horses have wings. Applying Darapti, we may infer that there are some winged horses. The argument clearly generalizes. All As are As. A fortiori, all ABs are As; and symmetrically, all ABs are Bs. By Darapti it follows that there are some ABs. Thus syllogistic allows us to prove that any two categories intersect.
And if it be replied that this is just one of the global presuppositions, take B to be Ā, the complement of A (non-A). It can hardly be maintained that Aristotelian logic
globally presupposes contradictions. This argument requires the use of compound
terms. Again, these are not in Aristotle, but are an established part of traditional
What we have seen is that, however one interprets traditional logic in classical logic, something has to be given up. Moreover, this is quite essential. For as the last argument shows, traditional logic is, in fact, inconsistent. At any rate, classical logic is not (just) a more generous framework subsuming traditional logic. Prevarication aside, modern logic has given the thumbs-down to Darapti and its ilk.
— Graham Priest
I read you as saying that certain arguments that presuppose existential import are out-of-court because the presupposition is not in all cases justified, and therefor the form of the argument is no good. — tim wood
There are two errors: 1 proof is not 'defined' either by axioms or inference rules. Proof is the results of applying inference rules by means of axioms. This is not at all a definition, just as the egg is not a definition of the chicken. — Ikolos
2 It is false that you can not prove validity of 'such things'(axioms? rules of inference?) independently(even if your statement is incomplete, because you do not specify independent from what).The proof of a logical theory is obtained by verifying the coherence of axioms, i.e. through the non contradiction principle in a certain form: iff from the set of axioms you can not derive, through rule of inference, a contradiction, then the set of axiom is coherent. You can even proof the independency of some axioms from others by verifying that the same theorem deducible by n axioms+ x axioms is deducible even just through n(or x) axioms. — Ikolos
"Proof" is defined by the axioms and inference rules one adopts. Ergo, there's no way to independently prove the validity of such things because proof and validities are what you get from the above things. There's no transcendental rules that cannot be violated.
A proof of that (in the colloquial sense of "proof") is that even in formal logic, you kinda have to develop the logic twice. Your construction of the formal system is done within a metatheory which itself can have its mathematical properties investigated, it's axioms brought to light, etc. And sure, you could keep going, checking out the meta-meta theory, etc., but you're just doing the same thing as you were in the object theory. — MindForged
But not because it is incoherent, but because is IMPOSSIBLE. — Ikolos
I find much to disagree with in your post, but this can stand for most of it. There is an implied if in all logic. — tim wood
And hypothetical syllogisms are discussed in (by) Aristotle. — tim wood
In some arguments it is easy to see what is lacking, but others escape our notice and appear to syllogize because something necessary results from what is
supposed. For example, if one had assumed that if a non-substance is destroyed then
a substance will not be destroyed, and that if those-things-out-of-which are destroyed,
the-thing-out-of-them also perished—when these things have been laid down, it is necessary indeed that the part of a substance should be a substance, but this has not been syllogized through the things taken, but rather premises are left out.
Again, if it is necessary, if a human is, for an animal to be and, if an animal, a substance, then it is necessary, if a human is, for a substance to be; but it has not yet been syllogized, since the premises are not related as we have said. We are misled in cases like these by the fact that something necessary results
from what is supposed, because a syllogism is also necessary. But ‘necessary’ is more extensive than ‘syllogism’: for every syllogism is necessary, but not everything necessary is a syllogism. Consequently, if something does result when certain things have been
posited, one should not try straight off to lead it back <into the figures>. Instead, one
must first get the two premises and next divide them this way into terms, and that
term which is stated in both the premises must be put as the middle (for the middle
must occur in both of them in all of the figures) — Aristotle
Your 3 isn't part of the syllogism. There is always an implied if before every proposition; for the conclusion, it might be if 1 and 2 are true, then.... — tim wood
I see what you call "convenient speech patterns" as sources of endless confusion. In all these speech patterns energy is reified as some sort of thing that makes up tangible things. Energy is just a tool, and yet it is said to be a cause, to convert, to be the fundamental constituent that makes up tangible things, to you that may be convenient, to me that apparent convenience in using improper language leads to much more inconvenience in the misunderstandings and misconceptions it creates. — leo
You're saying people don't confuse these speech patterns with literal beliefs, then why is it that even some professional physicists confuse space as an actual entity that stretches or expands between galaxies, because we keep talking about expanding space? — leo
n principle you might use string theory to say, strings make up particles which make up atoms which make up molecules which make up our brain and body, then the brain and body behave in such a way so as to protect themselves and survive, and communicate with other brains and bodies to survive better, which you could describe as politics, — leo
I would avoid using the term "necessarily," because that suggests that we're instead doing modal logic. — Terrapin Station
"Contemporary analyses of the concept of consequence—of the follows from relation—take it to be both necessary and formal, with such answers often being explicated via proofs or models (or, in some cases, both)."
Here's where I'm getting tripped up in talking about soundness. While validity does not rely upon soundness for its conceptual clarity, soundness does rely upon validity -- since it must satisfy both that the argument is valid and the argument uses true premises. That's what I'm trying to get at at least, though I do not think I'm putting it well since I basically just restated validity as you note. — Moliere
Is veridicality the same as soundness? — Moliere
At least with informal logic usually the procedure is to show some kind of argument that uses a form with true premises and a false conclusion to demonstrate that some form of argument is invalid. Granted that's not the same as validity, but that's where I'm coming from in my (admittedly rambly) ruminations; that the demonstration of invalidity, rather than validity, relies upon true premises reaching a false conclusion. — Moliere