But you’d never finish counting the reals between 0 and 1 so you can’t completely define the set. — Devans99
And no way is the set bounded in terms of precision; that stretches to infinity so it’s unbounded. — Devans99
But my main point you ignore - numbers have size zero so they do not exist - so talking about how many you can get on a number line between 0 and 1 is nonsense. — Devans99
The Reals between 0 and 1 are unbounded in terms of precision. Imagine writing out all such reals to 1 decimal place (0.1, 0.2, etc...), then to 2 decimal places, then 3 etc... This is an example of potential infinity. — Devans99
When you’re working out how many things compose another you take the overall length and divide by length of the constituent parts. So to work out how many points there are in the interval 0,1 you divide 1 by point size.
The problem with the number line example is that numbers have no length. They are labels that have no length. They don’t exist. So the number of numbers between 0 and 1 is 1 / 0 = undefined which is what you’d expect.
I am not inclined to drop the idea that the natural numbers are infinite, only the idea that the infinite natural numbers are a set. — Metaphysician Undercover
As andrewk indicates, if your axiom states that a set may be finite or infinite, then that is what is the case in that axiomatic system. The problem that I see, is that the way "set" is used by mathematicians, as a closed, bounded object, the possibility of an infinite set is precluded. Sets are manipulated by mathematicians, as bounded objects, but an infinite set is not bounded like an object, and therefore cannot be manipulated like an object. This calls into question the understanding of "infinite" which is demonstrated by this axiom of infinity, which stipulates that the infinite natural numbers are a "set".
OK, but the question was, how does your giving a rule populate a set? Do you apprehend the issue. Suppose I decree, as you suggest, that all red things are members of a set, the set of red things. How does this declaration make certain things members of that set, while excluding other things? — Metaphysician Undercover
You think that it is simple to name some condition which applies to all of a number of objects? This could only work if the condition which is named had an essential meaning, an official definition, allowing that all the things could be judged according to that definition.
Stipulating that certain numbers fall into a certain set does not make that so. — Metaphysician Undercover
But the original point I made, on the other thread, is that you cannot stipulate the existence of a set, because "set" is defined by "collection", and collection requires collecting. Do you see the circularity of your begging the question? — Metaphysician Undercover
So I see a number of objects, and I stipulate, those objects are a collection. What makes them a real collection rather than just an imaginary collection? — Metaphysician Undercover
If it is not the act of collecting them into a group, and demonstrating that they have been collected, then what is it? Would you argue that sharing essential properties is what makes them a collection? Who would determine which properties are essential, and which are not? — Metaphysician Undercover
Exactly, this is what the quotation is saying, "infinite" in calculus and algebra is different from "infinite" in set theory. Set theory has transfinite numbers, alephs, but the definition of "infinite" in calculus and algebra is defined in relation to limits. — Metaphysician Undercover
The point being that there is no clear definition of "infinite" in mathematics as you claim, the definition varies. In geometry for example, a line is endless, infinite. Contrary to your claim, "boundless" is a valid definition of "infinite". — Metaphysician Undercover
So your defence, which was nothing more than an appeal to authority is lame and vacuous. Because the various mathematical authorities have various ways of defining the term, we cannot trust that any of them really knows what "infinite" means. — Metaphysician Undercover
Until you demonstrate that "set of natural numbers" is not self-contradictory, such claims are nonsense. And to say that something infinite is not indefinite clearly is contradictory. So carry on with the nonsense. — Metaphysician Undercover
Well, I'm not sure that's quite the case under intuitionism, where infinity is only a potential, and the only natural numbers that exist are the ones which have been stated, written down or computed. — Marchesk
That's fine, but if there's an infinite amount of such an element, I don't see how this qualifies as " "quantity". Don't you know that "quantity" is defined as a measurable property of something, or the number of something" Infinite is neither a measurable property nor is it a number, so you really haven't given me a definition which allows for infinity. — Metaphysician Undercover
Really, I wish you would give more thought to what you say MindForged. How could "infinite" signify a quantity? Any such so-called "quantity" would clearly be indefinite and therefore not a quantity at all.
If you knew the precise cardinality of an infinite set, you'd be able to tell me the relationship between the cardinality of a finite set and that of an infinite set. Obviously you know of no such relationship, as subtracting a finite number from an infinite set does not change its cardinality. There is no such relationship. Therefore my suspicions are confirmed, you really do not know the cardinality of an infinite set. Your claim was a hoax. And so your assertion that "infinite set" is not contradictory is just a big hoax. — Metaphysician Undercover
I know you feel this way, that's why I've proceeded to, and succeeded in demonstrating that "infinite set" is contradictory according to your definition, and the one used by mathematicians. Clearly an "infinite set" is not a well-defined collection in any mathematical sense, because the cardinality of such a set is not at all well-defined. Therefore it cannot be a well-defined collection, mathematically, and cannot be a mathematical "set". — Metaphysician Undercover
OK, then I suggest you quit using "transfinite", because you are only introducing ambiguity. Why then did you say: "The cardinality of the set of natural numbers is the transfinite number aleph-null." If "transfinite" is just an artefact, and transfinites are really infinite, then infinite sets really have no distinct cardinality, they are simply "infinite". — Metaphysician Undercover
Your claim was that an infinite set has a precise and known cardinality. If this is the case then you can show me the relationship between the cardinality of an infinite set, and those other two finite sets, and how the difference between the cardinality of the two finite sets is expressed in the two relationships between each finite set, and the infinite set. — Metaphysician Undercover
OK, now we're getting somewhere. You were not talking about "infinite", or "infinity", you were talking about transfinite numbers. Why didn't you say so in the first place? This thread appears to be concerned with the "actually infinite". Transfinite numbers are something completely different, and I guess that's what caused the confusion, you did not properly differentiate between these two, nor did you let me know that you were talking about transfinite numbers rather than infinity. — Metaphysician Undercover
Wait, now you're claiming that this demonstration which you produced earlier shows that a transfinite number is infinite. Care to explain, because I really do not see any demonstration of that. — Metaphysician Undercover
Come on, give me a break. If you're not joking about this, then how gullible do you think I am? If you actually believe that you know the exact cardinality of the set of natural numbers, then show me the precise relationship between the cardinality of the following sets. The set of natural numbers between 1 and 100, the set of all natural numbers, and the set of natural numbers between 1 and 200, — Metaphysician Undercover
Well one-one correspondence is logically flawed: There are the same number of natural numbers as square numbers? Surely a paradox - a sign we are dealing with a logically flawed concept. — Devans99
Can you help me, by describing what a collection would actually be, if we allow that collections may be infinite. — Metaphysician Undercover
Actually, I define terms like "set" "collection", "object", and "infinite", in the ways normally accepted in philosophy. — Metaphysician Undercover
1) A "set" is a well defined collection.
2) A collection which has an unknown cardinality is not "well-defined", in any mathematical sense.
3) If a collection were infinite its cardinality would necessarily be unknown.
4) Therefore an infinite collection cannot be well defined in any mathematical sense, and cannot be a "set". — Metaphysician Undercover
I've explained to you how "infinite set" is clearly contradictory. Also it's quite obvious that the waythe concept of "imaginary numbers" treats the negative integers contradicts conventional mathematics. You can rationalize these contradictions all you want, trying to explain them away, but that is just a symptom of denial, it doesn't actually make the contradictions not contradictory. — Metaphysician Undercover
But a set is a list of elements, if you don’t list the elements you are missing out the definition of the set. — Devans99
When we say ‘the set of bananas’ we are not defining a set, just specifying the selection criteria for the set which is a different thing from the actual set.
For example the actual set of bananas has a cardinality so clearly the actual set definition contains more information than the selection criteria.
Actually no. Cantor's set theory is totally rigorous and logical. It doesn't fall into the paradoxes — ssu
What is sound about the ‘set of all sets does not exist’? It exists as much ‘as the set of Naturals’ yet it does not exist in set theory.
But anyway, neither of the above are fully defined sets. You have to list all the members to fully define a set. — Devans99
Honestly, I don't think mathematicians care about contradiction within they're work — Metaphysician Undercover
I don't see why this follows.
Are you using "collection" in this specific sense? But wouldn't that mean that a collection is a (countable) set, rather than a set being a collection? — Banno
Starting with the natural numbers, every time we enlarge the set of numbers, the algebraic properties change. There's no reason for us to be surprised when it changes yet again when we move from the reals to the cardinals (including transfinite cardinals). — andrewk
I don't see how an instantiated infinity could ever be established empirically since we can't count to infinity. On the other hand, I think in some cases, infinity can be ruled out. — Relativist
If a model that makes use of infinities provides a good fit for many observations, is parsimonious, productive, fits in with other successful models, etc. then we consider it to be empirically established, infinities and all. — SophistiCat
It's not true that the "normal operations" can be performed with transfinite numbers. Analogous operations can be defined, but the are not the SAME operation. The fact that transfinite numbers have mathematical properties has no bearing on whether or not they have a referent in the real world - mathematics deals with lots of things that are pure abstraction with no actual referent (look into abstract algebra). — Relativist