I agree with your observation. But what do you reckon is the cause? Less opportunities? Too much bureaucracy? Lower salaries? — Agustino
First off, I didn't need evidence of later ages of marriages but evidence that it's because people "are opposed to "getting tied to someone"" — Benkei
I live in the world man! Go speak to some young people, and see what they say. Around me, most guys I know aren't interested to get married. Even those who have girlfriends, even in cases where the girlfriends have asked them to, they refused. And some are well into their 30s. Their reason is simple: independence. In virtually 100% of cases that I know. There are some guys I know who got married early, but they are a minority. — Agustino
I don't see how anyone could come through Capital without registering the distinction between value and price. — fdrake
A communist regime with a corrupt and abusive judicial system where people are murdered and abused en masse is really hard to imagine.
It's hard to take these posts seriously. — Hanover
I followed with Harvey's 17 Contradictions of Capital, which while attempting to provide a contemporary entry point to Marxist theory unfortunately doesn't jettison the theoretical jargon of alienation and value theory — fdrake
He was no more a product of capitalism than any other sociopathic kidnapper. — Hanover
I do think it's doubtful that if Clinton had won, we'd be seeing this same inquiry into Russian interference, which does suggest that the inquiry is against Trump and not just a sudden desire to clean up our process. — Hanover
Amongst Rep he is still at 87%.
About 9 republicans out of 10 still support him, after this weeks revelations. — Akanthinos
If that is true Maw, then why such an uproar to everything Trump suggests? :chin: — ArguingWAristotleTiff
“It’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia where we’re supposed to be guarding against Russia, and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia,” -President Trump — ArguingWAristotleTiff
Like most shit storms, there was more than one cause and more than one solution. The USA has lead the charge for world health crisis (Eboli and HIV), the USA set to arrive to help in world disasters such as Tsunamis and Earth Quakes. The USA is not only involved in military theaters despite your suggestions. — ArguingWAristotleTiff
So he could say things bluntly that past presidents would only express gently. — ArguingWAristotleTiff
how about Ireland handle the "NEXT" shit storm that happens on the world stage — ArguingWAristotleTiff
Not because of compromat but because Putin helped him get elected and he's happy about that — Baden
and it will shape politics for generations. — Hanover
I can't remember where I read it but this is a genuine phenomenon - something like 'status symbol creep': as status symbols of the rich become more widely acknowledged, what counts as a status symbols shifts in order to maintain that symbolism. And the shift in spending form the rich has moved from goods and tangibles to services, insurance, 'experiences' (holidays, etc) and education instead: things that are harder to 'see', but end up 'opportunity hoarding': it's no longer goods which are exclusive, but the means to accumulate them. Anyone can save up and buy a Prada bag. Good luck sending your kid to Harvard. — StreetlightX