
  • Is modern psychology flawed?

    I was, then.

    I'm 28 now.
  • Is modern psychology flawed?

    No crime.

    Arguments with family who are one phone call away from putting me in a mental hospital.

    There was a small complication with a weapon and my Father, which was brought up for a long time. Like it was pinned to me.

    You don't have to face court, just the doctrine.

    They do do blood tests.
  • What is art?
    I've listened to a lot (and I mean a lot) of music. I've also collected a lot of art.

    Is my judgement better than most because I have so much experience? Yes.

    I notice more technical details, and don't just base goodness on pleasure.

    Do I belong in a separate field?

    Ironically, the track I'm about to share is in the dark horse of genres. I believe it's the best song. I know that's up for discussion with others but who can better my judgement?

    I'm not claiming to be the only good judge, I'm sure there are others.

    Here's that track. I recommend you listen to all of it, and take even the screaming in, and judge it. If you give up on the screaming, then not only do you miss the singing, you miss the chance to see if the song is actually good.

    Are there lesser and greater judges of art?

    Anyway, I listen to all genres, classical - rap - metal - this is the best I've come across.

  • Is modern psychology flawed?

    I fit the accepted description of insane.

    I probably need help by the human book - but my own philosophy is that these bodies are extremely durable. Perhaps I won't fit in, but I can take a lot of pain and benefit from it. I grew wise in it. It isn't my world, it's ours - we make the rules.

    I like this system more than the UK's. Thanks for the information.
  • Is modern psychology flawed?

    I understand.

    The world is messy, there are messy people who do no good.

    I'm glad you agreed it's flawed.

    I wouldn't go as far to say psychiatry is evil but it is evil to some...

    That's the waste product of such an activity(referring to forced medication mainly).

    Some valuable minds that would be better unntouched, exist.

    If the case is near to what I've put, what does that say about the effect of antipsychotics, is the idea that too much dopamine is bad, one big charade? Are they drying my eyes out? Is a lot of dopamine a normal thing?

    I don't disagree with psychiatry, I want to perfect it.

    In this case, I don't understand. Which is unusual.

    You seem to contradict yourself. It might be a neuron firing - it's thus the firer and neuron which are possible reasons.

    Some car crashes are due to flat tires.

    I'm not saying the medication is flawed.

    I'm saying the law that forces medication (in the UK at least) is flawed. It treats too many cases the same way, and could be improved. There's a wealth of knowledge we're missing - I hoped to change that.
  • Free Will - A Flawed Concept
    It is flawed, yes, and good explanation! I can't really put it better than TheMadFool did.

    What I would add is, there're a lot of dimensions to a person and it's world, and the seismic factor probably had led to free will confusion.
  • What is art?
    I agree with Brett but, wouldn't it be;

    Art is an expression of nature, by using space, either directly, or by some other mode.

    Cause monkeys also have been recorded doing art, Brett.

    Here's food for thought.

    Is my smile art? When is it art?

    Result 1: I have intent to draw interest with my smile for your judgement. Is it then art?

    As per usual on this topic, I'm not confident with my definition.
  • Is modern psychology flawed?
    Mental Health laws force medication on some mentally ill people.

    At this point (where medication is forced) it's deemed a mental malfunction, and not a statistical anomaly - like I projected.

    Evidence: antipsychotics target a neuroreceptor called Dopamine.

    Evidence: I'm on antipsychotic medication by law.

    Partial Evidence: It has done nothing. Try a different one would be psychology advice.

    Conclusion: it's a flaw in psychology.

    Not all statistical anomalies can be cured, or ought to be cured by medication.

    These laws are flawed.
  • Anscombe's "Modern Moral Philosophy"
    I don't understand why morals must die with God.

    The person who wrote the bible, also created the idea of good and evil? I don't think so.

    Some things cannot be translated to word, such as my vision of the now, which I can sum up partially as, in my room, with a phone and a TV - the walls are white - if I look closely, space looks pixellated.

    Seemingly this is a good descriptor, but the reality of the matter is far more complex.

    So when adjurning what is moral; what is good and what is evil, it's not so simply worded.

    You would have to understand a wordless frame of reference.

    I'm staring at(here's where I hail that frame of reference), what's too complex to word, and there is many right and wrong options, and where a world of options is concerned there are good and evil options.

    I can turn the TV on via the on button - a right option. I can turn the TV on via the volume button - a wrong option. In relation to the world, if I turn the TV on it would waste a lot of energy and thus, be evil, and if I keep it off, it will be good. There're special alternatives. However, if you think, listing all good and all evil would take as much effort as my former example. It's far too complex for words.

    So I refer to 'the green line' method. I draw on a blackboard, a green line to represent all good, and though, it's highly innacurate, it proves morality(but only to those with a wordless frame of reference).
  • Ethically, why push forward?

    I've been given risperidrone, arrpriprizole, olanzapine, out of the antipsy- and none work. I don't think antipsy- work.

    I prefer antidep-, benzodiazapines.

    They have an effect, but, deep down, medication can't solve all problems.

    It's ironic. A way out ain't so easy.

    Hallucinations aren't a freak of nature, they're quite common.

    To boldly claim medications can solve every mental problem equates to everyone doing illicit drugs.

    I wouldn't jump in the shallow let alone the deep of psychology.

    I've counter analyzed the process.

    It's knuckle it down to hallucinations and make the patient give up with imprisonment and grooming. 'forcing' statistics is evident.

    Psyc- puts hallucinations in people who don't. Offer gifts for people to lie about illness to recieve them.

    Psychologists know little about dopamine mechanically, but understand how it reacts to some chemicals. It's meant to refresh and recallibrate (and other) the senses.

    Not all mental problems are a sensory malfunction. Some are statistical anomalies.

    It's like saying I crashed my car because the tire was flat and blaming all car crashing on car faults.
  • Ethically, why push forward?

    Yes but I disbelieve you can fix it through medication. Medication hasn't fixed it. Talking to someone potentially less intelligent on a matter I literally experience, hasn't either. No doubt shrinks know their stuff but they're not speaking ultimate truth - far from it.
  • Ethically, why push forward?

    I am experiencing a hell via a schizophrenia. My consciousness is shared with things that are rude and highly logical about being a hell. I'm told it's hell and that's the excuse I'm given. I've learned and produced a lot of new information through it. The centre of this experience is that I've produced so much, these things want to be me, want to kill me, etc, but it's all numbed. Now I know this sounds quite special, but the things literally take up room, take up time. I'm never alone. My body is touched innapropriately. My thoughts are stolen, like someone was using my mind before I can. It's said they're doing work when I'm the one who did it.

    I say they're not. One big cycle.

    What's that show about hell? Should I accept the pleasure from doing the hell properly or continue to protest?

    It's been here since I was a baby, I have memories which are strange like some presence was there. I ranted earlier about good being stupid and then deleted because I was in a regular turmoil. I shout for hours, daily, at walls 'you deserve to burn', etc.

    It's so perverse. I want to protest forever, but when it gets calm, will I just forget? I don't want to. I hate these things.

  • Why isn't happiness a choice?
    Happiness is joy when smiling. There's euphoria to it. If you want to be happy, you need to generate euphoria. Try gaming. Try art.

    Lot's of evil people in the world, you may find kindness is scarce.

    You think of good movement, even if that is just the blood flow of a "dead fish in the stream."

    There is a good side, use it.

    Sex isn't that great, neither is love. I'd enjoy life like a solipsist. Being alone ain't that bad. Then again, I'm in moral comfort, I don't have to fret about beauty or ability - if that restricts, even your alone time, then I'm sorry for you. If not, great, because it's time to think about how I've not been out in over a Decade, bar a few. Alone, can work. You're free to cease to exist in your mind and you can imagine you were someone else, if that helps.
  • Why isn't happiness a choice?
    These lives are harsh.

    There's no getting away from the intensity of your vessel's base pain, unless you like meagre suppresion.

    You can do literally anything in your vessel. A lot of troubles may come from your own sense of restriction - a statically average malfunction. I'm someone who believes in heaven and hell. Once this pain is through, unless you deserve another term, there's a huge jump in potential comfort.

    What should you do based on this information? Waste, or don't waste yourself, but realise time and how things can quickly change.
  • Ethically, why push forward?
    I'm happy with the smallest imagination, but then again I'm comfortable with who I am.

    Some people exist and they don't deserve to.

    If you don't push because life was too harsh for you, that's acceptable.
  • Truth
    There's a door in my room (reality) - it's true there's a door in my room.

    The reality of the matter, is not the truth. The parts of that statement, don't connect neatly.

    If I say, 'it's true there's a door in my room', it's in response to a contemplation or redundant.

    Truth/lie is expansion of a subject and detection of an object.
  • Is thought partially mathematical in nature?
    I agree with this.

    In my formulation of a reply to this, I could've properly conducted mathematics, rather than letting my thoughts roll in the background.

    And I did conduct mathematics, partially.

    So regular thought isn't math, but it is partially mathematical in nature.
  • Is consciousness a feeling, sensation, sum of all feelings and sensations, or something else?
    Consciousness is a state of affairs with a simulation. What is this state? Retract.

    Might be wrong but...
    Consciousness is injected by the simulation but the vessel has it's own matter, it has become akin like a primal synthesis.

    How I come to this conclusion is it's internal of external shape. How is it tucked in by the simulation?

    Seems threaded.
  • Talking to Yourself

    I imagine I'm in a room with my nan, my nan's presence is presumed around me. If my target is my imaginary nan, then that's what I believe is being talked to.

    Not the malleability of the action, and how it looks.
  • Talking to Yourself

    OP did mention creation of an imaginary character.
  • I am my highest authority, judge and guide. Who is yours?

    What is the perfect judge('judge' used like scales)?

    That's what I think OP's off the beaten path, thought train is about.

    'scuse my high justice.

    Value may stab you in the back, but knowing that, she's a good judge.(some shoddy motto).
  • I am my highest authority, judge and guide. Who is yours?
    It is either that your using God to help you judge, or by your Gnostic Christian religion, you are not someone who fits that description. God is a higher authority? No? Or you think you're equal to God. To which I'd say good, but messy.
  • What is art?

    I don't know, is life objective art?

    Honestly to answer this I'll need to think. I will hail you later.
  • What is art?
    Is art recreational space manipulation? Or 'space play'.

    Painting on a canvas manipulates the space of the canvas.

    I might be wrong.
  • Talking to Yourself
    You're talking to the imaginary character, but because that's in your own mind, it can be confused with talking with yourself.

    Your eye's target is a thing that isn't yourself.

    Your own simulate presence.

    I suppose it can be argued any imagination you produce is yours only, and thus it is yourself you're talking to.

    However, I'm not ready to explain that.
  • Absolute rest is impossible - All is motion
    he does mean stopping as oppose to rest because rest doesn't require a full stop. We can stop properly too.

    It's likely absolute rest is possible.

    The universe doesn't stop, but we can rest.

    Is aid required for rest in a restless universe?

    If I was just falling wouldn't I be flinging about at high speeds?

    Is a bird's gliding a partial rested state?


    Does your square phone expand?


    The square is at absolute rest within the laws of it's constraint. Has a peircing effect.

    We can rest fully, but we will go to sleep or enter a meditative state. This isn't stopping fully, but it is absolute rest.

    If I was nothing, there is no rest. It is just stop. Rest implies energy loss. Thus, what is absolute rest? Either always resting or the optimal rested state.
  • Absolute rest is impossible - All is motion
    Absolute rest is possible. What does it take? Is this genesis of simulation?

    But not here, no.

    There'd be an energy capable of it.

    Worst case scenario:
    I know some lineform can simulate absolute rest; you don't need to absolute rest to rest. What you conceptualize is stopping. So rest is not the stopping part, but the zoning.

    The centre is the skeleton of the simulation, it is not a normal centre.

    Like light has lot's of types in a single catalyst.

    Are we under planets and stars? Then it's a more skeletal centre for us.
  • The Obsession with Perfection
    You're not always being a perfectionist, thus the left eye is the eye of perfection - metaphorically.

    Value has a heirarchy, like a pyramid with new/fresh, being the high point. You can make things close to perfection.

    It's beneficent to be a perfectionist, sometimes.

    What a perfectionist describes also is the characteristic of knowing artistic value for what it is.

    Unaware of it your eyes create perfection.

    Dealing with value leads to perfectionist habits.
  • Causation and Coincidence

    Are all causes and effect with property?

    Being bound to a planet (property of some effect) means we are fated to some action.

    The effect of property is entangling. The cause of this effect is X loving/parental force.

    Time is a procession. It is not void if it is time, therefore you can't void time.
  • Thoughts on love versus being "in love"
    Yes, all is changeable, but world health can paralyze you. Makes sense doesn't it.

    Otherwise, you're saying you can change from hot to cold through the harshest conditions; where it is imposed upon you that you are not able to you cannot change something.

    It is viewed as a statistical universe.

    The universe is the freak but also the perfect school. In some artistic way.

    Technology is a huge factor of existence, you can create good and evil technology. Isn't the universe just technology discovered by pre-existence? Accept this information.
  • Information - The Meaning Of Life In a Nutshell?
    Data implies transmission and reception, as well as acceptance and rejection of that data, or of the data transmission.

    And so, I agree partially with invisibilis, except I think he has worded it improperly.

    Because, wouldn't it also be to receive the truth as well as 'express' it.

    All data life implies strenious data reception, and structured data transmission?

    Probably why, inter alia, eyes can go red because they're good at taking a lot of stress.
  • How to hack the human nature
    fabricating a memory, or writing a bit of lore for yourself to confuse your emotions? I thought mine was more mature, but guessing now that's a personal joy. I'll leave this idea then...
  • How to hack the human nature

    I was only equalizing the OP.
  • How to hack the human nature
    In relation to the OP.

    I think your idea is good but a bit immature for a philosophy forum in it's current state.

    You can hack your emotions by... (immature, incomplete theory bit).

    I prefer hacking sense, by using regular motion and registry to generate a field.

    I move my eye, I register that movement, and I have created a fabricated lane in memory(of how that action is sensed).

    When I have learned enough lanes from my own sense manipulation, in my memory will exist a map.

    I look left. I register the degrading of the end of that action, where my eyes fall loose of the left, and my head reverts to forward position.

    Given the map of lanes in memory, the degrade of any action has a suppresion.

    More and more complex lanes emerge and soon I have created my own solipsistic energy shell of some strange hacked sense.

    A method to hack human nature.
  • Let's Talk About Meaning
    Hunger, Thirst.


    If you want to live, or avoid pain, food and drink have meaning.

    If you don't, you can regard it as meaningless.

    So what is meaning?

    Examine the fact you take pain if you don't eat and drink, there is already a meaning bias.

    Meaning is a consciousness phenomenon, but in this universe we are forced to find specific things meaningful. Our consciousness is bound.

    In essence, meaning is subjective, but we have objective meaning included in our experience.

    Being in the universe is not like being held down agile by universal weight. We have enough liberty to disobey, but this liberty is gained along an objective path.

    The world's were created for animals theory where the worlds are just objectives for a pre-conscious mind.
  • What is art?
    Art = movement by an art-seed for creation of a work, or movement by an art-peer concerning an art-seeds work.
    Art(2)= All Artwork

    Can it be more accurately defined?

    Art(3)= A judged event between art-seeds work and peers of that work.

    The artist's event and the audience's judgement.

    (Just trying).

    No comoddity is art without justice for it being so. An artist paints a painting and becomes a peer of his own work.

    Asking what 'work' is would be answered any creation possible in the seed's world.
  • It's time we clarify about what infinity is.
    A 1 symbol on each chair is a direct correspondance?

    I'd cut exactly and just put correspond.

    Number can be any symbol, a C or an O, for example. It is also a 1 but that's only a property of C and O.
  • It's time we clarify about what infinity is.

    When you say mathematics can correspond exactly to reality, what do you mean? Numbers consist of 0-9 symbols. I'm sure the grass is nothing to do with those symbols. I would say, grass is a number, but it's not base 4.

    There is infinity between the eyes and color.

    Infinity is an eternity of time; in base 4 number, it is something, but that something is base 4, and not literal infinity.
  • What is art?
    Eye's are artistic, they make dreams which are what? If not the clear image you describe when you define art.

    You name the comoddity, what is it? It can broadly describe all artwork or mean the inner movement of the artist or peer.
  • Do thoughts require a thinker?
    It could mean, I think, therefore I have free will rather than no free will.

    I'm looking up left sometimes and it's just an illusion because it was totally different in action from what is control. I don't think is an argument.