Radical Skepticism: All propositions are false I have rejected that knowledge from human sources, is true, all my life, but I accept them as potentially true.
I don't believe our pool of knowledge is perfect.
I'd rather take what I know from existence, than the word of another person - I have trust issues.
My first realizations from what you have written as 'A = all propositions are false', is that I exist; further, there is existential pheonomena, and how I exist is a structured existential phenomenon.
I don't regard the universe (the structured existential phenomenon) as all that exists, it has not presented itself in this way; I'm aware of existence (as a mental concept).
Therefore, my theory of everything must be existential and not universal; regarding the universe, but not falling too deep within it's contraint.
Thinking out of the box, per se, but not insanely.
I'm aware I exist in the universe, but 'I exist' comes foremostly.
"If this knowledge is true I can use my mind to find out" - a motto I live by.
If we test communicated knowledge through our own science, it helps to filter communicated knowledge, and gain trust with certain sources.
A camel, is a horse designed by comittee. I'm afraid wikipedia is like a camel; which can be good but I'm doing my own computation first.