Kundalini Using my "I'll show them" resentment power, I really tried hard today. The heart chakra, the chest, the thumb, the ball of the foot. Because it is the strongest, largest, and fastest muscle group, it both takes the longest to heat up, and get involved. Like goddamned shiva, with my fifty arms flipping switches in there, what we tend to do is hinge off of it the most, you see the big visible tendons, and the way people are continually locking their thumb joints when they grab or tare at things with jerking and contortion.
Gotta have equal and opposing force through both balls of the feet, importantly beginning to ground with the outside heel, then to the ball, then twist the innerds outward without actually moving the feet or pointing them outwards (this is why people's feet go more and more outwards and their legs collapse, also indicative of lots of tension and weight being held in the butt. Doing a lot of sitting down while you rest. You shouldn't cool down in weird positions, it'll stick. That's why corpse pose is the most important yoga one.) Running the weight along the smaller toes, and then back up the inside of the legs. If you just go from outside heel to big toe, then you likely favor the heart, and I hate you. You beautiful thin fuckers. It's a snake eating its own tail though, so energy cannot escape, it must circulate. Think of the way fighters are taught to turn their feet, rolling over the smaller toes. This is to ground them, fulling the upper body down, if you neglect them, torso will lengthen, legs shorten.
Also super important, like super duper important, never fucking flex or tense up when lifting, or moving. The only tension is in the feet and hands. Everywhere else you're working to release it. Release it here, release it there, and release it every where.
This group pulls you towards the center line, hooking at the major joints somehow. Major noticing points being the elbows and the knees. Pulling the elbows inwards towards the solar plexus, and pulling the knees together. Using the tension of the group rather than a proper hand off and lift from the smaller groups will lengthen the group, stretching it, and rarely if ever contracting it.
As I said before though, all of the alignment and tinkering in the world won't get this job done, as I can only move parts, and not the whole. Needs to infuse the homunculus with soul.