
  • Collecting God arguments
    Here is one of best empirical proof i ever seen for existence of God:

    Man Ho Chan dissertation on The fine tuned universe and God , published in Hong Kong Baptist University link for the dissertation

    Historically most famous probably St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa theologiae

    Aquinas 5ways
  • Consciousness
    Consciousness seems process of evolution that can adapt all kind of forms, like example. My computer is conscious, least it can read code, and perform actions that it is given. So it aint totally random either, also we can use artificial intelligence to produce human-like robots/scripts, that use AI-learning and can develop.

    If we knew how to model DNA, brain and human organs, definitely we could replicate them. Like there has been built human ear/lung and other parts off genetic manipulation. When we understand the structure of brain better, we can perhaps even create consciousness. As those other working human parts have showed us what is possible.

    It seems very likely that consciousness is actual simulation that we live in. As a "brain in a vat" conditions, where Brain,DNA, brain cells, and atoms control us mind and consciousness.
  • The grounding of all morality
    The grounding of all morality seem to be in transcendent beings. It is to please the will of various supernatural beings, such as God, gods, witches, etc. And most people believe in religious- ethics, and tend to live their lives according to them.

    Every moral action has function, to serve supernatural being at it best. This means having to do inhumane, wrongful actions, to gain the trust and love of supreme beings. And this is a way, how people gain happiness, and fill their moral duties.
  • Definitions
    How u define word "Gender" ?
  • What are your positions on the arguments for God?
    Theologians have had over 2000 years by now to prove existence of God, or gods without any success. God fails to be empirically provable, also irrational in many ways, such as omnipotence-, all powerful-, and all-loving-beings simply do not exist, and it drives us to paradoxes.

    Because suffering, pain, and poverty there is no place in God that could have any control over it.

    Satan is more powerful entity than God, according to Christians most people go in hell, therefore Satan has more power over mankind. Also Satan seem to share similar entities with God, such as control over people, creating demons (omnipotence). Obviously if God existed, he would make end to suffering and Satan. But God and Satan seem to be same powerful entities, because either can have fully provoke each-others.

    Perhaps God is just some narcissistic being like human, who wants own best and doesn't care about other beings, or even have control over global problems, such as pandemics,wars, and poverty.

    Generally human seem to be more powerful, omnipotence, and loving-being that God itself.

    God is human.