
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    I only meant that there's the natural world, and then a particular part of it, people like us, and then there's a particular thing we do, engage in discourse.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    ethical motivation for arguing properlyJ

    There's that, but there's another meaning here too. If physics is the philosophy (or science) of the natural world, ethics the philosophy (or science) of human behavior, and logic the philosophy (or science) of discourse, then there's increasing specificity, in terms of subject matter.

    But that arrangement doesn't preclude other relations among those three.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    Wow, that is spot on.

    The last couple days I kept finding myself thinking about the Phaedo, because there's a passage there about losing faith in arguments. The way I remembered it was something like Socrates saying, don't let my death cause you to lose faith in discussion and argument ― and I remembered it was something like this rather than "philosophy". But that's not what he says exactly, although it may be the subtext here. (Why bring this up now?)

    Here's the whole passage:

    there is a certain experience we must be careful to avoid.

    What is that? I asked.

    That we should not become misologues, as people become misanthropes. [d] There is no greater evil one can suffer than to hate reasonable discourse. Misology and misanthropy arise in the same way. Misanthropy comes when a man without knowledge or skill has placed great trust in someone and believes him to be altogether truthful, sound and trustworthy; then, a short time afterwards he finds him to be wicked and unreliable, and then this happens in another case; when one has frequently had that experience, especially with those whom one believed to be one’s closest [e] friends, then, in the end, after many such blows, one comes to hate all men and to believe that no one is sound in any way at all. Have you not seen this happen?

    I surely have, I said.

    This is a shameful state of affairs, he said, and obviously due to an attempt to have human relations without any skill in human affairs, for such skill would lead one to believe, what is in fact true, that the very [90] good and the very wicked are both quite rare, and that most men are between those extremes.

    How do you mean? said I.

    The same as with the very tall and the very short, he said. Do you think anything is rarer than to find an extremely tall man or an extremely short one? Or a dog or anything else whatever? Or again, one extremely swift or extremely slow, ugly or beautiful, white or black? Are you not aware that in all those cases the most extreme at either end are rare and few, but those in between are many and plentiful?

    Certainly, I said.

    [ b ] Therefore, he said, if a contest of wickedness were established, there too the winners, you think, would be very few?

    That is likely, said I.

    Likely indeed, he said, but arguments are not like men in this particular. I was merely following your lead just now. The similarity lies rather in this: it is as when one who lacks skill in arguments puts his trust in an argument as being true, then shortly afterwards believes it to be false—as sometimes it is and sometimes it is not—and so with another argument and then another. You know how those in particular who spend their time [c] studying contradiction in the end believe themselves to have become very wise and that they alone have understood that there is no soundness or reliability in any object or in any argument, but that all that exists simply fluctuates up and down as if it were in the Euripus and does not remain in the same place for any time at all.

    What you say, I said, is certainly true.

    It would be pitiable, Phaedo, he said, when there is a true and reliable argument and one that can be understood, if a man who has dealt with [d] such arguments as appear at one time true, at another time untrue, should not blame himself or his own lack of skill but, because of his distress, in the end gladly shift the blame away from himself to the arguments, and spend the rest of his life hating and reviling reasonable discussion and so be deprived of truth and knowledge of reality.

    Yes, by Zeus, I said, that would be pitiable indeed.

    [e] This then is the first thing we should guard against, he said. We should not allow into our minds the conviction that argumentation has nothing sound about it; much rather we should believe that it is we who are not yet sound and that we must take courage and be eager to attain soundness, [91] you and the others for the sake of your whole life still to come, and I for the sake of death itself. I am in danger at this moment of not having a philosophical attitude about this, but like those who are quite uneducated, I am eager to get the better of you in argument, for the uneducated, when they engage in argument about anything, give no thought to the truth about the subject of discussion but are only eager that those present will accept the position they have set forth. I differ from them only to this extent: I shall not be eager to get the agreement of those present that what I say is true, except incidentally, but I shall be very eager that I should myself be thoroughly convinced that things are so.
    — Phaedo 89c-91a

    I think it's only later that Greek philosophy settles on the tripartite scheme of physics, ethics, and logic as together making up philosophy. Socrates is talking about what would become logic, plainly, but maybe it's noteworthy that this passage occurs in the middle of a discussion of the nature of the soul, and the question of immortality (because Socrates is about to find out). Argument and discourse are only issues for those beings that have souls ― logic arises in the context of ethics.

    I'm tempted now to say that the "trap" that science (or "physics") must avoid falling into is not philosophy but sophistry, and that it's better to see science also as a type of ongoing reasoned discussion (or "logic"). (Talking about the lab and the field, as I did, might be just an intuition pump, suggesting that scientists need only share the knowledge they acquired using their special techniques, rather than seeing science as a type of discussion.)

    Which means science is only in the same position as philosophy.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Insinuating what? That I'm not really a player but a spectator?Janus


    You indicated to @goremand that you've already reached some conclusions. You indicated to me that there are a number of issues you think are a matter of personal preference. So yeah, it must all be just a matter of curiosity for you, and there aren't really any stakes.

    I don't see why someone couldn't or shouldn't feel that way. Why not just find philosophy interesting?

    I'd like to say that if you don't have skin in the game, you can't really understand it, but in your case, since you've already invested considerable time and effort into settling on particular views, it's more like you've retired and like to keep your hand in. Slightly different thing.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Because it is interesting?Janus

    So you're like - I don't know - a tourist?
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Only once you have your preferred premise can rationality definitively enter the fray and it consists simply in being consistent with your premise in the elaboration of your thinking.Janus

    Why even bother?
  • In praise of anarchy
    a monopoly over violencessu

    A monopoly over the *legitimate* use of violence, I believe.
  • Earth's evolution contains ethical principles

    The word you're looking for is "progress". People used to believe in it.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    stop worrying about whether and how phil. and rationality overlapJ

    I've thought of another way to think about it too.

    Suppose we said that philosophy *aims to be* rational, but what that means continues to be in play. What I really wanted to resist was taking rationality as fully understood, as just given at this point, so that we could just glance at philosophy and say it is (or isn't), glance at religion and say it isn't (or is), and so on. That seems rather severely to underestimate philosophy's role in shaping rationality and shaping our understanding of it.

    I was also particularly committed to not excluding ways of doing philosophy (much of Wittgenstein, phenomenology, a lot of other stuff) that may in some sense "present a case" but that aim at changing how you *see* and how you understand, rather than something that would obviously count as analysis and argument. I think there's something central to the philosophical turn of mind there, and I'm reluctant to see philosophy "reduced" to argumentation.

    For all that, I do also have some considerable commitment to argumentation and to reason, which I may have given short shift to. I just want to situate reason within philosophy, rather than the other way around.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    Better than the last thing I said:

    Debating itself, the construction and use of arguments, what can be achieved with them and how, all of this is more stuff we get *from* philosophy.

    In every case, I guess I'm just saying we should beware of letting the tail wag the dog. The old dog may have more tricks up its sleeve.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    demonstrating, in the very act of obtaining this result, that this is the only way philosophy can proceed.J

    Is it?

    phil. gives itself the (rational) lawJ

    Does it?

    we have the result that "philosophy is rational."J

    Maybe. I have my doubts. But even if it is so, have we shown that this is *all* philosophy is?

    Honestly, these questions are, let's say, the other kind of rhetorical question. While I think my intuitions lean the other way from yours, I don't feel inclined to give answers here, so I'm asking the kind of question intended just to prompt thinking, to make you wonder if the answer that comes immediately to mind is right, to make you pause and wonder what other answers might be available.

    That sounds either dumb or condescending now that I've written it. I'm just saying, I don't think picking sides and debating will do much good here. But maybe I'm wrong about that.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    On the rationality thing.

    If philosophy takes up the question of whether philosophy is rational, and even if it judges that it is, this is merely a result. It may even be descriptive of philosophy's practice in reaching that very conclusion, but it cannot be constitutive of that practice.

    Consider mathematics. Here, unlike with the other sciences, you can point to axiomatizations of the results of mathematics, so it all seems very tidy. Instead of saying mathematics is the study of shape and number, you might say mathematics is the study of sets. (And there are other things you could say.) But those are all wrong, because these are all results of mathematics, not mathematics itself ― that is, not mathematics as an activity, as a discipline or a practice, but only as a body of knowledge.

    Mathematics as a way of thinking, as an approach to solving problems, is not even mentioned in the axioms, nor is it identical to its most famous tools, like number. It is the activity, the movement of mind, that invents numbers, shapes, transformations, all the rest.

    Philosophy is the activity that invents, for its own use, the very idea of rationality, invents ― you can almost watch this happening in Plato ― "concepts" as something non-psychological, invents logic, and so on. You can use its inventions to pick it out, as their source and origin, but those inventions are not constitutive of it.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    If an experiment demonstrated a theory conclusively, you might end up saying "The experiment demonstrated the theory" - which may be the final relevant word on the matter of justifying the claim if "The experiment demonstrated the theory" is justified by the standards of the discipline.fdrake

    This had occurred to me as well, that "justification" is not, as it seems we say around here now, univocal. So the question is, when philosophy demands of some science a justification, what does it get? Does it get a justification according to the standards of that science? Or something that would suit philosophy? I think the latter is never going to happen. Thus, even when agreeing to provide justification, a science that provides its kind of justification is still not venturing into philosophy.

    And I want to say that's fine, not because I want to defend science from philosophy, but because philosophy shouldn't give a shit.

    Philosophy has no business asking questions that can be answered by science. So it need have no interest in how science comes up with its answers.

    That would make this whole discussion a little wrong-headed, although it is compatible with some of the observations we've made along the way.

    Philosophy should be orthogonal to science, and to literature, and to any other form of discourse, if it's to be a distinct thing at all.

    (I don't know if the same is true of other fields. I can see both sides.)

    One of @J's first moves in the OP was to take philosophy and the sciences (and maybe history, I don't know) all together as "rational discourses," or something like that. I don't think that will work. I don't think philosophy can allow itself to be defined by some external perspective ― or, at least, it need take such a definition no more seriously than it takes philosophy's Library of Congress classification.
    (We're in B.)
    (We're in B ― "Philosophy, Psychology, Religion" ― between (A) "General Works" and (C) "Auxiliary Sciences of History".)

    (Such a move is even more untenable if you think of "rationality" as one of the areas philosophy is concerned with, and perhaps is authoritative on. Presumably then it would be up to philosophy to decide whether philosophy falls within its own purview, to decide whether this discourse is rational ― but not if it's already defined as "rational".)

    So, just as philosophy ought to leave science alone, it also needn't go begging to science. Science has nothing philosophy needs.

    So yes what @J noticed, of philosophy setting its own agenda and sticking to it ― there's something to that, but it has nothing to do with philosophy being "higher" than any other discourse, just different, just a question of philosophy being itself.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    It had occurred to me.

    Not that I'm happy with the choices I've made, but I have been choosing which cans of worms to open.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    Well that's certainly clearer.

    We're not on different pages, we're in different books.Leontiskos

    And that does make fruitful conversation difficult, but it also raises the ceiling of what we can attempt to do, I think: even if every participant brings their own presuppositions, the discussion itself has none.

    For myself, I feel like I have a foot in every camp. I say the things I say, but I could as well say other things. I'm almost never happy with anything I post. I always want to start over and try something completely different, not just tinker and fix up what I've already said. In happy moments, I see this restlessness as philosophical.

    I participate in discussions like this one, in some part, in hopes of figuring out what hold philosophy has on me, why I keep doing it, what it is I'm doing.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    I think a lot of people were more interested in shooting down other planes than trying to fly their own.Leontiskos

    It is hardly outside the mainstream to think philosophy's mission might be principally if not exclusively critical. Starts with a guy called 'Socrates' ...
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    But can you think of anyone other than the OL philosophers whose ideas are not nuanced and subtle?J

    I strongly take issue with OLP not being nuanced. My God, read "A Plea for Excuses." Subtlety, maybe that's a little harder to say. Certainly OLP doesn't usually leave points implicit, or make them only indirectly. But if a subtle point is a small and easily overlooked one, that too is in OLP's wheelhouse.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    One funny thing about all this is that you included the word "discourse" in the title. Every time I was writing "philosophical discourse" I wondered whether I couldn't just say "philosophy".

    But that's part of the issue here. We want to look at how philosophy *talks* to other disciplines, and how we interrogate that splits: we can look at *how* that works, and @fdrake and I followed your lead there a bit; but we can also look at *why* philosophy talks this way.

    The why question also offers two natural courses: this is something philosophy does in reaction to other disciplines; or this kind of interaction is just a natural consequence of philosophy doing what it does, a sort of side effect.

    If you want to know what philosophy is, you could just look at philosophy. You would only look at how philosophy interacts with other disciplines if you believed, or hoped, that something about philosophy is clearer in such interactions, maybe something that is hard to see by just examining philosophy directly. (There is a third option, which is the typical sort of comparison, without interaction: philosophy is more abstract, more general, blah blah blah.) And then you look at how philosophy talks to other disciplines to understand how it interacts with them.

    You could carry this out without a plan, just to see what you get, but then it's hard to know what you're getting. (Am I looking at a feature specifically of philosophy's interactions with other disciplines, or a feature of philosophy proper? Among other questions.)

    I think it might be better to ask first why we might thing the interaction of philosophy and other discipline might be particularly revelatory. What do we expect an examination of those interactions to show?

    Heh, more preliminaries!
  • In praise of anarchy
    if he did intend it to be a justificaiton for a state, then it is a rubbish one.Clearbury

    Well, I haven't read him, so I can't fill in the argument, if there is one.

    I suppose, though, if you're going to talk about rules at all, then the natural question is whether and how those rules are enforced.
  • In praise of anarchy
    But it doesn't do anything to show the state to be justified.Clearbury

    Does he claim that it does show the state is justified?
  • In praise of anarchy
    Does Rawls call this a "hypothetical contract"? How does he describe it? And how does he use this thought experiment to justify the formation of the state?
  • In praise of anarchy

    I've never read Rawls myself ― was never very interested in political theory.

    So I suppose Rawls made certain arguments that you found persuasive until you read Michael Huemer ― is that right? And I expect Huemer addresses Rawls's arguments directly.

    Could you give an example of something Rawls says ― especially if it's an argument you used to find persuasive ― that you believe Huemer presents a strong counter-argument to? Like I said, not a field I know much about, so I'm curious.
  • In praise of anarchy

    What were your political views before you encountered Michael Huemer? Were you already interested in politics?
  • In praise of anarchy

    That's the only one I know, so I wasn't sure if he was central to the field. I read that long long ago. He was an OLP guy.
  • In praise of anarchy

    There are two issues here.

    One is whether rights are better conceived as natural or positive. You believe natural, but you ought to at least look at the case for treating rights as positive. I don't know whom you should read to understand that view. Maybe someone here knows, or you could Google the usual sources.

    The other issue is your central claim about the state. You're familiar with at least one case for anarchism. Another guy to look at would be David Graeber, but there are plenty of others.

    And here too, you might consider looking at arguments for the state. There's obviously lots of writing there, but two I can recommend that I find interesting because they're not just theory are Timothy Snyder (whom I quoted on the Holocaust) and Acemoglu and Robinson, Why Nations Fail.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    I agree with (almost) all that! @Pierre-Normand had a useful thing about universality and generality that fits here too.

    And obviously I have in the back of my mind LW's comments about needing the overview, the birds-eye-view.

    What I like is the idea of going up and down @J's ladder. And stepping back doesn't always have to mean going up either. You can also step over to some other part of the garden, and see how things are going there, look for commonalities and differences, but also look for analogies.

    I still think there's room to be wary of the intoxication of heights, the seductive power of going up and staying there. Back to the rough ground!
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    Let's take your first example, the biologist. Here's a simple approach.

    You're doing biology, some research, some model building, some reading, etc. You take a step back and reflect on what you're doing and how you're doing it. That's an important step in research and in problem solving. I would be okay with following @Joshs here, I think, in saying this is a "more philosophical" moment, on a spectrum.

    But now what? You have a new perspective and some new ideas. Do you get back to work? Step back off the ladder? Or do you take another step up, another step away from research and toward contemplation and reflection? Do you follow up on how that step up can inform and maybe improve your work, or do you find yourself looking out across the landscape, noticing other ladders sticking up here and there, getting interested in them, wanting to get higher so you can see more ladders, because now you're interested in ladders and heights ...

    I guess you could call this a different kind of research, so that we don't have to say that philosophy is that form of inquiry that doesn't involve research, but it's a different sort of thing from what people on the ground do, and what you used to do when you were a biologist. And what you're inclined to say about what goes on down there, and about what people are doing who study what's on the ground, it's more and more likely to be bullshit, something that sounds good to you, all alone, a thousand feet above them, when you can no longer see what's down there in any detail.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Lots here. I'll have to do this piecemealJ

    Don't bother. I'm doing some rereading and may have yet another take on all this at some point.

    In the meantime, have you considered that you might be misconstruing what you've discovered?

    What you describe could also be taken as showing that philosophy is a trap: inquiry is in danger of getting stuck there, no longer producing knowledge. (Which, let's be honest ...)

    "Philosophy" may be what we call inquiry that has run off the rails, or gotten stuck in the doldrums, or reached a high point it's unable (or unwilling) to climb down from.

    Instead of asking if philosophy is in danger of being dislodged from its perch by any other discipline, maybe the right question is whether any other discipline can come to philosophy's rescue. Are there disciplines that can help you get down, or do you have to jump?
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    But there is a question of fact about whether the Freudian psychologist is making use of what J would call "philosophical" thinking on order to deflate the philosopher's claim. I think it should be recognized that what the Freudian psychologist sees himself as refuting and what @J sees as "philosophy" are probably two different things.Leontiskos

    Let's say this: the philosopher believes questions of justification are always legitimate and appropriate; the psychologist believes questions of "motivation," say, are always legitimate and appropriate.

    If the philosopher believes he's on firm ground demanding to know how the psychologist knows what he claims to know, the psychologist believes himself to be on ground just as firm in examining the philosopher's motives for demanding justification.

    Of course each side sees the other as dodging a legitimate question. I do not see philosophy doing anything unique here, just treating everything as a nail, as every other domain does.

    And of course there will be philosophical justifications for treating questions of justification as special and uniquely important, but that's just a restating of philosophy's initial position.

    The natural move would actually be to engage in internal critique of psychology, to attempt to explain the study of psychology with reference to the motivations of psychologists. The problem is, that's no help if it actually works; you have to hope that psychology is unable to account for itself.

    (And suddenly I recall as a teenager snickering at the phrase "inorganic chemists".)
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Here's my problem. I'm pretty interested in what I intuit as the substantive issue in this thread. I would like to get to discussing that, and I don't know what I would say ― which for me is a big reason to have that conversation.

    But I keep getting stuck on what, in my mind, I'm still treating as "preliminaries," just trying to clear up your framing of the issue. That framing keeps failing to make any sense at all, so I keep putting off getting to the supposed substance, and I feel dragged into this sort of Wittgensteinian suspicion that there is no substance on the other side of the preliminaries, because the issue can't actually be framed cogently.

    So here

    What I was imagining, and trying to describe, was a refereed situation, so to speak, where each of the interlocutors agrees to the rules of rational philosophical discourse. Playing by these rules, the philosopher always trumps, and always wins.J

    What on earth are you doing? I'm not going to quote the OP, but the initial pitch was for philosophy as the ultimate backstop or bedrock, because philosophy can force any discipline ― or even any claim ― into a philosophical discussion, but once there, any further probing and questioning is just more philosophy. Among the many overlapping ideas in this setup was that philosophical ideas are simply impervious to any but philosophical counters.

    If the bearded Viennese tries his "Interesting. Do you always . . . " response, the referee steps in and says, "Out of bounds. Please answer the question."J

    Only now it turns out you don't intend to show that this is so, but enforce it, by fiat. You just define the discussion as philosophical from the start. No effort or super-power needed from philosophy, and if you try to respond to my philosophical questioning with economics, say, I'll just rule you out of bounds.

    What the hell?

    This is like brothers fighting about a game ― one finds something easier than the other, so the other keeps complaining, "No! You're not doing it right!" It's hard for me, so it has to hard for you, or you're cheating.

    You may recall that I wondered who even bothers to challenge philosophy. Here's one reason. Philosophers decide that they get to make the rules, interpret them, and enforce them. Yay! Can I play too? ― Most people are just gonna say, "Go run your little world." (( Counting on you to get that one, @J. Fuller version, from memory anyway: "I do the job; I get paid. Go run your little world." ))

    we know what the rules are for rationalityJ

    Does the Freudian get to claim that his path is rational, that we are wrong about knowing the rules?J

    In short, the Freudian may be right, but what he can't do is justify a claim to being right, without engaging in more philosophyJ

    So this was indeed the key word in the original post:

    And what is your justification for asserting that such an explanation is true?J

    and this word is the private property of philosophy.

    I keep having the feeling what you really had in mind was just epistemology. You mentioned somewhere an ascent biology → science → philosophy, which makes sense in terms of more and more general or abstract questions about knowledge. And thus justification of claims to knowledge. And justifying ― or being able to, or accepting the requirement to ― your claims to knowledge taken as a cornerstone of rationality.

    I was hoping this thread was not about epistemology, so help me out here.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Arthur Koestler's definition of philosophy: "the systematic abuse of a terminology specially invented for that purpose."Fooloso4

    That's even better than my old favorite:

    One might almost say that over-generalization is the occupational hazard of philosophy, if it were not the occupation. — Austin
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    One more quick note, but then I'm occupied for the next few hours.

    There is one quite well-known form of resisting being pulled into philosophy.

    "How do you know that's a tree?"
    "I speak English."

    I believe Wittgenstein said there is nothing lacking in this answer, even though it is not at all the kind of answer that was hoped for. We might even say that the necessity of philosophy is one of the claims that he resisted ("one should be able to stop doing philosophy"), or at least a certain kind of philosophy.

    Bonus note on questions that the questioner claims must be answered: this was Dummett's lesson to philosophers in the early seventies, that there was a pattern to a number of debates in philosophy, where one side was actually an anti-realist with respect to a particular class or issue. If you don't notice this, you keep getting boxed in by the realist, who insists that you agree or disagree with some claim, that there is or isn't some such-and-such, that you must have sat in the chair voluntarily or involuntarily (to use Austin's lovely example), and so on. But if your position is that there is no fact of the matter here, your being boxed in is an illusion, only philosophers kept trying to finesse their way out of questions whose legitimacy they should have straight up denied.

    Anyway, there's some prior art on questions that carry with them a claim that you have to answer them, and answer only in the terms provided. Within philosophy, fighting over that is practically all philosophers do. For your thesis ― hey, at least it's philosophy!
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    if chemistry had this ability, it would be able to respond to a physicist's attempt at reduction using only the arguments available to it qua chemistryJ

    Makes sense. Reduction here would be an example of a strategy that one discourse might use to assert dominance over another.

    Two quick points about reduction, then, one for my side and one for yours:

    (1) If the physicist says he can explain anything the chemist can using only physics, the best response of the chemist is "Go ahead." It can't actually be done, and the idea that it can be done is a myth.

    (2) A better approach for the physicist: listen to the explanation of the chemist of how something works, and at some point ask why something that doesn't happen doesn't happen. At some point ― we're assuming ― the chemist will have to drop down a little, say from how some complex protein works to how the building blocks of this protein work, carbon phosphate whatevers. Keep doing this. Eventually, the chemist himself will have to reach for physics, because while reduction is a myth, and the laws of physics are not enough to do biochemistry, biochemistry is constrained by physics and you can eventually reach a level where the explanation for what happens and what doesn't comes not from chemistry but from physics.

    This, we believe, is true across the natural sciences. You cannot, even in principle, use only physics to describe the ecosystem of the Serengeti, but that description nevertheless must be consistent with our understanding of physics. Or, if you like, you could interpose many other sciences in between, consistent with biology, which is constrained by biochemistry, and so on eventually down to physics.

    And there is no natural science which constrains physics.

    But there is mathematics and logic.

    And what constrains them?

    (Will respond separately to the other post after I've eaten something.)
  • In praise of anarchy
    Look, if you think the Jews had no moral rights under the Nazis then it follows that the Nazis did nothing wrong in exterminating them. I can't argue with someone who thinks that way.Clearbury

    Actually the Holocaust may not be the best example for your case.

    SIEGEL: You write in "Black Earth" - and I'm quoting now - Jews who were German citizens were more likely to survive than Jews who were citizens of states that the Germans destroyed.

    SNYDER: Yeah. Our image is of a progressive destruction of Jews inside Germany. But in fact, Germany, like most states that weren't destroyed, was a relatively safer place for Jews than the places where German power actually destroyed other regimes. Once we see this basic contrast that Jews in stateless zones had about a 1-in-20 chance of surviving whereas Jews in states had about a 1-in-2 chance of surviving, we have to ask the question about the causes of the Holocaust a little differently.

    SIEGEL: And Hitler's attitude toward Poland or toward Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine was quite different from his view of France or the Netherlands or Denmark.

    SNYDER: That's an extremely important point. It turns out that in order to carry out something like a final solution, you have to first destroy state institutions. So the order is very important. When Germany invades Poland in 1939, it does so with the intention of wiping out not just the Polish state but the Polish political elite, that is, physically exterminate the people who could support a state.
    NPR interview with Timothy Snyder

    The Holocaust is actually a pretty complicated event.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    That's what I thought you might be doing.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?

    Does this have to be an argument, if I can put it this way, that philosophical maximalism is equivalent to philosophical minimalism?

    Does it also function as an argument that no boundary between philosophy and the sciences (and possibly other empirical disciplines, and possibly the arts, ...) is definable much less enforceable?

    I can put it differently. It's common around here to say that every time you open your mouth, you're doing philosophy. Every field of study is built on philosophical assumptions, blah blah blah. ― What if we said instead (or 'also', but I'd rather not) every time you try to do philosophy you end up talking about history and psychology and biology and ... That there is no point pretending you are insulated from the rest of human thinking just by calling what you're doing philosophy.

    (My go-to example for this sort of thing used to be phenomenalism, which kinda presents itself as a supremely abstract from-first-principles take on perception, but is 100% dependent on knowing that the surface of the eye is 2-dimensional.)
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Suppose some surly neo-Freudian interrupts me at the point where I assert that “there’s nowhere else to go.” Nonsense, he says. “I’ll give you a psychological-slash-reductive explanation of why philosophers do what they do, and this explanation will have nothing to do with ‛ideas’ or ‛reasoning,’ and everything to do with culturally determined modes of expression mixed with individual depth psychology.” Ah, but I can reply, “Indeed? And what is your justification for asserting that such an explanation is true?” We see where this has to go: We’re back to doing philosophy. My surly interlocutor has been trumped.J

    This isn't remotely convincing.

    He hasn't been trumped. He'll stroke his inevitable beard and say, "Interesting. Do you often demand that people provide justification for what they say to you?"

    Your guy wasn't even trying. Mine is holding his own even as a ridiculous stereotype.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    the desire to find something better, more interesting, than what I called "an argumentative gotcha!" Maybe it can't be found, but that's not yet clear. I repeat that, if that's all there is, it's not much of a result.J

    Right. I didn't think I was introducing the idea, but endorsing your uncertainty.

    How would chemistry, for instance, defend itself strictly within the discourse of chemistry from the challenge that it is really a form of physics?J

    But this seems like a whole different thing.

    Were you ever suggesting that there might be a reduction of natural science to philosophy? If you were, I missed it.

    My understanding of the thread was that philosophy does something different from science. What it does different might turn out to be not so interesting ― and we have some idea in what sense it might not be interesting, if it's just a cheap "gotcha" ― or it might be interesting, only it's hard to characterize what it might be doing that's interesting.

    My suggestion was that any discipline could just keep doing its thing, even when confronted with philosophical questions. I think you were underestimating the determination of non-philosophers. Your psycho-analyst folds pretty quickly. I can absolutely imagine an historian, or a sociologist, or a neuroscientist just continually folding back into his own domain, with its own frameworks of explanation, whatever question philosophy wants to pose. Or an economist. Or a Marxist economist.

    I guess we could debate that, but even if most disciplines choose to stay within their lane ― and so only use the handy hammer on the prescribed nails ― when challenged to justify themselves and their procedures, isn't it the most natural thing in the world to reach for that hammer and treat the philosophical challenge as de facto within their purview? Like, philosophy is begging to be a nail.

    I'm not sure what kind of debate we would have without evidence to hand, except making up stories, but for me it barely needs defense.

    To you, on the other, it's perfectly intuitive that philosophy is uniquely universal in this way. I find that puzzling. I mean, I know it's part of philosophy's self-image, but if you've been around a bit you must know that you have no hope of out-flanking Marxism by questioning it, or economics, or psychology, or neuroscience, or biology, or ...

    But now you're talking about reduction, which I didn't think was on the table, and which surely we don't want to get into here.
  • Is Philosophy the "Highest" Discourse?
    Oh for Gödel's sake.J

    I cannot adequately express my appreciation for this response.
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