How Useful is the Concept of 'Qualia'? I managed to get hold of and read Dennett's, 'From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds(2017), for his later views on qualia. One important remark which he makes is that, ' Qualia are supposed to be somehow internal, subjective properties that we are acquainted with more directly, when we are slightly less directed with their normal external causes_ real red stripes, and so on in the world'.
I have read the comments in the thread and it does remain a complex issue. Previously, I had not been particularly impressed by what I had read by Dennett. However, at this specific moment, his writing is making sense to me of qualia being the link between the objective aspects of the world and the way it is transmitted in subjective internal states. The actual transmission of information may be important, as in music as a form of Vibrations which form into meaningful songs.
Another important remark which Dennett makes, which may be useful for reflection is:
'Doggedly pursuing the idea that qualia are both the causes and the intentional objects (the existing intentional objects) of introspection leads to further artifactual fantasies, the most extravagant of which is the idea that unlike our knowledge of other kinds of causation, our knowledge of mental causation is infallible and direct; we can't be wrong when we declare that our subjective beliefs about the elements of our conscious experience are caused by those very elements. We have "priviledged access" to the causes of our or sources of our introspective convictions. No room for any tricksters here.' In other words, in most instances we believe that our perceptions of the external world on the basis of our subjective experience.
Of course, there may be some exceptions, like in the way different people may recall details of an events differently, especially critical events. But, this may be more about the specific role of attention in perception and the way in which our own internal narratives weave their way into perception, with potential for distorting it.