Motivated Belief
I think that it is possible to choose whether or not to believe in God on the basis of preference, according to one's state of mind and what works for each of us. I was an extreme believer in God as a child and as a teenager. It was only when I got into my twenties and was struggling with life, sexuality, and the way religious beliefs had impacted upon friends that I really began to question.
Now, I am able to see both sides of theism, and various other angles, and I definitely see them as choices. I don't have a clear answer to the question of God's existence, but I when I am in some kind of crisis I do pray. I feel that it helps, and does lead me forwards positively usually. I seem to get results, whether this is some higher power, my own subconscious or, it could be that I simply interpret it that way.
One other aspect though, is the question of whether we believe in God only motivated if we think about it in this way? I do feel that I can choose because I am consciously aware of alternative perspective and I try to be aware of my own conscious motivations. But, perhaps my choices aren't entirely free entirely because they are made in the light of a combination of being brought up in a religious context, and, at the same time having read books from all kinds of worldviews. Of course, my reading of certain books was based on choice, but it was partly based on seeing the cracks and holes in the religious ideas I was taught. So, I do wonder how much freedom we do have in coming to certain beliefs. It appears to me to be a mixture of cultural influence, alongside freedom to make choices based on our understanding of the philosophical arguments for and against belief in God.