
  • A puzzling fact about thinking.
    Was your mouth wide open? Were you reading at the same time?
  • A puzzling fact about thinking.
    Was your mouth wide open? Were you reading at the same time?
  • A puzzling fact about thinking.
    You don't know that because you were speaking super softly. But you were twitching the speaking muscles. You could only cofirm that eith a movement detector.

    You may have been reading at the same time.
  • A puzzling fact about thinking.

    Exciting to know! You might have an important new, time saving reading aidand teaching aid that should be widely know.

    What did you think about my basic contention? That verbal thoughts must always be spoken? I predict you don't think anything about it at all. I don't either.
  • Two suggestions
    I am not sure yet what stories are Where in this forum. I began a long thread in "Interesting Stuff" It is called "All in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts".

    Did you read it?
  • Two suggestions
    Article submissions. Do you still allow artical submissions. I have an artical that begins with an anecdote but works thru what I consider to be an area of cultural self censorship. Would that be acceptable.
  • Two suggestions
    Thank you very much I am working on a few things. My approach is observational rather than scholastic
  • Two suggestions
    I am not thinking about the meanings of these words: Thinking Doupting and Walking. I am merely using these words as examples of Actions that are performed by my subject. (Moveing matter through space.) I still think it is obvious (ie that it is an intuition) that all movements of matter through space exist in the real universe.

    And if my subject moves matter through space then he Must logically exist.
  • Two suggestions
    A portion of your reply has been posted on The Philosophy Forum Facebook page.
    Congratulations and Thank you for your contribution.

    Thank you very much for your kind words, ArguingWAristotleTiff. That was certainly unexpected. I am very pleased. Do you think Partisipants there are actually considering my words?
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    Agreed (I think). But imagining and rating are thinking. So your thinking is belitteling itself.

    And why not?
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    Hi again Khaled. You said: ''I’m not sure if it makes sense to say “thoughts are patterns” rather than “thoughts are caused by patterns”. But this might just be a meaningless nitpick.

    No, it is not a nitpick. it is fundamental. Thoughts ARE patterns. These arrangemnts of greasy brain cells exist physically and omit electric currents that can be detected. These cells can even be cut out and sometimes are cut out in brain operations. The best know operation is called a pre-frontal lobotomiy and occur to save the life of a person. The entire Bulge is cut out and the skin stuck back over the scar. The patient lives and is intelligent but can no longer think in words, ie talk.

    I hope I am not scaring you Khaled.

    This is all my muddled version of elementary psycology
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    Hi The opposite.

    A rose is a rose is a rose.
    Your statement isn't very smart and it isn't very dumb either. It is just the opposite.
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    Hi Tres Bien. I like your statement: "I love the stories that capture the essence of an issue. We seem to be able to intimately appreciate only that which we can wrap our arms around.

    I don't have any familiarity with your story as I understand it here, but it has the ring of possible plausibility to me.

    I can wrap my arms around your variation of the phrase: "The ring of truth"
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    Hi Khaled. The conscious mind is located in the prefrontal lobes which is that bulge in your head just above your eyes. You can see it. No other animal that I know of has anything like that bulge.

    It can only think in words. It cannot think Intuitavly or emotionally but it is intimately connected with much of the rest of the brain and the different parts can work together..

    Your question: "Heck, how do you know I’m conscious?" is not redicoulas but it Is ironic. Because. your question consists of nothing except words as do my answers. The Conscius mind is the only part of the mind that can use words. What is actually happening at this moment is that Your conscious mind just asked my conscious mind about conscious thoughts.

    That is its job. To allow different people to communicate. That is why it evolved.

    Incidently your word "conscios". means something else entirely.
  • It's all in your head. Some simplified thoughts about Thoughts.
    What makes you think that this was "useful data" after the calf was dead?

    Oops, I meant useful to the calf, not useful to me.

    What do you think causes some words to become visible to the naked eye?
    Writing, Printing, Typing
  • Two suggestions
    I would push back on this because I don’t think it’s obvious that all actions unequivocally exist. When I jump, for instance, something called a “jump” doesn’t immediately pop in to existence and vanish when I’m finished.

    All natural actions such as a volcano don't suddenly pop into the real word just because we name them either. They are events in an infinite chain of events. We describe them as individual "events" but they do not "really" exist as individual events.
    If you do, indeed Jump then it is an event in the real word .

    I am getting confused.

    If you did indeed jump then it does indeed become an event in the real word.
  • Two suggestions
    Sorry, I sent you an incomplete suggestion.

    I should have said:
    "I doubt, therefore I am"
    "Doubting" is an Action and it is an obvious truth that all Actions unequivocally exist in the Real Universe.

    Therefore I exist.
  • Two suggestions
    Very well. The difference between walking and doubting is that walking is an action performed outside of my brain whereas doubting is an action performed not only inside of my brain but performed by my brain.

    But if I should say, "I doubt, therefore I am" would that not prove that I exist?