This is, indeed, the right rhetorical move to make here. But frankly I don't believe you. Your other posts don't bear it out. Your opinion of people who don't use their ability for self-awareness bleeds through.No one has committed a pessimistic crime by not using their ability for self-awareness regarding their paths of care or circular routines. I don't condemn it, but there is a recommendation to be aware of it.
I think it can be very helpful, if used well. As an end-in-itself it's not only unhelpful, but crumbles into inconsistency.I will offer an olive branch to the anti-antinatalists/pessimists. Do you think that people should be at least thinking of life in the meta-awareness sense that some pessimists advocate? — schop
But, is there a way for communities to directly address issues of existence head-on without mediating layers of allegory and metaphor?
I like just about everything you've written on this issue, but I think this line leave something out. What about the raging self-love that can lead to frustration? What about the monstrous inner child who always wants more? Or who is tired of being polite, punctual, and prudent? Or tired of being rational, respectable, scientific, etc.? I have in mind a kind of stupid animal rebellion against all constraint, except that it's particularly human in its relation to an unbounded imagination.
To the white men in the waterside business and to the captains of ships he was just Jim—nothing more. He had, of course, another name, but he was anxious that it should not be pronounced. His incognito, which had as many holes as a sieve, was not meant to hide a personality but a fact. When the fact broke through the incognito he would leave suddenly the seaport where he happened to be at the time and go to another—generally farther east. He kept to seaports because he was a seaman in exile from the sea, and had Ability in the abstract, which is good for no other work but that of a water-clerk. He retreated in good order towards the rising sun, and the fact followed him casually but inevitably. Thus in the course of years he was known successively in Bombay, in Calcutta, in Rangoon, in Penang, in Batavia—and in each of these halting-places was just Jim the water-clerk. Afterwards, when his keen perception of the Intolerable drove him away for good from seaports and white men, even into the virgin forest, the Malays of the jungle village, where he had elected to conceal his deplorable faculty, added a word to the monosyllable of his incognito. They called him Tuan Jim: as one might say—Lord Jim. — Conrad
I love the guy too, though I'm just really getting around to him. I recognize immediately, though, the kind of intellectual I like. This dude is present, relevant. So many thinkers are just snore-worthy, ignoring the forest for this or that tree.
For instance, how many men who read the famous thinkers for pleasure can nevertheless find themselves entangled with women who don't really have a comparable appetite for abstraction? Or for cynicism or demystification? It may be that these women do our believing for us. And we do their doubting for them. — syntax
I think it's not too far off the mark to simply say there's something wrong with antinatalists — inyenzi
The ethics of phil. pess. is such that the aesthetics of existence is not simply hand waved and ignored, as that is the core of the issue. Hence darth's point about intra-worldly affairs. This is looking at the whole pie perspective, not trying to subsume, isolate, distract, and ignore it. — Schop1
It's best we soothe with words of self-help wisdom so that individuals don't look too deep.
Most people think there is some teleology to their existence. At any particular time, I should be doing X thing. But this isn't the case. Rather there is simply habits and routines we choose to pick up because we don't like the alternative of looking at the yawning void. Condemned to be free. Inside outside, do this that. Experiences are said to accumulate into something more and more developed and growth. Nope. It's the same circular pattern. Did you ever think the ideas of self-actualization and moving towards something better were there as a way to cope with existential dread? Yes. It's best we soothe with words of self-help wisdom so that individuals don't look too deep.
Nothing in particular needs to be responsible for existence nor is there a need for guilt. There is no responsibility for that unless there is a god. This sounds like either your particular journey through this subject or a very direct experience of someone else's.
The current way of looking at things has it that you can be irresponsible as a parent of a child by how you provide for them and treat them, but hardly ever is it considered that having children tout court is irresponsible. — Darth
'I must have got embroiled in a kind of inverted spiral, I mean one the coils of which, instead of widening more and more, grew narrower and narrower and finally, given the kind of space in which I was supposed to evolve, would come to an end for lack of room.' — Beckett
"Alas," said the mouse, "the world gets smaller every day. At first it was so wide that I ran along and was happy to see walls appearing to my right and left, but these high walls converged so quickly that I’m already in the last room, and there in the corner is the trap into which I must run."
"But you’ve only got to run the other way," said the cat, and ate it. — Kafka
So here is a value-judgement upon what a person should be doing
Then you have missed the point of philosophical pessimism.
There is a – let us say – a machine. It evolved itself (I am severely scientific) out of a chaos of scraps of iron and behold! – it knits. I am horrified at the horrible work and stand appalled. I feel it ought to embroider – but it goes on knitting. You come and say: “this is all right; it’s only a question of the right kind of oil. Let us use this – for instance – celestial oil and the machine shall embroider a most beautiful design in purple and gold”. Will it? Alas no. You cannot by any special lubrication make embroidery with a knitting machine. And the most withering thought is that the infamous thing has made itself; made itself without thought, without conscience, without foresight, without eyes, without heart. It is a tragic accident – and it has happened. You can’t interfere with it. The last drop of bitterness is in the suspicion that you can’t even smash it. In virtue of that truth one and immortal which lurks in the force that made it spring into existence it is what it is – and it is indestructible!
It knits us in and it knits us out. It has knitted time space, pain, death, corruption, despair and all the illusions – and nothing matters.” — Conrad
At their best, they conjure relations and meanings that illuminate the real or that help us recognize the real, but this occurs in grammars and formulations other than those of the real." — sx
In either case, 'doggie' already has determinate (that is to say particular) 'content' qua particular content, even if not recognized in a 'higher-order' game as particular.
So I guess the point is that while it's true that the game of tokens and types is 'a' game among others (de dicto), and that this game is indeed a 'higher-order game predicated on some lower-order one', it is nonetheless implicated in all other games (de re). And to play those other games - to sort pairs of like pairs together - is to play that game, even if one doesn't know, in the full-blown intentionally directed sense of the term, that one is playing that game (and not some other). At the very least any kind of recognition of 'something as something' paves the way for a retroactive lightbulb moment of 'ah, so that's what I was doing' (at a higher order).
. — sx
Yeah, but this is a different issue, no? At stake is not a question of tokens and types: by your own description, 'doggie' isn't a particular. I mean, this is one of the reasons Sellars draws a hard line between sensation and intelligibility, where a flood of affection would lie on the former side of the equation and tokens/types on the latter. I don't think the account of tokens and types given above needs to deny that such wellings of affections - where one might utter 'Paul!' or 'doggie!' as a consequence - can happen. It needs only to ask that we be careful to distinguish between the different 'logics' at work in each.
What does it mean to abstract? At base, it means to ignore things: the concept of an 'apple' involves ignoring things about individual apples: this apple may be bruised, and that apple may be green instead of red, but all these details are ignored when we simply designate both as 'apples'. — sx
Any identification, even of a singular, already implicates two levels: object-level (token) and meta-object level (type), with the caveat that with singular things, token and type coincide in the one object. And insofar as all identification involves both token and type, what you have is a strange case of identifying the relation between an object and itself — sx
and so we have arrived at the utter vagueness that is also foundational to my anti-foundationalist position.
So I've put forward a complex but self-consistent metaphysics. And I can't recall a single substantive challenge that you have made to that so far.[/apo]
So I have challenged it and was pretty straightforward about what the challenge was:
Having developed your system, the only thing you seem to be able to do with it is find it in everything. Again, I can count on any of your posts to neatly ignore everything in the discussion except some minimal bit which can be used as kindling to fire up yet another recapitulation of the story you've already told - I don't know how many times now. As far as I can tell the only thing your system does is find itself. It seems to be a conceptual machine the purpose of which is to seek self-confirmation of itself. I base that on what I observe you do with it.
— apo
So I've put forward a complex but self-consistent metaphysics. And I can't recall a single substantive challenge that you have made to that so far.
Your reply again may be that it is unwarranted for me to expect you to frame your response in terms that might appear to legitimate my framing of the issues in that fashion. Your actual position here is the position against all positions.
It gets tiring that you keep trying for these cheap oppositions - you fun-loving artistic type, me sterile reductionist - no matter how many times I explain how that is not it.
But as I say, you need me to be that other here to justify your own contrasting "metaphysics of value". I have to be as simplistic as you to make your simplicism admissible.
"raw sensual impressionistic' pleasure is a construct born out of an opposition of theory and experience. — csal
Hence the self-conscious quotes. That was the point I was making about authenticity.
I'm really not sure if you just can't see how your writing keeps trying to manifest a standard issue reductionist account. — apo
Of course not. You need the failure of foundationalism as your justification for a totalising pluralism!)
I would gag. I couldn't fake that "encounter group" level of earnestness. :)
Why would that surprise me, given my particular totaliser scheme here?
So the dialectical manoeuvres of Romanticism are exactly what my systems logic would predict. Everything semiotic always works like that - creating itself by find its otherness to the other.
As I say, I tend to agree that poetry or art doesn't really need any overarching theory if the issue is finding "raw sensual impressionistic" pleasure in it.
The Romantic misstep you may be making is thinking that the lived level is foundational, the metaphysical level is somehow fake and inauthentic.
So if the metaphysical pole speaks of the generality, the necessity, then its opposite pole is that of the particular and the contingent. And that is not an invalid pole of being. It is the "other" pole which gives the metaphysical pole any meaning.
If you hear someone totalising, then out you dash with your counter of pluralism.
So for you, there is an obvious problem if one or the other is not defended as the foundational (making the other epiphenomenal or otherwise "illusory").
So when one goes on holiday or to an art gallery, does one document everything with a camera, try to relate it to some wider metaphysical theme. Or instead, is there a fruitfully contrary mode of simply becoming as mindlessly immersed in the sensual experience as possible?
And that semiotic symmetry-breaking is still unfolding as we evolve from everyday language through to the most abstract mathematical and logical languages
So think of this as a story of mutual repulsion that drives two things towards their opposing limits. And it is the story of all metaphysical-strength dichotomies. That is why I say it is a prediction.
Aren’t you confusing life and metaphysics? I don’t lose one by doing the other. They get to take turns.
My triadic approach predicts this. — apo, regarding a new and improved neo-bloomian approach