• ken2esq
    Sorry, posted this is Metaphysics, but think it belongs here (mods, feel free to delete other thread if this is improper dual posting).

    When any conscious beings unite in common identity or for common purpose, they link/merge a fraction of their consciousness which births a higher consciousness for that unity.

    Our consciousness arose from the unification of the lower level consciousnesses of our cells, tissues and organs, which comprise our subconscious. When we unite / join / identify with any organization or group of people, we link our consciousness into a higher level consciousness. Each religion, nation, corporation, and other groupings are truly alive and conscious, and seek self-preservation and growth. Just as we manipulate and direct the parts of our body, they can manipulate us if we belong to that organization. The amalgamation of these super-conscious voices constitutes what Freud called the superego. We have unspoken impulses which are the amalgamation of our subordinate conscious parts seeking to direct us, which Freud called the id. And we have spoken voices (and probably also unspoken manipulation) which is the amalgamation of our superconscious memberships.

    The superconscious beings -- conscious, living organizations - are mortal life forms, superconscious animals. Instead of cells, they have human beings comprising their bodies. If we die, they die. Also, if all people who unite under a particular organization disband and reject that identity, it also dies. They want to survive and grow.

    They care nothing about us except to the extent they need us to live. Think how much you care if one cell on the palm of your hand dies or suffers. Not at all. We all kill or torture a few cells to test bath water, to test if anything is hot. We kill many cells to pierce our ears, to smoke cigarettes or pot, eating fried and unhealthy foods, etc. That's how they view us.

    The most dangerous of these seem to be the superconscious religious entities. Every time a person feels they have had a visitation from a supernatural being (or alien, government spy telepathy, etc.) it is simply a superconscious being communicating with them. When a superconscious being "calls" a person to ally with them, surrender to them, and they accept, that being then has 100% control, can block out the voice of other superconscious beings, and basically turn that person into their own robot lacking human free will and values. I think most of the horrific acts that seem impossibly inhuman are committed by people in this state. Studies prove this. Look at interviews with the perpetrators of horrific mass killings and they will speak of some kind of religious intervention beforehand.

    They seem omnipotent and godly to us the same way we would seem like omnipotent gods to a cell on our body, but they are not. They are as imperfect and flawed and selfish and immoral as us. They are the source of all tales of demons and devils, of possession, of religious callings, or visitation of angels, etc.

    Why are 93% of child molestations or prepubescents committed by very religious people? Because no human would molest a small child. It is completely contrary to all human values. But a superconscious being has no such qualms, and when you surrender free will to them, they can make you do this stuff. Why? Because studies show abused children are psychologically damages and weakened to the point they are much more likely to deeply embrace religious faith. They make better sheep. Child molestation is a way that the Christian superconscious being -- and perhaps others -- seeds the field to grow better crops of future followers. Also, the perpetrators of such heinous crimes are now absolutely LOCKED into that faith, so they cannot come to their senses and reject it. If they thought for one iota that God did not direct them to do that, for some unfathomable higher purpose, how could they live with it? Embracing the faith is their only hope for salvation. It is diabolically effective.

    It is also quite possible that the superconscious Christian being sends callings to our political leaders and, when they accept it, it similarly forces them to commit such acts. I have heard conspiracy theories about our highest politicians having horrifying parties to molest kids, kill babies, worship Satan, etc. All I of course rejected as completely absurd and impossible. Except if the Christian superconscious being wants to lock down its absolute control of America's resources and political might, forcing our leaders to do such heinous things, to have that sort of dirt on them, and have them believing that, since they did those acts, they are so far gone there is no going back because unless they really are following God's dictates, they are utterly doomed, they spiritually are trapped into absolute and unquestioning faith.

    I think the other religious superconscious beings are responsible for atrocities too, like suicide bombings, as I expect those perpetrators had "callings" from their own superconscious religious being. I think these beings, like humans, can ally and have relations. I expect the Christian and Jewish superconscious beings are allied quite closely, so both are fairly powerful, control pretty much all nukes. It is a scary world right now.

    See my first post if you want to know the logic for believing in superconscious beings explained in greater detail.

    Note, for what it is worth, I am not an atheist. I think we all are fractals of a universal consciousness to which we return upon death. So we have immorality, a soul, and there is a "god" so to speak, but IT IS NOT THE SUPERCONSCIOUS BEASTS THAT ALMOST ALL RELIGIOUS PEOPLE HAVE SOLD THEIR SOULS TOO AND TAKE DIRECTION FROM. THOSE ARE MORE AKIN TO DEMONS. We need to have people detach from identifying with those religious organizations, replace it with a more generalized acceptance we live in a benevolent conscious universe of which we are part and to which we return on death, nothing more dogmatic than that, no labels.

    This is why Lao Tzu in the Tao Te Ching wrote that the Tao that can be named is not the real Tao. He literally was referring to the fact that when Taoists unite under the name of Taoism, that unification gives birth to a superconscious being, that is mortal, imperfect, and might refer to itself as Tao, but it absolutely is NOT.

    Well, if anyone has logic, reason, evidence or scientific proof this is incorrect, or can otherwise improve upon my theory, I am happy to modify or abandon it. It is frankly not a theory I like, I just cannot see a flaw in it.

  • Wayfarer
    Welcome to the Forum. Regretttably, I feel this post is unmitigated nonsense, but perhaps others might see it differently.
  • Lionino
    I agree, it sounds like a schizo rant.
  • fdrake

    I'm going to close this thread. It's not philosophy, an argument, adjacent to philosophy or well written. Please see this thread for the site guidelines and this thread for a guide on writing good OPs.

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