• Whenever You Rely On Somebody Else
    It depends on the person. But I would guess that the majority of people who have someone that relies on them sees that as an opportunity for exploitation. I've seen a lot of that in my years. Again, depends on the person. I think women are especially vulnerable to this type of exploitation.
  • Need Help to Move On
    or fear some health or other sort of calamity will deplete their assetsJoshs

    I think that's definitely in play here.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Question it based on what?Possibility

    I guess I'm making an inference. If the person's inclination is to not repay someone for their kindness, then it's possible they lack the kindness to otherwise give their resources.

    I don’t think you can really be upset that they didn’t see it as a favour to be reciprocated, when you worked so hard to avoid it being taken as such.Possibility

    Right, but fundamentally a favor was done. Regardless of how it was presented, I don't understand how someone couldn't see it as such.

    If it was a favour, then I think you need to be honest with yourself about that - and acknowledge that you gave them the wrong impression.Possibility

    Maybe so. Thank you for your thoughts.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Another possibility is shame. If the person feels ashamed of asking for helpbaker

    But then again, repaying (although not asked to do so) would assuage that feeling.

    Like others have said, there is the sense of entitlement, as a cause for not reciprocating.baker

    Could be, although I don't know where that sense of entitlement would come from. Seems illogical, but we're talking about people here.

    Maybe someone on your side of the family did something wrong to someone on their side of the familybaker

    Definitely, in some cases. In this case however, there is only one side of the family.

    Thank you for your thoughts.
  • Need Help to Move On
    So for years you have been humiliating this person by waiting for them to abase themselves by asking for your charity and then giving it as though it was nothing to you when it was vital to them.unenlightened

    Good grief. Yeah, you nailed it, that's what I've been doing.

    And now the boot is on the other foot and you will not humble yourself by asking for help.unenlightened

    Never said I wouldn't.

    Sorry, what was the question, again? Human nature?unenlightened

  • Need Help to Move On
    So, then, you do not have the quality of friendship you expected right?javi2541997

    It would appear so.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Your story should be adapted into an Agatha Christie murder mystery featuring the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. As far as I can tell, it has all the right ingredients for a psychological thriller, something Poirot delights in - a little problem for his gray cells to feed on!Agent Smith

    Oh, and it gets better, or worse. There's more to this story. Just going to leave it here for now.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Despite the fact you were expecting from your friend a help to repair the windmill, I think he was not obliged to because (supposedly) you helped him for free.javi2541997

    Certainly not obliged but wouldn't a friend do so anyway?
  • Need Help to Move On
    Interacting with people is just like, say, playing guitar.Garrett Travers

    Great analogy. I'm careful of how I interact with the people I care about. I'm not as flippant as I used to be. It's not always about me, me, me. I think how what I say might affect them before I say something. Sometimes things need to be said however, someone's got to be the pack leader and keep things in check. Other times, it's better to just not say a word. Knowing when to say something and not say something is key.

    Except my coworkers. I'll say anything to those assholes. Lazy POSs.
  • Need Help to Move On

    it would not be unreasonable to expect at least a gesture of reciprocityBitter Crank

    It's obvious that reciprocity of some sort would be the appropriate thing to do.Bitter Crank

    I think it perfectly normal for you to be troubled by his lack of reciprocity.Bitter Crank

    Thank you for the kind words. You provided a really good description of how I feel.
  • Need Help to Move On
    You weren't sharing your money with that person really free. You were expecting something afterwards.javi2541997

    Well no. I say that because the windfall was unexpected. I was giving the money long before this never expecting to be repaid. Maybe I wasn't clear about that.

    1. Probably you not have the right to ask for because supposedly you gave that money for free.
    2. But you expect from your friend being more ethical and then the principle of reciprocity despite you are not connected to him with an agreement.

    Strictly ethically speaking, I agree with your two points 100%.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Have you actually asked them for money?Possibility

    No, I haven't. I've always believed that if I did that they would give. But now I'm starting to question that supposition.

    because of the power differential it established between you. That differential has switched, and that’s what bothers you.Possibility

    Good point, but no. I've been damn careful, from the beginning, not to allow this to happen. I've seen too many times that someone will do a favor for someone else and then use that favor to shamefully manipulate the person or the lendee shows too much deference to the lender. I want neither scenario. I hold this person in a higher regard even than myself, so in my mind the power has always been in their favor.

    and just accept that you’re now both in a position where you don’t require financial assistance. Be happy for that.Possibility

    I think that's where I'm going to land on this situation. Thank you.
  • Need Help to Move On
    standards of virtue at bare minimum must be metGarrett Travers

    All the standards in this familial relationship have been met, up until this point. But then it goes back to what you were saying about implicit social contracts. I get it.

    I tell you this out of love, my friend.Garrett Travers

    I don't take any of your comments any other way. I appreciate a hard truth. In fact, I require it.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Gratitude is what one expects from a family member. Not reciprocity.L'éléphant

    Thanks for the clarification. Makes a big difference. Not to beat a dead horse or parse words, but I think reciprocity would be included as a way to show gratitude. That's just the way I think I guess.

    Are you feeling this way because it is actually about the money but you're in denial?L'éléphant

    No, I'm sure of it. Even if this person paid back every cent, it wouldn't make a difference overall. It would be nice to have the little extra but wouldn't change anything in my situation.

    Let's say he never got the windfall, but he also never thanked you, and never showed up for your birthday, your most important occasion, or for your funeral. How do you feel now? Would you be as bitter?L'éléphant

    I hope I haven't come across as bitter. I'm really not, just trying to understand what might be the reason, or thought process, of the person.
    Very common occurrence.L'éléphant

    I've thought about this a lot. I've witnessed many occasions where people treat their friends way better than their own family. Things people do to their family that they would never do to their friends. It's like social acceptance is more important to them than familial bonds. Of course, there are things that happen with families behind closed doors that drive that behavior.
  • Need Help to Move On
    If you actually did make the right move then there doesn't seem to be any need to dwell on this dilemmaAverage

    And that goes back to my initial conclusion. Thank you for your thoughts.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Why should reciprocation be expected, is he your property or something?Garrett Travers

    I don't think there's much to say about why reciprocity is good. I do something good for you, then you do something good for me and we both benefit. It also builds trust, agreeableness and forms a bond that is mutually beneficial over the long term. This is, if both are playing by the same rules.

    If you didn't have expectation, you wouldn't feeling expectation now.Garrett Travers

    Maybe I'm naïve, but it seems to me that it would be a "normal" person's inclination to reciprocate. Keep in mind, I'm not talking about a stranger or random charity.

    your value of yourself requires the recognition of appreciation from someone else in that caseGarrett Travers

    No, I just think it's not unusual to believe that someone you know would be nice to you after you've been nice to them.
  • Need Help to Move On
    his reciprocity bias had become neutralL'éléphant

    In fact, it is a family member, which is I guess is why I'm having the difficulty. If it weren't family, I would also have said they're an asshole and cut them out. I've been in the situation with non-family members before and had no qualms about it. Interesting point about reciprocity bias and my enabling but I can't shake the feeling that, now that this person has the means, that reciprocity would at least enter the person's mind and then act on it. How could it not, is the question I ask myself.

    The windfall he got, that's never your money, so there was never a loss there either.L'éléphant

    Agreed. But to me it is not about the money. I guess I have a misunderstanding about basic human nature, but then again money tends to change people not matter how exemplary their previous behavior.
    Stop seeing or talking to that person.L'éléphant

    If they weren't family I would. I don't want to be the cause of a rift or tension in the family. I don't want that in my life even if I found it justifiable.

    Thanks for the reply, it gives me some things to chew on.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Forgive me for asking but why do you feel bad about having some resentment towards this person?Average

    That's a great question. Probably because that's a negative emotion that I don't want to feel for that person, or any other person for that matter. I try to keep my emotions on an even keel which is probably why I over-analyze emotional situations. I have great respect for this person and I suppose the thought that they could do something that would tarnish that makes me feel I've misjudged the person which calls into question my ability to evaluate. Perhaps.

    But what I think you're saying is that's it is okay to feel some amount of resentment for somebody that has "wronged" me. It occurs to me that it is completely natural to have that feeling. I just want to process it in a way that brings closure where I don't think about it anymore. I think it's better for my well-being to give this person grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Would you agree that behavior is influenced by factors like culture? In other words isn't the behavior of an individual connected to what they believe about the world? In my mind some people are more likely to behave in certain ways due to their understanding of reality which is shaped by their environment and upbringing to some degree. I guess this is the nature versus nurture concept.Average

    Couldn't agree more. Reality fascinates me. Objective vs. subjective. We can never peer into someone's mind to see what their reality is. Even in an objective situation, reality is unique to the individual and can vary greatly. In nature vs. nurture, I believe nurture is the stronger force. Fascinating topic.
  • Need Help to Move On
    I was thinking of it in terms of your well-being. Stoic advice would be to act (bring up reciprocation with the subject of your generosity) or put it out of your mind because continuing to ruminate will only do you harm.praxis

    Sorry, I meant to reply to your second comment as well. I agree with you completely. It's not good for my well-being to dwell on it. It's just my nature to try to understand, or make some sense of, behavior that, in my mind, should be intrinsic in otherwise "normal" people but which isn't. Therein lies the vagaries of human nature I suppose. I chock a lot of thing up to "human nature" but I guess because it personal this time that I'm having difficulty.

    Thanks for the new perspective.
  • Need Help to Move On
    What exactly do you have in mind when you mention human nature? My understanding of human history is dominated by warfare.Average

    I guess I'm speaking of human nature very generally on a personal level. If we're at the bar and I buy you a beer, you buy me one a little later on. That kind of thing.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Bringing up the subject of reciprocation, a good relationship should be able to handle it, or if you decide not to then put it out of your mind because continuing to think about it is only causing you stress.praxis

    But doesn't a good relationship also include reciprocity? That's where I'm having difficulty.
  • Need Help to Move On
    Do you think that you made the right decision when you chose to help them or do you regret it?Average

    Definitely don't regret it. Not in the least. It was absolutely the right decision, every time. It just seems to me, generally speaking, that it's human nature to want to return kindness with kindness and the fact that's not happening in my situation is blowing my mind.
  • Introducing myself ... and something else
    And, in saying this, I'm setting up where I will be coming from, which is not a materialistic view of the Universe (and ultimately Us) springing up autonomously and evolving unaided.Joe Mello

    My view is similar. Materialism only takes us so far. Not considering other possibilities seems to me to be generally unphilosophical.
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?

    He's a many worlds proponent. Simply put, many worlds posits that is the explanation of our universe.
  • Not knowing everything about technology you use is bad
    I see the problem as being dependent on technology for survival. We're one direct hit from a coronal mass ejection away from being flung back into the stone age.
  • WTF is Max Tegmark talking about?
    Having to create an infinitum of universes to explain our one universe is suspect.
  • Is change a property of space, objects, or both?
    Change is a property of time. No time, no change.
  • Interesting concept - monkeys playing "pong" on a computer.
    When they hit the ball right a machine gives them a food pelleternest meyer

    So were they really "playing" pong then? Or did they just figure out how to get food? I don't think they were "playing" pong in the same sense as if you and I played pong.
  • Is someone obligated to do the right thing in a corrupt system?
    I say no. Because I wouldn't want anyone to feel guilty. Life is hard enough already. You just do what you have to do.TaySan

    I tend to agree. Especially if doing the right thing has the potential of harming other uninvolved parties. I'm okay bearing the burden but not quite so okay for uninvited repercussions to affect someone else.
  • Being a Man
    do you think that this version of masculinity has a place in the modern world?BigThoughtDropper

    Sure do, I would dare say most women are attracted to masculinity as you described it.
  • Problems with the term “multiverse”
    I have a couple problems with the multiverse.

    First is in the way it's presented. For the multiverse to be true, then everything that can happen will happen. It's presented very benignly. For instance in this universe you wore a blue shirt today but in another you wore a red shirt and in yet another you wore a green one. That's all fine and good until you realize that in one universe you were a serial killer and in another you strangled your family to death with your bare hands and in yet another you are a child molester.

    Second is that there has to be an infinitum of universes just to explain our one universe.

    It's a fun theory I guess but not very attractive.
  • The Value Of Patience
    The second paragraph just sounds like procrastination to me, something I've very familiar with.
  • Is someone obligated to do the right thing in a corrupt system?
    Often people will settle on a position on morality after reviewing, to the best of their ability, a range of established positions.Tom Storm

    So it sounds like it depends on which, or a mix of, brand of Philosophy that the individual settles on. A mix a philosophy sounds like it will often lead to inconsistency which I find unsatisfying.
  • Be a good person but don’t waste time to prove it.
    But doesn't being a good person already prove that you're a good person? Trying to prove it seems redundant. I guess that's the whole point of the quote.
  • Is someone obligated to do the right thing in a corrupt system?
    The motivation to do the right thing must come from his own conscience.NOS4A2

    As others have pointed out, a lot is situational and relative. Without specifics, it's hard to say.James Riley

    Philosophy can provide you with many contradictory schools and approaches.Tom Storm

    Thank you all for your responses. I was trying to get Philosophy's position on the issue. What I'm understanding now is that Philosophy has no distinct position on the issue but rather is up to the individual to determine based on his own philosophical principles.
  • Fairness
    The "fairness is overrated" remark speaks to conscience. My question is, how long can someone go before their conscience can no longer be ignored?
  • Is someone obligated to do the right thing in a corrupt system?

    Thank you Tom. I was purposely being non-specific because I didn't want to believe that doing the right thing is situational. So is it true in Philosophy that doing the right thing can be situational?
  • Is someone obligated to do the right thing in a corrupt system?

    That's a very good question. Thank you.

    I think I should have phrased the question differently.

    My revised question:

    If someone is forced to participate in a corrupt system, is that person obligated to do the right thing?