Welcome Robot Overlords There is an issue of frameworks here. What's the justificatory framework for connecting the production of language with feelings and awareness, i.e. sentience? Mine is one of evolutionary biology. We expect beings who have been built like us over millions of years of evolution to be like us. So for those who posit a connection between the production of a fascimile of human language and the presence of feelings, you also need a framewok. If you don't have that, you are not even at step one of justifying how the former can be indicative of the latter.
Again, sentience is the state of having feelings/awareness. It is not the outputting of linguistically coherent responses to some input. It's more about the competitive navigation of the constraints of physical environments resulting in systems that need to adapt to such navigation developing reflexive mental processes beneficial to the propagation of their reproductive potentialities as instantiated in RNA/DNA.
If your framwework for sentience is the outputting of a fascimile of human language, it's a very impoverished and perverse one. Apply Occam's Razor and it's gone. Sentience necessitates feelings not words. I mean, let's realize how low a bar it is to consider appropriate outputs in mostly gramatically correct forms of language to some linguistic inputs (except challenging ones) to be evidence of feelings. And let's note that the Turing Test is a hangover from a behaviourist era when linguistics and evolutionary biology were nascent disciplines and it was fashionable to consider people being like machines/computer.
My understanding of the term 'sentience' in itself logically imposes a belief I am sentient and reasoning by analogy justifies considering those like me in fundamental biological ways that are scientifically verifiable through anatomical, evolutionary, and neuroscientific testing to also be sentient. I do not believe I am sentient because I produce words and I do not have any justification for believing other beings or things are sentient simply because they produce words. Again, sentience is defined by feelings and awareness, which in human beings over evolutionary time happened to lead to the production of language. You can't run that causal chain backwards. The ability to produce (a fascimile of) language is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition of sentience nor, without some justificatory framework, is it even any evidence thereof.