If it's all just opinion, then why aren't we just gossiping about preferences and hunches here? — hanaH
Again, and it's tiring a bit, you don't understand. I'm a quite patient guy but sometimes I can't understand why people don't see the obvious. I don't say it's all just an opinion. Preferences and hunches are to be found in every knowledge system. That of religion, that of the Inuit, or that of the astrologist. They are a welcome addition to knowledge though, and the pseudo science of today can be the normal of tomorrow. If I believe Covid is caused by a non-viral entity, then who are you to say I'm wrong? "Because you
are wrong", I hear you say. And that's where
you are wrong. In the present science based world it comes in handy though. The virus approach to the disease. Science is the cause for the global outbreaks, so it should be used for cure too. But there are legitimate other approaches to the cure of the disease and on top of that, the covid-affair is highly overrated. I myself believe a virus did the job indeed. You would say that it is the virus
only that did the job. People of different outlook don't see viruses at all, and I know that it's hard for you to imagine that this could be not so for others. Everyone likes his own reality to be universal, and we are trained that there can be only one reality. But so thought the old Greek who saw gods walking on the Olympos. The concept of one unchangeable reality was introduced by Xenophanes (as I already mentioned). He replaced the old reality by one almighty God, unknowable to man, approximate though. An idea overtook in mathematical form by Plato. And still loudly sounding in these days. So however usefull science may be, it hasn't got a sole right on ontology matters. If someone sees a disease as an imbalance of the cholera or flegmatic fluid, and has means for curing it (and there are numerous examples where science fails, and alternative succeeds, because science gives a pretty distorted, incoherent, and disconnected view of living beings, not to mention the many mistakes and failures made in hospitals, but you seem to overlook these), then who is science to exclude them. And they
are excluded, although they can operate on the border of society. In a truly free society the should be given equal privilege.
So again, propaganda babble.
Ultimately we gained more control of nature, fending off a serious threat. — hanaH
serious threat? Are there non-serious ones too. This word is often heard too in propaganda babble. More control over nature? You mean more control over human beings. Nature has lost control over itself and is replaced by crazy human inventions. Control over Nature... Speaking about humbleness. Nature gave you the gift of life. TmYou have the same attitude of the separation of man and Nature as is posed by the dogma of science. I'm not a guy who is all natural or something like that. I'm a physicist myself and I like science. I don't have the attitude though that my reality is the one for all, although I belief my knowledge can be objective. Be it like it is, I'm gonna watch the Dalek, from 1966. "Exterminate, exterminate!"