Think about it, can you have an "equation" or an "equivalence" if the entire equation was not finite/limited? — Benj96
Well potential has no mass. As mass requires time (e=mc2, speed is involved here and that requires time and distance). — Benj96
Potential is massless. Then it creates mass when it also creates energy and time. The dynamic between energy and time is what creates mass. As mass is created, it consumes large amounts of energy. Thus the total potential of the universe decreases. To move that mass further decreases the potential of the universe. — Benj96
Potential is thus is not infinite. An infinite amount of mass or energy can never arise. The universe is quantised. There are limits. And thats why we have stable physical constants in physics. If the energy and mass of the universe kept increasing, the physics constants would also have to change. — Benj96
Well as I said earlier it's not nothing. As true nothing would have no characteristics/properties. As those are qualities of somethingness. — Benj96
Nothing cannot create existants. Only existants can create existants. — Benj96
But in the simplest explanation: potential is the capacity to act, without actually acting. Like a pressure to exert action. — Benj96
I think we will need a system that is far more robust and reliable than the corpus callosum.
chatGPT cant even pass the Turing test. Despite the fact that some sources claim that it has. — universeness
If that's true, then I think there maybe a fatal flaw in the proposal that data is a universal fundamental.
A 'representation' is not 'an actual,' its a mathematical simulation. — universeness
But how would you go about empirically proving that? A photon has associated attributes, sure but we currently know so little about exactly what constitutes a photon and we don't know adequate detail about it's functionality, to be able to 'reproduce' it via data representation. — universeness
Until we can actually achieve a tech such as point to point dematerialise/rematerialise transportation of objects with mass or create start trek style food replicators, we will not be able to demonstrate that data is a universal fundamental. Can you think of other tech that would be enough to demonstrate that data is 'thee' universal fundamental? — universeness
But it seems to me that the limits of what can be achieved, in that case is, 'virtual simulation' or at best 'virtual emulation,' inside computers but not physical reproduction. To me, if data is thee universal fundamental, then it MUST be possible to use it to create that which is natural, because that's the content of the universe. — universeness
I currently, give very little credence to any of the current 'simulation theories' of reality.
They are just another form of supernatural or 'god' posit imo. An infinite regression of programmers who create simulated universes.
Why would an outside force create a simulation of a universe that had no life at all in it for the vast majority of its existence. What kind of purpose would the simulators have for creating our universe? — universeness
But that's not true if data is thee fundamental! A legal system is made up of information and information is not simulated, it's real. It can even create REAL simulations. — universeness
Roger Penrose's CCC proposes that most 'information' will end up inside black holes as the universe experiences heat death. — universeness
My thesis: If the above connection isn’t being made, you’ve failed the test. — Mikie
Hope i explained it a bit better. It's a very difficult subject. Might take a few readings. — Benj96
But is it not also posited that autism can result in very challenged emotional control, a lack or empathy or/and sympathy etc. Such could be really problematic if present in a hivemind. Sociopaths and narcissists can also be highly specialised in their cognitive functions but I don't recommend applying their models to a network of individual consciousnesses, unless the enhanced cognitive functions can be applied minus all the negative aspects of autism, sociopathy and narcissism. — universeness
I think the better model is the R-complex, the Limbic system and the Cortex. The reason I say this is because I sense the presence of all three. I refer to them with the old idea of me, myself and I. — universeness
I wonder how far that 'reductionism' can 'scientifically' be proved true. Is human intent and purpose reducible to data representations. It has to be, if information is 'thee' universal fundamental. — universeness
But developing adequate network protocols, that are 'fit for purpose' for all possible scenarios, (for which it's almost impossible to exhaustively test,) is really difficult, and it's why those who develop network operating systems are highly paid and the best of them are highly sought after by every country in the world. — universeness
I want to slam that door shut permanently and move on. — universeness
Yes but my problem is that using bits to represent a photon is still a REPRESENTATION.
Computers exist based on binary representations but the two state representations used in current computers are based on the presence of absence of a voltage > 0 volts and <= 5 volts.
Such representations have little to do with the 'physical realities' of the universe. — universeness
The simulations shown at around time stamp 38 mins are just that, simulations of a real world fluid but such cannot produce a REAL world fluid.
That's the bit I am interested. — universeness
Can identification of a fundamental unit for information open the door to something like star trek style replicators or transporters? — universeness
Later on, in the vid, when Jim starts talking about 'deletion of information' and connecting that to the concept of universal entropy, It that a valid definition of what entropy is? The loss of information? To where? black holes? — universeness
Why do you think autism would make a person most suited to a hivemind? — universeness
The alien can access the information stored in the robot boy. The network to other aliens seems to be by touch. I don't see any invocation of a hivemind here, however, It seems to be more like the model I suggested, Autonomous Individuals who can also act as a merged/networked collective. — universeness
I never like the use of 'perfect,' when it comes to describing any system, as I think it's one of those words that invokes a non-existent. — universeness
This is where I think the video falls short and the current scientific orthodoxy on the fundamentality of data is incomplete. But I don't think Gnomon's enformationism takes us anywhere useful, as it is too 'philosophical' and does not qualify as a scientific theory which has empirical evidence and has been peer reviewed. I would pay much more attention to it if it was a theory, instead of just a personal hypothesis. — universeness
I agree, punos, except I subsritute change for "time". And my answer is consistent, I think, with the Nobel physicist Frank Wilczek's quip
Nothing is unstable
e.g. Noether's theorem, spontaneous symmetry-breaking, etc — 180 Proof
I think you're missing a real reason why any of that should happen — Leftist
Interesting. But why? — Leftist
My only qualm is about heat death. Heat death is only a theory based on observed increasing entropy. — Benj96
What's the difference between absolute zero (where energy is not manifested, nothing can act and time doesn't occur) and the state of "potential energy" - a possible precursor to the big bang - where no actualised energy exists, only potential, and time doesnt occur. — Benj96
An analogy is like how an elastic band stretches. It stretches ever slower (rate, time dilation) but it's potential Energy increases ever further. — Benj96
When it recoils, potential energy becomes actualised energy and time decreases in unit duration ie. Rate increases - the contraction of the second, or a standardised unit of time. — Benj96
In this case there's no heat death. Only an Interplay between potential and no time, and actualised energy/existence of time.
As an inverse relationship. — Benj96
It's not always easy to identify when and what particular aspects of a post are jocular. Best to use the 'joke' emoticon if you think it's not totally obvious. — universeness
I do not value any hivemind model, available in the insect world as worth emulation for humans or transhumans. I also do not value any hivemind posited by sci-fi that I am familiar with. — universeness
No, I am willing to collectivise and work together, but my individuality is also essential.
Hivemind's have a totalitarian ruler. F*** that shit!!!! — universeness
Ok, It seems we type mainly, in unison. — universeness
We rarely appreciate an antithesis shoved into our thesis. — Baden
Better to create stories for ourselves that give us power and reject those that take it away. — Baden
So do you not accept photons, gluons as the fundamentals of energy, measured in elecrton-volts or joules? — universeness
Because such a god posit is 'of the gaps.' 'An answer with no(or insufficient) explanation YET, does not mean insufficient explanation FOREVER. How does slotting in god help us meantime? Why would that turn insufficient into sufficient? What have we gained if we say god did it? Should 'god did it,' ever provide all humans (especially those with a mind towards scientific investigation) with an excuse to stop asking detailed questions that can and must be asked about quantum fluctuations in the vacuum of space. I vote for continuing to try to find the answers we want and never be satisfied with the delusional god answer. — universeness
How do you know no physical evidence will be possible, it depends on exactly what is covered in the future by the label 'physical.' — universeness
What do you think? Can you relate to what I think/feel? — niki wonoto
What's teleonomy? — Agent Smith
The carrot is an illusion, the stick is not. The daucus carota subsp. sativus is what keeps us going, willing to play (the game of life). 180 Proof has a term for it. Ask him. — Agent Smith
Did you know, heard it from an Iranian, that the Ayatollah of Iran gave each Iranian soldier an actual key, a key to heaven according to him, before they marched to their deaths during the Iran-Iraq war (1980s)? — Agent Smith
It's possible that the spiritual key was made by nature to keep us motivated to play the game (of life). There's no lock for that key, but we keep looking and "while you're at it, why don't you make some babies, eh?" says Momma Nature. What a mind job, oui? — Agent Smith
There is not any experimental corroboration or theoretical function in fundamental physics for "God" but there are both for vacuum fluctuations. — 180 Proof
Lot of insightful comments in this thread! These are just a small sample. Thanks everyone. — 0 thru 9
here is no Why (which does not beg this Why question further); and as for the How, theoretical symmetry-breaking (i.e. vacuum fluctuations, etc) suffices. — 180 Proof
And since there is only one state of nothing-ness relative to the infinitely many states of not-nothing-ness, the probability of the former relative to the latter is vanishing close to zero (which, IMO, is the only state-of-affairs so infinitely improbable that it paradoxically necessitates an "Absolute Being" to sustain "Absolute Nonbeing" :scream:). — 180 Proof