• is the following argument valid (but maybe not sound)?
    Modus tollens logic is of the form "If A, then B. Not A. Therefore, not B."Alkis Piskas
    Check again.

    If anything is an appearance it is known mediately,
    The individual knows that he (or she) acts non-mediately
    Thus, action cannot be an appearance. — KantDane21
    Valid and sound.
  • Nobody's talking about the Aliens
    Questions like, should this footage elicit a change in beliefs at all?flannel jesus
    No. It doesn't make me change my mind. If there are evidence of alien life forms, and they've reached the Earth, and caught on camera, then they should be here. Man-made space debris fall on Earth in minute particles undetectable by our existing technology. If you found something at the bottom of the ocean that's "strange", most likely it's our own space debris.

    If there are other life forms, and they're too far away to reach the Earth, then all we have are speculations.
  • The Complexities of Abortion
    do I have the right, as the egregious perpetrator, to keep my kidneys if I do not consent to giving them to the victim?Bob Ross
    Yes. You do.
  • "Good and Evil are not inherited, they're nurtured." Discuss the statement.
    Here's a good specimen of humans that might be of interest in relation to the OP:
    Search for Robert Tulloch and James Parker murder of two professors.

  • The Complexities of Abortion
    I just like to use examples that prima facie aren't about abortion so that the conversation doesn't derail into begging the question and to try and latch onto intuitions one may have outside of abortion talk which are pertinent to it.Bob Ross
    I understand. You are right to call out statements such as "a woman has autonomy over her body" carte blanche. Abortion is one of those situations where there is a lot of gray areas -- she can have an abortion, but she cannot use drugs while pregnant. The hazard for women who birth live babies is that the moment the baby is born, that baby is a whole person with a whole bunch of rights given to them, such that if she harms them in any way, it is criminal automatically.

    Although, of course, if a woman does not feel like taking care of that baby, she can make it known legally and give up the baby. She has the right to reject the newborn baby.
  • "Good and Evil are not inherited, they're nurtured." Discuss the statement.
    She has been doing this from infancy, in spite of all attempts by her caregivers and teachers to modify the behaviour?Vera Mont
    From the sound of it, she developed this not as a child, but as a teen.

    There's a basic flaw in the assumptions of this thread; actions are what are good or bad, not people, and not genes.Banno
    So, we can eliminate people and let actions happen? lol.

    Her ‘dark side’, her ‘evil’ and manipulations are how her behaviors appear to us when we fail to see the world through her eyes , and instead try to force our perspective on her.Joshs
    You can say all the right things, but suffice it to say that her employer and colleagues had always been supportive of her. That did not stop her from taking advantage of them. Like I said, I haven't talked about the really serious issues. But I will no longer talk about it. I just used it as an example that you could stumble upon people who are just truly evil even if no one has harmed them.
  • The Complexities of Abortion
    I disagree: why would she have that sort of absolute right to bodily autonomy?Bob Ross
    In certain states in the US, a woman does not have a full autonomy over her body. An example is, if she was pregnant and a drug user, it is criminal.
  • "Good and Evil are not inherited, they're nurtured." Discuss the statement.
    In addition to genetic mental conditionsOutlander
    In my previous posts I avoided saying the "mental conditions" because I don't want to turn this into a mental health issues. When the OP asked if good and evil are born or nurtured, my response is they are born (nature). And we only turn to nurture to modify bad behaviors (and foster good ones). So, continuing on, the reason why I don't want to bring in the emotional or mental health issues is because most people have those conditions, short term or long term. There are many bipolar individuals who are not evil, let alone mean, for example. So, I hope this is clear.

    I'm talking about people who have good command of their emotions and mental conditions but whose constitution-- the whole of their personhood-- predisposed them to be bad.

    I'm very interested in this topic because I'm currently observing an individual who I shared an office with recently and whom I got to know closely for over a year. I have moved to another office now, but to continue with this point: this individual is just your ordinary person who has held her job for a long time. I believe it's only me who got to know her dark side, though. Not even the boss knows her well, at least not what I've discovered. I won't go into the deep dark secrets, but the example I'd use is she revels in "playing tricks" on others: manipulation, compulsive lies, and dramas to get her "wins" no matter how small that is.
  • "Good and Evil are not inherited, they're nurtured." Discuss the statement.
    I would find it hard to believe for the simple reason as it could be argued then that people should be imprisoned or stripped of rights from birth because they are fundamentally bad.Benj96
    You must not have heard the joke about the thought police. No, we don't imprison people just cause they were born bad. We wait until there's evidence. There was a research done on some murderers whose ancestors were once murderers as well. Generations of families did not wipe out the traces of evil in them.

    But we don't have to go to the most heinous criminals. Just your everyday functioning, employed sociopaths will do as an observational experiment.

    Some people are predisposed to sociopathic behavior because they have it in them something similar to what gets them high. Some people have the alcoholic predisposition, some phobic predisposition.

    Is stealing a loaf of bread to feed your hungry children a good thing or a bad thing?Agree-to-Disagree
    I thought we're talking about the evil here? Obviously, we can ignore those.
  • "Good and Evil are not inherited, they're nurtured." Discuss the statement.
    How many of you would propose it is down to one thing: that people are really born bad or good eggs, or that really there is only conditioning and interpersonal influence at work. Who would propose that it is in fact an obligatory combination. That both are neccesary to give rise to certain outcomes. Please support your arguments with examples.Benj96
    People are born either bad or good -- so nature. I apologize in advance to those who disagree. When we apply intelligence to behavior, i.e. learning, experiment, results, we are turning to nurture to modify bad behaviors. Look at recidivism of criminals (although it's not confined to those who went to prison as we do have other bad people at large also).
  • List of Definitions (An Exercise)
    An explanation of what something “is” or isn’t— that’s dealing with meaning, and is a kind of definition.Mikie
    You're not convinced with your own assertion. "Kind of"?

    I want to use the example of surgery. If you find someone cutting though the flesh and rearranging the organs of another human being, is he performing surgery? After all, these are what surgeons do when they operate. But what if that someone is not a doctor? -- certainly he's not performing surgery because the definition of surgery is limited to the "practice of medicine" which could only be applied to doctors.

    Philosophy involves ongoing conversation -- whether written or verbal. But not all ongoing conversations are doing philosophy.
  • The Complexities of Abortion
    Not a puzzle. A woman's bodily autonomy does not transfer to a murderer.LuckyR
    But the definition of a fetus by the state changes depending on who terminates the life of the fetus.

    If it's a woman's action that terminates the fetus, then that's legal. But if it's another person, it's homicide. The fetus has two ways of legal existence, concurrently.
  • List of Definitions (An Exercise)
    Funny that you’d end your post with a definition of philosophy as an “ongoing conversation.”Mikie
    I disagree. Banno's comment is an explanation of doing philosophy, not its definition.
  • The Complexities of Abortion
    I'm not posting here to argue for or against abortion. I want to just explain something that's irreconcilable about pro-abortion and anti-abortion societies.

    When someone announces the pregnancy, her whole circle celebrates: there's formal announcement, there's gender-reveal (shown in theaters, no less), there's baby shower-- when I was a kid I thought they literally bathe the pregnant woman in front of the guests) then there's the birth, and finally the christening where food and gifts are used to celebrate this important occasion. Following this, a lot of legal rights accrue to the baby: the mother could be prosecuted for drug use while pregnant, the baby has the right to be taken care of and not neglected, and of course, if the baby dies at the hands of the parents or any member of their society, there's homicide or infanticide.

    Meanwhile, within the same society, the pregnant woman can decide to terminate the pregnancy without any reason required. Because in the pro-choice stance, it doesn't matter whether the fetus growing inside is the woman's own flesh and blood. She is not held accountable morally to spare the fetus just because it's her own blood. This is what it means by her-body-her-choice. The fetus has no right to use the woman's body to grow to full viability. At any given point during the pregnancy, the fetus doesn't count as an entity. Note that if you're one of the guests in a baby shower, you're celebrating the woman, not the fetus inside the womb.

    Then here comes another puzzling thing. Suppose a woman decides to terminate the pregnancy and made an appointment with a doctor two weeks from now. Suppose that an intruder attacks the woman and kills her and the baby before the appointment. The state can then charge the intruder with double homicide -- never mind that the woman doesn't' want the baby and is about to terminate it. Depending on what country or state in the US you're in, killing a pregnant woman is double homicide.
  • How to choose what to believe?
    In a society where govenments try to tell you what is true and raise you into believing what you believe,Hailey
    Any government does not have a monopoly in information. This is what a common person believes -- that everything that comes out as information is created by the government. There are modern intelligentsias who continually write, if not verbally contribute, about the society. There are also the capitalist multi-nationals who continue to shape our beliefs -- good or bad.
  • Encounters with Reality / happiness or suffering ?
    This leads to the individuals recognition that they’re in a self created bubble allows room for their self emergence from it and different perspectives on life and reality and maybe a pursuit of knowledge be that self-knowledge or philosophy.

    But why philosophy anyway ? If a person is happy who needs it ? It’s often recognised that life is suffering and ignorance is bliss but are these just convenient aphorisms or is the truth somewhere in between?
    The truth is somewhere in between. Life is not suffering. Life is one huge experimental lab that anyone could explore and try things out. It should allow you to think and be satisfied, be unhappy, or happy about what you find. (JS Mill might help here as a reference). Philosophy is a refuge to those who find that material things do not make them satisfied -- or they find that material possessions or wanting material possessions leave them empty. Science is also that -- many inventors in the past had devoted their entire life -- often dying without success -- working on their projects. Then, there's the artistic or creative realm where you can bury yourself just creating.

    Bubbles are good -- if it leaves you not wanting other-wordly things. If it leaves you self-sufficient. I don't allow in my little circle individuals who suck. The energy vampires, as you some call them, have no life other than dump on you their dramas. And it's repeated everyday, multiple times a day. If you examine the way they think, there's really nothing exciting happening there.
  • How to Determine If You’re Full of Shit
    We all think we’re special.Mikie
    This is not the norm unless you are a narcissist. I mean that in a factual way. Most people have a good sense of more here, little there, okay, and good. In fact, even an egoistic individual would only be egoistic within his own circle around him -- usually a very tiny one: himself and another person.

    "Egoistic" as used here is not the philosophical egoism.
  • Buy, Borrow, Die
    where do the loan repayments come from?LuckyR
    I could explain some of it, but won't.

    Do you think some kind of scheme should be put into place to help minimum wage workers in later life? I do. Maybe open up a pension/saving scheme to set up like I said? Good idea or bad idea?I like sushi
    Good idea on paper. I would like an automatic benefit plan for minimum wage. The good argument is, the retail and food sectors really need people to work at low wage. They need people to stay at that level. The bad argument is, any employment benefits, including health coverage, is part of the compensation package. That is, you need to include that in the calculation of their overall compensation. So, the cost to the employers is much higher than the actual per hour rate. Labor is one of the most expensive costs in running a business. (Don't worry, come staff reduction, the highly compensated employees are always the ones being scrutinized. But this is for another topic).

    The problem is, pension doesn't always mean people can make ends meet. One, if they're married, they need to stay married so that money can go along way -- one household only. The ones who can afford to be alone in retirement are those that were highly paid during their active working years (not minimum wage).

    Second, shit can happen to anyone. Irresponsible money handling can still lead to broke-ass life despite the high income production.

    This can be a good topic on a separate thread.
  • UFOs
    I didn't buy the ticket. I want a real freak show, not modalities and scenarios.

    A two-prong dilemma doesn't count.
  • Buy, Borrow, Die
    So, please excuse my joke at your expense.BC
    lol. No problem. :up:
  • Fukuyama's "The End of History and the Last Man"
    Thus, Fukuyama appears to be looking in the wrong place for a new movement.Count Timothy von Icarus
    To me, his mistake is to think that history -- or the development of political history is linear. The ancients actually thought it was a cycle, in which the liberal democratic form is just going through its phase, and then another political form replaces it. There were probably 4 or 5 forms of a government. They cycle around until it repeats.

    Rather, he thought (he is writing in 1989-1992) that no alternative to liberal democracy could emerge that would be widely considered to be a more legitimate alternative.Count Timothy von Icarus
    That's assuming that "political freedom" and individuality continue to be the ideal values. But we can't even fathom now that a possibility exists that the development in eons, human minds could change into something we wouldn't recognize now. Maybe humans would actually turn docile and think that an oligarchy is desirable -- so long as the needs of the population are being met, the oligarchs are the ideal masters. Maybe in eons, the population do not want to be responsible for their own life and want the ruling elite to take care of everything.
  • Philosophical Therapy: Care of the Soul, Preparation for Death
    Ancient philosophy was designed for the sake of living a truly eudaimonic life. The modern philosophies that have risen since the Enlightenment need to shift towards this paradigm of therapeía, that is to say, "healing.Dermot Griffin
    We can't have this if our world worships massive material wealth -- the surplus economy where only those in position to hold the surpluses flourish.
  • Buy, Borrow, Die
    Great, IF the spouse has lots of cash,

    I don't recommend it. — L'éléphant

    Especially if one IS the rich spouse.
    No, we're not talking about cash or "one rich spouse". We're on topic here as below:

    that would mean they have to pay capital gains tax.Mikie
    This is the topic.
  • Buy, Borrow, Die
    So, what do they do instead?Mikie
    A spouse dying also works. I don't recommend it. But that's how it can work too.
  • How to define 'reality'?
    I'd define reality as "The sum of everything that is objectively true right now."Cidat
    Reality is the whole cosmos. But in philosophy, we really do not have a hard definition of it. Philosophers do not intentionally define it, for good reason. Instead, what we have is a contrast against appearance, illusion, imagination, and possibilities. This is the best way to understand what we mean by reality. A negative definition works better than any other attempts.
  • Information Theory and the Science of Post-Modernism
    Someone on a philosophy forum once said the amount of new information (they might have said knowledge) in a dictionary is essentially zero, because all the dictionary does is refer to itself. That's always stuck with me. What do you think of that?RogueAI
    To me this is incorrect as there are actually panels of experts who write the dictionary, they're just not cited for each word definition. So, it looks like "no human source" was used in the making of the dictionary. Besides, words, as years go by can change its meaning due to change in population's way of talking or writing. And more words are added to the dictionary, as we now know "google" is a verb.
  • A List of Intense Annoyances
    What’s annoying is how expensive it is.Mikie
  • A List of Intense Annoyances

    [2] people who go to concerts so they could hear themselves talk nonstop. They do this intentionally.

    [3] Drivers who hit pedestrians. WTF, man! :scream:

    [4] Drunk drivers. There should be a breathalyzer device in the car to start the ignition. But it wouldn't take long before people could fool the breathalyzer. So, I don't know.

    [5] People who eat ramen everyday. Look, it's good. But everyday? We're not in apocalypse yet.

    [6] Animal abuse

    [7] Dragon fruit.
  • I’m 40 years old this year, and I still don’t know what to do, whether I should continue to live/die
    I’m also basically jobless/unemployed, and not interested at all to run his (my father’s) businesses ... — niki wonoto

    Stop being a selfish asshole. Help your father with his struggling business in any way you can – help your family, help your brother, contribute to your community. Whatever good you've experienced and benefitted from, sir, you owe them all – which is a debt none of us can repay but we can honor by taking care of others beginning with those closest to us.
    180 Proof
    Yes, this is all good.

    Also, tell niki wonoto to open himself/herself to the world -- even in small ways. Make his life mean something to others, if he can't make it meaningful to himself. It's gonna be a very tiny circle -- not plastered on magazines or websites. So, one, he needs courage to face the fact that he is nothing to the world, he's a nobody; but that he can use his living daylights to help his family, or someone else. It won't be easy because the lack of motivation is the enemy. But as I just mentioned, courage is the key here. Courage to disobey his mind, and do something.

    Btw, all this lifelong career is bullshit. An acquaintance got fired from his job. So, what he did immediately -- he passed the cpa exam and got his license. Then abandoned it and enrolled back to college to study physics. He's arrogant in a good way. He wanted to prove he didn't get fired because of incompetence. He wanted to prove to them that he was bored to his skull.

    So anyway, niki wonoto's life can be a series of gig jobs. Forget about retirement or planning for the future. Just work to eat and pay for electricity. That's it.
  • The awareness of time
    Does what we designate as time really only refer to the awareness of time?Pantagruel

    the present moment may be all which exists, but how are we to understand looking back? I think we just have to take past, present and future as structures in human cognition which help us to make sense of our reality, but I don't know how much we can say beyond this. We can't really examine time outside of our experience of it.Tom Storm

    We don't have awareness of time, per se. If there's "nothing" in the universe but time, then we wouldn't be able to perceive it. How we perceive time is through object permanence and memory. I saw a huge tree when I passed the bridge, then I came back the same way and saw the tree again. In my memory, I saw a tree on my way, then I saw it again on my way back. The two moments are both in our thought. The second time triggered my memory that I saw that tree the first time. If I deliberate further, because my mind has object permanence, I believe that I will pass that tree again tomorrow if I go that way (unless someone cut down the tree before I get there).

    Edit. there are things that we perceive that isn't temporal.
  • The (possible) Dangers of of AI Technology
    However, that is not the comparison I was making. I was trying to distinguish the two concepts:
    human-motivated technology from independent AI motivation
    Vera Mont
    Ah! I see where you're not clear about. The AI is not "independent" or autonomous, as we say about humans. The AI can be launched once and be automatic. Independent/autonomous is not the same as automatic. There is no motivation (as there is no intentionality). It's the widening or limiting the restrictions, that's where you're supposed to look at.

    I didn't say anything about futility. I said it was insufficient; i.e. does not avert the danger.Vera Mont
    Read the fallacy of appeal to futility.
  • The (possible) Dangers of of AI Technology
    There are humans behind every gun that kills a schoolchild, too. Is that the "danger of guns"?Vera Mont

    Prosecuting the few fraudulent users of AI who can be caught won't stop the fraud;Vera Mont
    The appeal to futility actually benefits the fraudsters and scammers. And it's incorrect to think that it's futile. It's not futile. Minimizing fraud and danger is a strong response to fraud and danger. Why not just ban all vehicles, since each year thousands die from vehicular crashes?
  • Object Recognition
    This might cause me some alarm, but if I am unfamiliar, fundamentally, with what an object is, then there is no way for me to differentiate the lion from everything else in the environment perceived. In other words, I would have to pick out the lion first, before I have good reason to avoid it.

    But I can pick out lions, and other things. How do I do this?
    And the answer to your question is, you would not have grown into adulthood, or into childhood without object-perception. Unless you are blind, no nerve endings to feel objects, and no other sensory features, and no perception of time (memory) -- in which case you would not have survived infancy -- then you really do not have a choice but be conditioned to know these things. This is your realism at its best.

    No, the world does not appear to us as a painting simply because we perceive boundaries and points and edges. You can't escape your perception, so you have no choice but to view the world through these lenses.
  • The (possible) Dangers of of AI Technology
    The internet is already up to it nostrils in disinformation of every kind. That's all human-motivated, human-initiated activity.Vera Mont

    But AI doing any of that on its own initiative? Improbable.Vera Mont
    Yes, of course. There are humans behind the AI -- humans that could be prosecuted for fraud, disinformation, and whatever.
  • The (possible) Dangers of of AI Technology
    The issue is that unregulated AI has the potential to promote propaganda, malicious agendas etc with highly convincing/persuasive rhetoric. In that way AI can be used in a non measured, non objective and unethical way.Benj96
    Yes, this. Our world is now beginning to show machine worship, like we've never seen before. Some because there's tons of money to be gained, others because technology worship is their way to fit in society. Was it Einstein who championed the scientific rhetoric? (God bless him)

    Both scientists and philosophers can work together to keep the human perspective strong. Humans have the evolutionary-perception advantage, which took millions to perfect. Don't ever forget this. The amygdaloid complex took 7 million years to evolve into what now is in the human brain. We have nuclei in our brain. If this does not impress you about humans, then go join the AI.

    Just a thought experiment: Imagine the internet full of AI-created information websites. Other AI would subscribe, click on ads created by AI themselves, purchase goods, give product reviews, drive stocks upwards or downwards. Imagine the AI driving the economy downwards. AI economic terrorism. Is this possible?

    When users create poems for their dog using AI, it's all innocent and fun. Until it's not.
  • On Illusionism, what is an illusion exactly?
    Seems to me that even if we are mistaken, viz. interpretation, about what is there, when we are faced with some illusion, we are never mistaken that there is something there. We are only ever mistaken about what it is.NotAristotle
    Yes, this is the gist of the cogito.
  • Avi Loeb Claims to have found evidence of alien technology
    What I noticed about his 'Ouamuamua coverage, which included a book, was his dogmatic insistence that this object must be an extraterrestrial artifact. That is what other scientists have taken him to task for. He seems to brook no disagreement, and has written polemical articles attacking critics for being narrow-minded and dogmatic.Wayfarer
    A cure for a dogmatic person is time.

    Alien debris had reached the Earth, but the aliens themselves were nowhere to be seen? Unfortunately for him, he exhibits the same patterns as other alien flying object videos -- always grainy, unrecognizable, blurred, dark, and shaky camera.
  • Avi Loeb Claims to have found evidence of alien technology
    Don’t know what others think but it seems to me Loeb has become somewhat obsessive in his quest, to the detriment of his overall reputation. Of course, if the titanium-alloy spherules turn out to be the real enchilada, then I’ll happily eat my words.Wayfarer
    I made a post earlier in this Illusion thread mentioning error in beliefs.

    Avi Loeb is neither wrong nor right in his belief at this point. If he gathers more evidence of the existence of aliens and their technology, then at some point in our life, his hypothesis could be correct and his belief vindicated. But for now, he can't claim the truth or we can't claim the falsity of his belief.