• A first cause is logically necessary
    The real perfect reversible clock at the singularity (when the irreversible didn't exist yet) doesn’t need a first cause. Causes are radiating from it, thereby causing it to turn into the irreversible where the real clock has turned imaginary. The effect causes the cause.
  • Mathematics of the tractatus logico philosophicus

    I mean, what's the value? Is it to be found?

    Ah! It factors integers. All clear.
  • Mathematics of the tractatus logico philosophicus

    What means the n in modn? The n in the xn? What is the goal of the method?
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real
    Everything flows".Alkis Piskas

    Panta rea. Still when compared in different frames time is very real. We can say that some processes are ahead in time compared to others. If an irreversible process constitutes time, then the reversible periodic motion of a clock might not have intrinsic meaning (the perfect clock is imaginary), but the difference has. Or the difference between the clock right now and one hour ago. It's one hour. Still, the clocks are always deceiving.
  • The only girl

    We are most certainly not! Excuse me sir but there area trillion times trillion planets in the visible universe alone! Seems to me that there are Earth like planets around every star... With people even. A trillion Agents...
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'.
    I think it is also interesting that consciousness combines two perspectives of ourselves; our inner view and external view. By combining these two perspectives we are able to identify our capabilities and competencies and the direction of how best to use these in order to meet the demands of our environment and gain a competitive advantage.Brock Harding

    How can consciousness combine two perspectives if it's contained in one of them? If the inner view sees consciousness isn't the view combining the inner and outer view (on the physical world) not needed anymore?
    The interaction and map of the outer world into the inner world might help understand why we see things outside the body while the map on/into the target (the brain, the domain being the outer aspects of the physical world) and the perception is created there (in the brain). Is gaining competitive advantage demanding?

    And in order to even begin to explain and understand physical order, one must first have recourse to logic and rational inference, so in that sense logic has epistemic priority over physics as such.Wayfarer

    Physics as such doesn't exist. It is an inseparable part of the mind, and logic and inference are just a minor part.
  • Origin/Theory of the Universe by Russian Cosmologist?
    And now -along those lines - the "dark matter" speculations seem specious to me. I refer to "space" in my comment - what is space and how did it originate? IMason

    Why do you think dark matter speculation is specious?

    What's space? What's it's nature? Good question. It seems that in between matter. It can be the seen as the stuff making interactions possible. If a particle doesn't interact it seems to disperse all over space. The wavefunction, that is. It could be that the wavefunction itself is space. Hidden variables constituting it. Upon interaction it collapses and disperses again. It's impossible to describe the curvature by graviton exchange, so it seems. General relativity and quantum field theory describe interaction in a fundamentally different way, so.
  • Origin/Theory of the Universe by Russian Cosmologist?
    This was further stoked by the even more fantastic second bang or just a smooth inflation.magritte

    This is the first bang, followed by the hot bang. What's wrong with it? Where it says stars are 20 billion years old? Do you have a link?
  • Kolakowski’s criticism of the Categorical Imperative
    Deontology is an ethical theory that says actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules. Kant is a deontologist. He has Kantian rules of conduct that are unconditional or absolute for all people ("agents"). The validity of these rules allegedly do not depend on any desire or end. So if people want to behave good, they have to comply unconditionally and absolutely to his demand. The attitude of the tyrant. The tyranny of truth.
  • Global warming and chaos
    A huge collection of ice fish nests was discovered in the deep-sea under an antarctic ice plate. Natures last resort. The last place where sanctuary can be found. If not all energy is conversed from fossile to clean, or the energy consumption reduced, Kant leaves us nothing to do than enforce this by power. An automobile is electric but if the electricity is generated by burning fossile, it's useless. Hydrogen fuel idem dito. So close the fossile plants, accelerate fusion development, produce extra solar cells an put them on all houses, and teach the young ones more than one story. As simple as that. Money for fusion! I insist!

    Chaos will stay at bay...
  • Coronavirus

    Like good old Boris did! What a loveable character, a small child in the parliament of monkeys.....
  • Coronavirus
    Should we make it mandatory for bars to be open 24/7? Drinks to be served without age or other restrictions of any kind!Agent Smith


    Great one! Man, you're great! No kidding! I owe you!
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    Luckily I have a lot of memory cards! And there are a lot of photographs and words already print out! I virtually love every aspect of art, and especially photographing, painting, poetry, physics, and shaping wood. That's a true kicker! When I walk with our dog in the "woods", I often find wonderfully shaped trunks and branches. I take them home and give them "a treat". I have my book in shape but it needs a lot of adjustment. I tell the science in a story. It gives insight in the scientific part of the cosmology0, the process of the theory taking shape, my own criticism, how it's frowned upon by most people (you at least try to understand it, instead of burning it from the start because it doesn't comply to the orthodoxy; I'm unimpressed by the orthodoxy though! Maybe I burnt Dimp from the start too, but I have good arguments; I haven't seen them yet) Maybe I can send you a finished chapter once in a while, to check out... I don't think you agree with some parts, but just to know how it reads for other people before actually sending it to the publisher. But then I have to translate in English. Tomorrow I send my laptop for lap-up! Thanks Scotsman!
  • Global warming and chaos
    Democracy is a way of life and social organization which above all others is sensitive to the dignity and worth of the individual human personality, affirming the fundamental moral and political equality of all men and recognizing no barriers of race, religion, or circumstanceAthena

    Why should a democracy be a way of live and social organization above all others? Why shouldn't other forms of life be sensitive to the dignity and worth of the individual?

    Start first from either having a culture or not. Culture starting from some specialization in the society, things like language and then written language, agriculture, or not having all that.ssu

    Here you already start from the picture of a special kind of society. Not having material specializations, doesn't mean no culture. There are lots of cultures based on principles different from the ones entertained by enlightenment. Usually these cultures are called primitive. But that's only in the light of enlightenment, and these cultures are not cultures in the sense of cultivating nature by they are cultures based on an entirely different worldview. Humanity managed to survive long before the advent of enlightenment, and the light shined pwas liberating and is shining more brightly than ever, is just one light amongst many, and it's harsh reality that people living cultures or ways of life not wanting to live in that light have simply melted away in the burning light of "the" enlightenment, have lost the way, turning to alcohol or other addictive raffinated stuff, or were forced to do so, with an efficient, sleazy method, compared to which the beating in submission and forced conversion in the name of Gods seems a small peanut.
  • Is sleeping an acceptance of death?
    I can understand some of this but its perhaps a bit too cryptic for me. I don't know what point you are makinguniverseness

    Well, the charge is "stuff" inside matter. It doesn't resemble matter, so it's non-material "stuff".
  • Is sleeping an acceptance of death?

    I have to stand up for the agent here. Mind is contained in the brain, but it is no thing. Like charge is contained in matter, mind in contained in brain. How does it feel to be a charged particle? Fabulous!

    Sleeping is waking up from the harsh game of reality. It's nothing to fear, nor is death. Worse than reality it can't get. Some dreams entered are mares in the night, like their daytime counterparts in the physical, and some of them I don't wish to come true...
  • Symmetry: is it a true principle?

    But what if it has length only? Front and back are symmetric then, like the 2 facing 1 or 3.

    How do you involve complex numbers here? I'm not sure I understand.
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real
    Is this meant to imply that flat spacers are like flat earthers? Is space curved if there is no mass? If not, then how do you know that the curvature is not just a property of the mass and its influence on surrounding objects, like the earth and its gravity.Metaphysician Undercover

    Flat spacers like flat Earthers, yes! There is evidence for global space being closed. Space beyond the horizon doesn’t necessarily continue to infinity. Like in flat Earth (where it actually stops, but you get it). If space was infinite then the wavelength spectrum would be unbounded (or the frequency spectrum start above zero). Measurements on the CMBR suggest a bound. So the conclusion should be a closed universe. Which doesn't mean it's heading for a big crunch though. All galaxies show a time-dependent acceleration wrt to each other). Galaxies seemed to accelerate slower, or not at all, than earlier. That's why Webb telescope data are "important". To observe the universe expansion way further back. I bet it was even decelerating then.
  • Symmetry: is it a true principle?
    But the mirror image is not such a turn, it is a reflection.Metaphysician Undercover

    It depends on how you mirror the 2. You can mirror it with a mirror perpendicular to the 2. Then the mirror image of 2 and the 2 are symmetric wrt each other.
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    I want my old back in life. Every day I tell myself to contact the firm, Medion, and then I don't. I studied physics but just don't wanna use it to make money with. The book can change that. Damned, I'm gonna contact them now. All my information is on that computer, and I can't log in on a lot of my original accounts with my phone. I forgot the password of my original email account, and had to look at my computer to log in again. Which couldn't be done. I've written quite some stuff already. Thanks man! You are the drop! :razz:
  • Symmetry: is it a true principle?
    The lateral inversion in (vanity) mirrorsAgent Smith

    Again you made me laugh Agent! How much do I owe you?

    Did you know people, after wearing upside-down glasses for a while, see everything normal again?
  • Lightning Consciousness
    The gods you describe sound like incompetent fools, jokers. Just as well they don't exist.universeness

    Same holds for the people they created! In their own image!
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real
    Ha ha nice try Raymond, you are close but it would be 'keepuprasailman' or 'keepupyersailman'
    in proper 'Glaswegian'

    Are you in "Glasga"? Scotland appeals to the imagination! I saw "Trainspotting". But that was Edinborough. That Spud character made me laugh. O man, I wish my laptop was back alive and kicking. It's kind of frustrating. My thumb dictates me!

  • Lightning Consciousness
    Don't you recognise how you keep trying to conflate Science with Politics and/or religion?universeness

    Science and politics are conflated. In fact, state and Science these days show exactly the same relation as God and society did once. It's taught in school obligatory, and gobally (a wet dream for our religious friends maybe, though I don't think they long for world domination, apart from some weirdos) whether you like it or not, and the science books are the new bible, in fact a whole bunch of bibles, which, when faithfully followed, promise heaven on Earth. Material heaven, that is. And look how a natural paradise has been turned into hell! The planet has never been in a worse shape and the future looks even grimmer. "But science can help us out!" Maybe. Maybe not. But the scientific imperative to seek for new (mostly highly artificially) forms of knowledge is ruling supreme, like the notion of progress. Progress mostly means more of anything, be it in economics, knowledge gathering, career, money making, etc. Inflation rules suppreme.

    What if the gods just created the universe as a joke? Or just without further bothering with us? Who knows their intention? Maybe they can interfere even (by means of the hidden variables of quantum mechanics) if we can't manage ourself to fix the world and the nature on it. A nature fucked up like never before. You could say, why didn't they think about that sooner, before they created the universe, but who says they knew what was about to happen?
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    I can't make anything of this.

    Quarks are crests and troughs of waves that make a proton or neutron.
    Proton as two crests and one trough wave =3 quarks = +2/3 -1/3l
    Neutron as two troughs and one crest wave = 3 quarks = -1/3 +2/3 -1/3

    The first thing I thought: hey! Quarks as composed of 3 subs. Like I think. What he means though is that each quark is either an up crest or a down crest. I don't agree here. The wavefunction can have crests or troughs. These waves combine in a proton. He takes the quarks out. Quarks are accompanied by wavefunctions, and these are spatial cross sections of the quantum fields. I think the quarks and leptons are composite. When these massless composites interact by means of a new hyperstrong colorlike charge, they acquire an effective mass, meaning that while all particles are massless they can still act as if.

    I have read it all. From a physicist's point of view, it's an opinion only. A nice one but an opinion. The dimp outside the universe? Nonsense. The photon field lies inside, though he is right it doesn't exist in space nor time. You are the first who actually asks sensible questions, together with jgill.

    Keepopthesail Scotsman!
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    Araverybestbestfuryuutoo! Furnoo!
  • Lightning Consciousness

    I don't think he means to discover Zeus in the lightning... How are you so sure the gods don't exist?
  • Lightning Consciousness
    What was it Joeseph Goebbels said:
    "The bigger the lie the more people will believe it,

    Yeah... words as small doses of poison. Little by little the "truth" is established. Like the scientific view...
  • Lightning Consciousness
    It's a great beginning of a story! You got a nice writing style! And you're funny!

    Is the measurement of a lightning the same as the 15 minute pattern? Maybe it's a short flash of consciousness.
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real
    Ok, I understand that but are such effects not localised? As an observer, I would just see a receding red blob, wouldn't I? An observer would not see or detect spatial curvature. I can understand the motion curving or warping the space being traversed but to me, that suggests that the fabric of space is flexible not curved.universeness

    You would see a torch moving away from you getting redder and redder in a flat space. The guy holding the torch would see a curved spacetime, with a varying metric.

    This sounds like you agree with the posit that 'Space is not rigid, it's flexible.' Similar perhaps to a person swimming under water, you displace your volume of water. Move through space and you displace/flex your volume of space.

    I understand your reference frame points and its repeated in Brian Greene's book 'The Elegant Universe' A person travelling at light speed may switch on a torch. The light from that torch would travel at light speed in all directions. In his own reference frame he would also age at the same rate he aged in the frame of reference he was in before he accelerated to light speed.

    Well, actually how space is curved is a difficult qùestion. GR, general relativity, doesn't answer that. It states it. Where there is acceleration, there is curvature (it is normally stated that where's mass/energy, there is curvature). But how this curves space(time)? Quantum gravity describes it as an exchange of gravitons, but this exchange takes place in flat space and there lies the problem that both string theory and Loop quantum gravity don't solve. Me on the other hand...

    I understand that you never add a velocity to the speed of light, so the speed of light is a constant.
    I also understand that traveling at a constant speed in dark space and in absence of any other sensory info, you would feel no different to being completely at rest. But you would feel accelaration. I think that is what you are describing by your words in the quotes above.

    Indeed. In dark space you can feel it. It could be you accelerate in empty space or istand still n curved space.

    This has some commonality with the Klein bottle guy but I could be recalling incorrectly.
    I just have great difficulty trying to contemplate anything outside 3D. I can visualise the idea of other dimensions of the very small using the common 'Look at a 3D pipe from above and it looks 2D, you dont see the wrapped dimension. I can also easily visualise a doughnut shape but that's about it. I dont understand " the 4d torus, there can be 2 of these structures accelerate away from the hole of the torus form. The torus is not actually a torus, but only looks so at the mouth." I will have to research that one

    The Klein bottle is a kind of Mōbius strip and bears indeed resemblance with a torus. I don't think there is an a Tòrus form exactly, but only the inside, stretching out to infinity. The 4d torus is unimaginable. But you can imagine a 2d one. Then the two universes emerging are circles starting at the center, one up and one down.

    Nope. I'm lost now. Would need to research and study. How can you get massless matter/antimatter fields??? Surely all matter has mass or else it's not matter its energy?universeness

    The neutrino was thought massless once too. The Weyl equation is suited (in quantum field theory). If the two basic fields are massless then mass comes into existence if they interact strongly, by a new charge called hypercolor.

    Gonna read the dimp! I'm typing on a phone, with one thumb and a fucking small screen. My laptop is still dead.
    Nice talking with you!

    Forgot one!

    Do you mean Mathematically(pure numbers or pixel values) or by its attributes, such as (name,radius, coordinates of centre point, line thickness, fill colour/pattern etc). This is a system used in computing called object orientated graphics.universeness

    Attributes, the metric components, in the metric tensor. Theses are defined intrinsically but can be immersed in a higher dimension.
  • Can this art work even be defaced?
    Next time, you find me funny, I'll have to charge you for it!Agent Smith

    I can't help it! It just made me laugh. I couldn't hold it, like now! Damn you! I make a fair deposit! You deserve it.
  • Can this art work even be defaced?
    The female form is known for its (aesthetic) curves; curves are redundancies for a straight line suffices to traverse the distance between two points. Women are redundancies, beauty is superfluous, they're an unnecessary burden, a beautiful woman makes no sense, they're, as Boethius said of God, inscrutable!Agent Smith

    Like I wrote, you're a funny guy!
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    You are sent from heaven... :smile:
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    With or without e, whisky feels good for me! I can't drink it with a straight face though. Can you taste the difference between Scotch and Irish whisky? To me they all taste the same, be it Johnny or Jack. Tastes awfully, but great! Must be the promise they hide!

    Looking forward to that dimp text!
  • Impossible to Prove Time is Real

    Ha! Seems that some opinions are pretty distorted!

  • Kolakowski’s criticism of the Categorical Imperative
    Yeah, but who said you were a) correct, or b) had a right to make that decision? In effect, you're giving me permission to decide what you can know, what is best for you to knowtim wood

    Is that bad?

    As corollary, he adds that the lie places on the liar a responsibility that the truth does not imposetim wood

    The truth places the same responsibility on the truther: tell me!
  • Science, Objectivity and Truth?
    Reason, rationality, the power of abstract thought, is unique to humans. It is through that power that humans grasp the essence or forms of things, though in a limited way (except, as noted, for 'the blessed' who see in a way that the rest of us don't.)Wayfarer

    So are unreason, irrationality, and concrete thought. Why isn't it through that power we grasp the essence of things?
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'.
    But those who defend a radically immaterial 'private' I-know-not-what could suggest that charge-less mass could indeed be Conscious. The more the mysterions require an organic brain for and exclude calculators from 'conscious experience,' the more they demonstrate the parasitism of the sacred concept on our mental-and-physical-entangled ordinary life. In other words, saying that an organic brain is necessary for consciousness already 'defeats' or transgresses the hard problem and starts to explain-constrain-articulate consciousness, in terms of stuff we can all see. The true or consistent hardproblemer is or should be worried about stepping on cobblestones.ajar

    If they think that in a massless and chargeless matter world the conscious can exist... It would be an empty conscious(ness). Do they see the conscious as separate from matter? I mean, is it tied to it or can it escape, like the soul leaving the body when dead?
  • Not knowing everything about technology you use is bad
    Are you still talking about the same thing now?Srap Tasmaner

    He's still fightìng with the schematics of his remote control and the physics books explaining them... What if he gets at his computer, not to mention the subway he uses? Sorry Shoppenhauer1, no offense!
  • Not knowing everything about technology you use is bad
    Doesn't the human body :smile: resemble a laptop, any other man-made device for that matter.Agent Smith

    Ha! You're a funny guy! You truly make me laugh! :smile: