Theory of mind, horror and terror. In conversations with folks over my years and in listening to angry politicians and just angry people, in various news programs and documentary programs, I have encountered two main 'placeholders' at either end of a range of human notions about justice (placeholder 1) and vengeance (placeholder 2.)
I have listened to theists give quite rational arguments, related to the idea that they hope hell exists, because it is so unjust, if it does not, because evil scum, such as the Hamas terrorists that performed such acts of horrors, on innocent men, women and children, can 'only be killed once!' and that's not a 'satisfying' level of 'vengeance' on them. They must suffer for 'eternity' and suffer at a max level, every moment, as time passes for them, after they are dead!
When that is going on in your mind, perhaps as a victim of horror, visited directly upon you, and or those you care about, then to me, you are becoming akin to those insane perpetrators who committed the horrific acts against you. Israel and its current slaughter of thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza right now, are performing actions 'akin' to the insane perpetrators I mentioned, and even worse, may well be doing exactly what Hamas wants. Only the fact that those surrounding Israel, who consider Palestinians to be the same creed/tribe/type of people, as them, have not yet joined the fight against Israel, offers any hope at all, for all of us, against a serious escalation of this fighting.
The latest Israeli/Palestinian conflict or Russia/Ukraine or any other such historical or current conflict, surely means that we each have to decide, where we personally stand on all these placeholder notions.
Justice, horror/terror, vengeance, etc. The following questions come to mind.
1. Is it rational, or wise for you, to want to impose a punishment on anyone, for any heinous act (or continuous actions, based on harbouring or demonstrating as evil a personality and character as any human can perceive,) that will last for an eternity, after such perpetrators have perhaps even been killed for what they did, even in a horrible manner?
2. Is it rational for you to ever sanction/appreciate/accept so called 'collateral damage,' (what a ridiculously benign term for such horrific reality!!!!) when those who have been terrorised, seek 'justified vengeance'?
3. Do you assign any importance to the notion of rehabilitation? In any inner vision/notion you have of hell style vengeance. The ones being punished cannot die (I assume) a second time (hence the eternal aspect of the punishment). So you are beyond the reach of any notion of rehabilitation or forgiveness or 'Jesus dying (but only over a weekend) for your sins.' Do you really want that to be true?
I think your own internal answers to such questions make you either part of a future in which human beings might learn how to be more progressive creatures, or you are helping to maintain and rinse and repeat the horror and terror we have all been aware of as a possible way to be, since we were a part of and then came out of the wilds and the darwinian rules of the survival of the fittest/ most adaptable/competitive/cooperative species.
Nothing is new at all, in all the events that have happened in the current Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
It's all been done sooooooooo many times before.
Yes, the two state solution sounds like a possible way out and even though it is even more unlikely, so does a new country/state called PalesIsrael or Israelipal, etc. These do seem no more that forlorn hopes for now.
Could Israel have decided to react by;
1. Securing the attacked areas and killing any terrorists that they found there.
2. Declaring war against Hamas alone. (which they will say they have done, ONLY! :roll:)
3. Seeking full global support against Hamas by exposing the utter horror they had just inflicted on Israeli civilians.
4. Use every stealth tactic in the book to find ways to attack Hamas, without killing any civilians and attempting to make some kind of reparations to the family of any civilians that do die because of a global pursuit of all members of Hamas?
Could such an approach not be in so many ways, better than what the current Israeli leadership decided to do?