@Metaphysician Undercover
I’m only taking about one principle, and you keep talking about your definition of what is “greater”, and I am correcting your definition because I provided the principle not you.
I’m repeating myself because you’re repeatedly holding up quantity for me to look at as a greater thing when quantity is not part of the principle, other than calling the extra element of superior quality an added element.
Get your own logical metaphysical principle.
The one I gave to you is elegant, logical, and real, not some intellectual rambling that may or may not provide the answer to how life and thought came to be on a pile of rocks.
What you should be doing is looking to science to see if it supports the principle, not trying to make it your own.
Science supports it everywhere, but scientists refuse to broaden their parameters beyond the second degree of abstraction, mathematics (like you are doing postulating quantity instead of quality), to include the philosophical science of Logic.
You and most of the posters here have a failure of imagination.
180 just called the principle “woo”, the go to skeptic talking point of Internet trolls.
Einstein said that it was his imagination that moved him to his theories more than his mathematics did.
That’s why he became “Einstein” and not just a face in a crowd of other scientists.
There are a couple of posters here who readily appreciated the principle and welcomed it into their thinking like they were waiting for it.
These posters have not destroyed their imaginations from a bombardment of superficial opinionated thoughts shot out of ego and the worship of mathematics.
It doesn’t seem you’re ever going to appreciate anything other than what you have thought up yourself, even if another Einstein showed up.
Too bad.