So we need gods so that people can go to war about which is the true god and give the universe meaning — Sir2u
Before you can make this statement, I think you should submit some proof that the universe either should have, needs, or is somehow dependent on having a meaning. — Sir2u
Biosemiosis is then development coupled to evolution. You have the extra thing of a code, an epistemic cut, and thus the emergence of a Darwinian filter, a selective memory, that can act as Pattee's rate independent information. — apokrisis
Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish. Let us understand what our own selfish genes are up to, because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs, something that no other species has ever aspired to do.” — Tom Storm
For the sake of argument, let's assume a universal mind that computes the universe continuously at the quantum level — magritte
Dawkins is an altruist - he does not take the facts of nature as an ought only as an is. — Tom Storm
I, for instance, could kick the head off my cat right now. — Bartricks
but it'd be like putting high performance petrol into a horse. — Bartricks
And believe me, some of the thoughts I am having about you are ones you don't want to know about. — Bartricks
No I didn't. Describing a thought is not the same as showing you it. I am aware of my thoughts in a way that you are not - I have an introspective awareness of them that you lack. That's not an essential feature of a thought - God could show us his thoughts if he wanted. But I personally lack the ability to give you an introspective awareness of my thoughts. All I can do is tell you about them. And believe me, some of the thoughts I am having about you are ones you don't want to know about. — Bartricks
Christ, you really don't get this do you? — Bartricks
God could show us his omnipotence. — Bartricks
I use the term God to denote a person who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent — Bartricks
Dawkins is an altruist - — Tom Storm
Information theory counts the degrees of freedom in nature. It reduces reality to its simplest possible 'bits". In physics, this cashes out as Planck-scale materiality - the probability of being able to measure a definite difference. A bare fluctuation. An entropic microstate. — apokrisis
Sure, we could say, for instance, that geocentrism is optimal, perfect and rational as long as you ignore all of the evidence — Theorem
Not at all, many questions are still to be answered in cosmology. — universeness
It could be that you think that the only reason for me asking such questions is due to my lack of knowledge of the detailed physics involved in your hypothesis and it would take too long for you to explain it to me. If that's the case then say so. I will accept that such could well be the case. — universeness
This 'virtual photo' is emitted by one particle and absorbed by the other yes? — universeness
You just called it evidence — T Clark
When a really intelligent scientists such as Sean Carroll or Carlo Rovelli and many of their contemporaries cannot prove exactly how the Universe works, — universeness
questions like whether "the fundamental quanta are in-fact 'field excitements' and have 'no definte edge' and are 'cloud like' etc." are abstract ideas and belong to metaphysics, — Alkis Piskas
Why won't you tell me what you mean by 'particle coupling,' for example? — universeness
I think all of the specs together ARE THE ELECTRON. The electron is not a single sphere in orbit around the nucleus. Its a 'smear' or 'cloud' orbiting the sphere, but a cloud or smear of what? — universeness
Well, the hydrogen atom is in the link in the OP. — universeness
If the fundamental quanta are in-fact 'field excitements' and have 'no definte edge' and are 'cloud like' etc then does this not open all sorts of other possibilities for whats really happening during experiments like the double slit? Maybe its true that if you do fire a photon, one at a time towards two slits that due to the fact that there are none of its type near it, its cloud like structure spreads out and passes through both slits. This is pure conjecture on my part and I await and expect the suggestion to be quickly dismissed but I just suggest it merely as one of those 'other possibilities' I am trying to percieve. Any others? — universeness
When you view the image of the hydrogen atom, why do you think the 'electron/cloud orbit' looks like it is made up of many much smaller quanta? and why does some of this quanta seem to 'break into' the 'blue area' between these concentric circular areas? — universeness
But what makes it 'hop'? and what do you mean by 'hop'? Are you relating this to the proposed motion of an electron in orbit around a nucleus? A jump from an outer orbit to an orbit closer to the nucleus?
Does your particle jump right or left, then move forward for a time and then jump left or right again — universeness