• "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"
    The Wittgenstein chops on this forum are way beyond my ken.

    I'd count Fooloso4 in that group of people who I'd listen to.


    IDK if you'd listen to more than that. :D

    Thanks for the personal attack. I mean, no, have some dignity.
  • "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"
    What he says, as quoted, is that ethics/aesthetics is transcendental. It is only once this is acknowledged that we can discuss what it means.Fooloso4

    The Tractatus uses "transcendental" twice. What most readers of W. know is that he rejects the concept in the Philosophical Investigations. You might benefit by taking a look at that book.
  • "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"
    Ethics is just the idea of how we want people to act around each other. Nothing mystical or transcendental about it.
  • "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"

    No. Transcendental means the condition for experience. A Kantian term. Clearly this is not W. meaning.

    But by all means, explain what W. means by "transcendental." Then explain his use of that term in the Phil. Investigations. Thank you.
  • Dialectics
    Where can I learn more about the different uses of dialectics and more about non-Kantian dialectics?musicpianoaccordion

    I never heard of kantian dialectics. What is that?
  • "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"
    He said that ethics/aesthetics are transcendental.Fooloso4

    That is not Wittgenstein idea at all, false.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    I think the example is relevant to Kant's first antinomy:

    The first antinomy concerns the finitude or infinitude of the spatio-temporal world. The thesis argument seeks to show that the world in space and time is finite, i.e., has a beginning in time and a limit in space. The antithesis counters that it is infinite with regard to both space and time.
    — Stanford

    Then, "infinite" and "finite" need to be defined. Because "infinite" could express the existence of an infinite time, which is what I would reject.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    Yes, I don’t think there is any categorical way to distinguish the philosophical, the scientific-empirical , the technological, and the literary or artistic for that matter. They interpenetrate each other in complex

    Agre with that.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    Perhaps the reason we don't have a term for 'without a beginning, but with an end' is that it is incoherent. If a process had no beginning then it would be already infinite. But if it's going on now then it might come to end at any moment - and it is therefore finite. So it would be both finite and infinite. That's the antinomy.Cuthbert

    No, just that the universe need not have a beginning or end.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    I guess you don't understand my post.180 Proof

    No one does.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    And who that someone is, is very important, wouldn't you agree? I mean a colorblind person would not be the best judge of impressionism.Merkwurdichliebe

  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    I had the idea of a shit. I took a dump and it became actual and sensuous. Is it art?Merkwurdichliebe

    Now you're getting it. Someone besides you has to care.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    But art requires more than simply making the idea actualMerkwurdichliebe

    No, that is what it is. The production of an artwork.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    Love me some Hegel. For me, i consider the "idea made material" to be aesthetic in nature (philosophically speaking), but I wouldn't classify every "idea made material" as art. I personally do not consider trashcan basketball as true basketball, even though they are identical in all the right ways.Merkwurdichliebe

    It's the idea made sensuous. That is what art is. Skill is the means by which something is made material.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    Your welcome.

    Just look at any art forum on the interwebs, 99% shit. Even artstation, with all its quality control, is 99% shit.

    "beauty is the Idea made real in the sensuous and actual world" Hegel, Lectures on Art.

    How I think of art. An idea made material.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    Its the same with art I suppose. Some of it is skilled, most of it garbage.Merkwurdichliebe

    Thanks for being forthright. I do not think most art is garbage.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    Example of a specious argument:

    1) You need to be an artist to understand art.
    2) I disagree.
    3) Well, but you're not an artist so you wouldn't understand.
    T Clark

    That is not what he said.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    The problem is that nonartists are ignorant of what artistic skills actually are, and think anything can be art.Merkwurdichliebe

    Ok, well I am a painter, a visual artist--that's what I know about.

    Anything can be art. Now try to sell it or get a gallery to show your work. Same with basketball. Are you good enough to play in the NBA? Compete.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    Are you an artist?Merkwurdichliebe

    I am. Having a hard time understanding the purpose of the thread. Everything requires skill. What is the point?
  • Bannings
    If you define a fool as anyone Street flamed, or every member of every group he made bigoted comments about then yes, but that would be foolish.Baden

    I notice you allow some people to write insults and harass others. It is one reason I don't like using this forum as much.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    I already made the point that it's pure speculation. Can you read?emancipate

  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    There could be big bangs happening within big bangs.DingoJones

    Yes, logically.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?

    Is there a point? I see none.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    We don't know. Anything else is speculative.emancipate

    You don't know.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    Then our universe isn't so special after all and it can take that smug look off its face.Cuthbert

    Nothing in physics can describe what happened before the Big Bang, nor that it is a unique event.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    Or parallel universes to this one, sure. I dont see why not but “what if?”?
    Ya suppose if there were other universes before this one we would need to adjust our models? They would be incorrect? What are you getting at?

    Big bang only shows how to derive our current universe from that situation. Says nothing about what happened before.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    The big bang is conceived as being the beginning of space and time,unenlightened

    By you.
  • Bannings
    Lmao, streetlightx has been the same way ever since I've been on this forum, he broke the rules of this forum on a regular basis, so I'm surprised we're now talking about not making exceptions... Did he finally turn on the wrong people/positions? He should have been banned years ago, he's been a garbage contributor from the start. He derailed threads with his vitriol, and made little effort to explain his positions, he just belittled and insulted whoever disagreed with him. If everyone acted even half as bad as he did, nobody would ever want to post here. Dunno what he did to lose his special treatment but glad to hear he's gone.Judaka

    Agree. He is one of the reasons I lost respect for this forum.
  • What's your ontology?
    But, as you may be aware, he admitted defeat, he could not solve these issues.Manuel

    You are referring to Hume? What did he admit "defeat" about?
  • Can we turn Heidegger’s criticism of objectivity into a strong basis for subjectivity?

    If you refuse to take responsibility for what you write, there is no reason to read your posts.
  • Can we turn Heidegger’s criticism of objectivity into a strong basis for subjectivity?
    "Aristotle is a metaphysical philosopher"?180 Proof

    I do not even know what you mean by that sentence.
  • Can we turn Heidegger’s criticism of objectivity into a strong basis for subjectivity?
    after Heidegger, certain metaphysical philosophers like Parmenides and Aristotle cannot be agreed anymore as if nothing happened after them.Angelo Cannata

    What makes Aristotle a metaphysical philosopher? I am wondering if you ever read him.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    I already edited that. I'm trying to be a kinder, gentler philosopher.T Clark

    Okay. So you never heard of someone ridiculing a modern artist? Good to know.
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    That says more for an artist than if Mr. Artsy Fartsy likes it.T Clark

    What is "'Artsy Fartsy?"
  • Skill, craft, technique in art
    If you need some sort of special education to appreciate a work of art, it's useless.T Clark

    No, happens all the time. Like dumb people who looked at Picasso and thought a child could do it.
  • "Philosophy simply puts everything before us,"
    If one wants to refer specifically to philosopher X, he should form the title of his topic as follows: "What did X mean by saying this and this?" This would put the topic and discussion in the right perspective. Isn't that right? And in that case, I wouldn't have anything to say.Alkis Piskas

    Yes, certainly you have nothing to say.
  • What happened before the Big Bang?
    What does an event mean "before" spacetime?180 Proof

    Easy to understand. I fail to see the dilemma.