• What are you listening to right now?
    diverse taste goes for you too apparently :cool:

    I like all sorts of music so long as there's any true musical value to it, to my particular taste atleast, ranges from catchy vocals and melodies to great guitar rifs/licks and not neccessarily limited to that. Like you I also have some romantic views concerning certain music, the distinct sound of the Beatles for instance being some of it as it really takes me to another time and place.
  • Tiny Little Despots and The Normalisation Of Evil Behaviour in Current Society

    I believe the things you are trying to point out have to be seen at the relative level, e.g. it is not wrong to assume for any antagonists to be able to cover more ground nowadays but the same holds true for the communication possibilities of any protagonist. The scalability of it all might have changed but any good or bad influences existed always before as well. Another relevant factor in that context is the scale of the media of the days of old vs the social media of late and before it all the total lack thereof. People were prettty nasty 'back then' as well but the only things on record concerning whichever pre-industrial behavior, let alone 'our' pre-historic' behavior, were written down by a select group of biased 'authors of history'.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    Can somewhat agree on that, as James Brown has always been a hard act to follow :cool:
  • What are you listening to right now?

    I can recommend mashup artist Bill McClintock's channel though :grin:

  • What are you listening to right now?

    Have to say I removed the video's after rewatching it as it landed very differently than back when I used to enjoy it, a changed sense of awareness I guess.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    , thanks man though these are not as catchy, to me atleast, than the ones from your post before this one.
  • Antinatalism Arguments
    So what's to be done, man?!?

    What might be the preferred response to this situation? Does your pessimism allow for action? Or is the disconnect permanent?

    Do we return to a pre-industrial, cottage-industry, butcher-your-own-cows existence? Do we strive to put humanity into our tech? Do we look to a "return to nature"? (Most of us would need GPS to even find nature.)

    It seems no good if the individual attempts to address the disconnect but society goes on embracing modernity.
    Real Gone Cat

    Perhaps we cant go back though we also dont have to take everything thrown at us at face value.
  • Pre-science and scientific mentality
    I never waver in the face of arrogance so long as such a face is not staring back at me from the mirror.
  • Antinatalism Arguments

    On topic
    Perhaps somewhat of an example of the things you say concern dealings with the medical world.

    From the time I got out of my parents house I had to become quite critical of the medical world. I did not start out that way ofcourse as I was raised to have a great amount of trust and confidence in the doctors and their treatments. It was only after they mis-diagnosed me several times that I started to do my own research, obtaining information from studies related to my medical condition. Evidently I did not understand most of it at first, being unschooled and unfamilair with any of the medical jargon, but after a time studying and doing translations I was really getting at the gist of things.

    From there on I got really critical of the doctors involved, questioning their every move towards any treatment they offered me. During that entire process I changed general physicians, but also specialists, quite a few times as 'they' generally shoved my 'uneducated and opinionated views and bias' away with undisquised disdain and irritation. While I felt kind of embarrassed because of it and somewhat unsure when 'throwing away' doctors, and their "professionalism" at the time, the payoff however was the accumulation of knowledge, not even necessarily medical knowledge but the knowledge of food science and how it relates to health. Where the doctors would have liked to inject me with all sorts of nasty biologicals to slow down my immune system I refused their treatments and instead stabilized it choosing certain nutrients while avoiding other nutrients.

    My medical condition is not to be cured as it is a chronical condition but I managed to status quo it via diet rather than going the doctor's route of immunosuppressive drugs, the latter which would have most certainly caused severe harm to my system as biologicals come with a hefty price. I actually did confront some of these 'specialists' along the way, about the success I was having via diet, but they did not acknowledge or appreciated my efforts as such, in fact they didnt say anything about it else than putting their aura of superiority on display by ignoring the things I offered them while I was trying to share what I had learned.

    That was actually quite a bit more than I intended to share but relating it to the OP I'd say atleast a fair amount of pessimism on display is granted and which was also why I asked the question about a suggestion to the contrary (of blindly following and/or using tech and/or treatment offered/prescripted to us by third parties and/or peers).
  • Antinatalism Arguments
    I’ve been in this forum for a long time. I understand how many of the posters works. Asshole and dickish comments are the norm if you disagree. Can't just argue the arguments here. Nope.schopenhauer1

    Perhaps it could suffice to simply ignore the comments of which you speak as by acknowledging those in any way is to give meaning and value to them.
  • Antinatalism Arguments
    Mirrors are there for reflection, I'd suggest a good look at it. — Seeker

    Wasn't directed to you.. Mainly people like the person above your post.

    It renders my comment invalid as it did not concern me. Thank you.
  • Antinatalism Arguments
    Mirrors are there for reflection, I'd suggest a good look at it.
  • Antinatalism Arguments

    I guess you'd have to be an idealist to have reached such a conclusion so what would you suggest contrary to our current state of being?
  • Greatest Power: The State, The Church, or The Corporation?
    I would also go so far as to point towards the state as 'our' most powerful institution. The current wielding of power by the world's (super)powers (Russia/USA/China but not neccesarily in that particular order) clearly seems to lend validity to such reasoning.
  • All that matters?

    One's truth does not in fact make for general truth. Because you like to reflect upon others your truth's so much through the use of analogy here's one for you.

    A lake evaporates upward and thus gradually dries up; but when two lakes are joined they do not dry up so readily, for one replenishes the other. — I Ching
  • Philosophical AI
    I think we the humans are not originals on philosophy either.
    Whatever the theories which have always been written they follow the basic principles or "roots" from Greek mythology.

    Well in that very context, people from (ancient) Greece were humans as well, as were the early philosophers from China.
  • Philosophical AI
    The Silicates were created to be servants and soldiers but they developed intelligence and sentience after they were infected by the Take a Chance computer virus created by Dr. Ken Stranahan (name from the show's visual effects supervisor). This sparked an AI rebellion by the Silicates, who attempted to free themselves from human rule. The war continued for many years, until the Silicates captured military space craft and escaped into space. As they went into space, the Silicates suffered from a lack of maintenance which caused problems for them. The remnants of the Silicates that fled into deep space serve as mercenaries and actually aid the alien Chigs in their war against humanity. — Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space:_Above_and_Beyond

    Space Above and Beyond was a television series which ran for one season from 1995 to 1996.

    The ai (Silicates) contemplated philosophy amongst many things but they could not come up with anything new themselves.
  • All that matters?
    Many things can and will happen between now and tomorrow, we and our circumstances change along with our chemistry and our ever changing external realities. Tomorrow we will reflect differently from today, to walk ahead of today might be considered meaningless in that context.
  • Philosophical AI
    This entire discussion reminds me of the "thinking machines" from the Dune (book) series and especially of the second in command robot/ai 'Erasmus'.

    Global Reference
  • What Are You Watching Right Now?

    For us to keep expanding at this rate the entire foodchain has to expand equally according to rato and up until now it seems that 'we' are to stupid to collectively understand, appreciate and acknowledge the importance of that fact.