• Dark matter and dark energy
    Quantum fluctuations cannot happen unless empty space is there. Just like i need emptiness to exercise, go here, go there etc. So emptiness would have to be there.

    Dark matter is the sum total of all matter in the cosmos. And then we see the light in there once the suns form from it. All electromagnetic radiation would be there as well in it, no matter what scientists say. Dark mass dissipating with light means, something like dark mass was there but light made it dissipate, disappear. With light gone, dark mass is there back again. This tells us that the dark mass just becomes invisible in the presence of light because in light's absence it is again visible.

    The cosmos is just elementary particle fluctuations in the beginning and then those form whole environments.

    Visible dark mass we see. Invisible dark energy we can feel. It's relaxing. Oh! Please can you shut the damn light, i can't sleep. The invisible dark energy keeps the galaxies in place. They can function only as such, but we need dark energy to sleep and relax instead. We get charged and can function in the light. Electromagnetic radiation, how would dark matter not absorb, radiate etc.? It would.

    If the invisible dark energy is not there, the invisibilities in life could not be accounted for. If the visible dark mass does not go and come, with light and no light, then the visibilities could not be accounted for. So!

  • Dark matter and dark energy


    Dark matter is posited, postulated, considered or put in place or position, by science because according to the articles talking, it constitutes about 95% of the entire cosmic matter. The article says remaining is just ordinary matter, but i think it's no ordinary matter but emptiness rather because logically empty space needs to be there.
    Dark matter is really - dark mass and dark energy. I guess you want me to talk about dark mass only.

    So, i will only focus on dark mass later, but for now let's just consider dark matter. Example phrases - why are you keeping me in the dark? What is the point of the matter? The point of the matter, is the jist of what a person is talking about, so the whole matter can be understood. So what is the point? The point here depicted would be the cosmic center. Depicted in black, a singularity. Going into plurality - a white hole, big bang comes into view, quantum energy particles +ve and -ve begin fluctuating. Various combinations, and the cosmos forms. Point of the matter understood. I'll consider mass in the 2nd writing on this. I just need to keep going back to the wiki article and also make some dinner.
  • Culture is critical
    Yes Vera, you're right. But the general population assumes that a good government will sit authority or it will have to lose its seat, due to the ones in knowledge of everything. So no intetest in politics is there because of that assumption by some. If no interest means wickedness can actually gain power and sit in power and control, then an interest in politics and political parties becomes necessary. But those who show no interest, are not anyone who will be listened to, so they just act dumb, neutral and show no interest.
  • A potential solution to the hard problem
    I must clarify something here that is significant. The lord being omnipotent etc., the lord cannot do anything to us. The point being that in the cosmic consciousness my consciousness is there. How i walk in life, my destiny is accordingly. My lord part ensures that and the remaining lord part cannot touch me or my life in anyway whatsoever. But my lord part in ensuring my destiny according to my actions, is omnipotent. Same goes for all others and even all things. The cosmic lord is not someone, it is nothing. My goddess of whose i am a second face here in soul form, is not like my acting lord for me either, it's me myself. You are for you. In the nothing, i wrote - a b c d e......It's written on the lord that is nothing. What's written is a b c d e..... should come to me. And no lord or other god or goddess or thing can interfere ever. So lord is nothing. Lord is no one. Lord is our own power to do this or that. Whatever we do, consequence is accordingly to come to us. That is lord. Your lord part, my lord part. All the parts together are not someone or some gigantic power. The power is individual. That is the omnipotence, omniscience, omni etc. Itself, the consequence according to action happens. If a cosmic lord above in the sense of all power could emerge, it would mean life loopholed, world loopholed. Immediate cosmic shutdown has to happen. And cosmos has to begin again.
  • Culture is critical
    If the average person does not have an interest in politics etc., it does not mean they are into following some fanatic ideology, so it's okay.
  • Culture is critical
    I didn't mean that having gun ownership is wrong. I meant that for settling issues, talk, discussion and discipline be used. I meant that guns and gun powder should not be used to settle issues.
  • A potential solution to the hard problem
    It operates as a duality. Our consciousness and I - me and my cosciousness - works as a twosome. Just like there's a hard drive in computers, and then using it we access various things. We can experience, we see. So when we are sleeping, we are not unconscious but we are not conscious, not aware of our surroundings. A loud noise or alarm will wake us up. The duality ensures a silent built in alarm is there to wake us up each morning much like the rooster doing the kuk du koo each morning. Because of the duality, we can see ourselves. We can feel, think, know, analyze, synthesize and understand. We can be aware of all experiences. Distanced? I can know myself, be aware, be conscious of myself, see myself, but not distanced from my consciousness, i will not understand me. So the me that is i, perceives the consciousness at a distance from me. Where is this consciousness of mine? Where the thinking, feeling, knowing and understanding is? It is all in the cosmic consciousness. The cosmic consciousness is lord, sum total of all consciousnesses and also the things related no consciousnesses. This is why, the lord knows about our situation. The lord knows all. As a side note though, the lord can only help us in so much as we help ourselves first. If we beg for help, help could come, but overdrawing our account means a fill up later with good actions becomes necessary. The lord is omnipotent, omniscient and all that. So when i say - i am so and so. That so and so is my consciousness. It's only word and word power, much like i am money but lord is the power of money. So money and its power operates as a duality. Me and my consciousness works as a duality and so i can see myself, i can perceive me. The lord is cosmic consciousness and we all together with the things and the emptiness are the cosmic body. The lord is the one living its life. We form the lord in togetherness.
  • Should humanity be unified under a single government?
    "Should humanity be unified under a single government? Why or why not? If you were required to set up this government, what kind of government would you create? What threats to sustainability would arise and how would you deal with them? I'd love to hear anyone's thought on this."

    No, humanity should not be united under a single government. The reason is - variety is the spice of life. Should the unification happen anyway, people will start being sick because spices make food edible and interesting and cosumable. With no variety in life, life will begin to stink and we actually might become prone to throwing up even at times, not to mention suffocation will begin to happen too. Various cultures, ethnicity, different governments, variety in ruling adds spice to living. But any nation will be okay with the canadian water, electrical systems and 4 coil stove cooking ranges and how they keep their dry foods bug free. Aside of that, every nation's specialty should remain. Under one rule, we will not be into living but be into mere existence.
  • Culture is critical
    A true democracy - of the people, by the people, for the people, does not understand guns and gun powder, it understands education and even in its absence gets its way around by trying to understand the situation and coming to a non-violent and peaceful decision. That wins the hearts of the people because no one is harmed. So yeah, if the youth are into self governance, self discipline and not following some fanatics or fanatic ideology, a superior nation will emerge.
  • The circular reasoning
    Yes, philosophy requires reasoned arguments, true, but truth does not need any proof because it's self-explanatory. And what heaven explains by way of revelation is truth.
  • The circular reasoning
    The end tied to beginning on a circle is not an invalid assumption. It's only logical to assume. Spring cannot begin without the winter stuff already there.
  • The circular reasoning
    Just because some revelation came my way, would i have to prove it? Isn't it self explanatory in its very substance and so needs no proof?
  • The circular reasoning
    How do i know about the revelation? Because it registers on my mind as an idea and also as distinctly coming from someone specific in heaven, which in this case are two, the revealers - god jesus and goddess saraswati.
  • Will Science Eventually Replace Religion?
    Science is the study of matter. Mass is defined as amount of matter in a body, be it thing or person. Energy and mass are interconvertible. Religion on the other hand explains the whole cosmic mystery as also our downfall and rising after having gone the wrong way and then realizing our mistakes and doing the necessary corrections. "All formations, creatures are within one another and will be resolved back into the nature of their roots again." Thing in nothing defines nothing and nothing defines thing. So science could not replace religion and religion cannot replace science. They both stand tall. One example: What is the matter with me? What is the matter with you? What is the point of the matter here? Science is science and religion is religion, and never the twain shall meet nor replace the other. One is about thing and the other is about people because.
  • On love and madness. Losing ones mind, to find ones heart.
    I take it it's romantic love being talked about here. I think the similarity is because the chemistry between the two is there. Chem means chemicals/atoms that are attracted due to let's say minds meeting regarding some common ground. This is why mentalities changing means - attracted to someone else now. What is mad about it is the mad way chemicals have an affinity for each other in the two people. Atoms and molecules cannot be held. They go dancing and people in love are madly in love.