• The ultimate significance of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", and most of Friedrich Nietzsche's other books
    Rude trollish interjection:

    Let’s not discount ‘The possessed’ aka ‘The Idiot’. , even if viewed optically insignificant by modern standards…

    Just sayin’
  • Nietzsche: How can the weak constrain the strong?

    Agreed recently, more broadly, albeit tangentially , recently read an anecdote about whether phenomenology was more determinative, in regard to reduction of variables blocking smooth transitions, that the question of who was of more consequence in that realm, William James or Husserl?

    The uncertainty is formidable, however recent searc of correspondence discovered that James was less awed by Husserl then the other way around, even against Sartre’s opinion to the contrary, who attended Husserl’s lectures .
  • Currently Reading
    ‘Lonesome Traveler’

    Jack Kerouac
  • Time travel to the past hypothetically possible?

    “ As always, these are vague, young, naive ideas I’m having. I’m not trained or anything yet”

    I think this is as close as it gets, and I’ve been struck by somewhat of a structural analogy that may further the idea.

    Wittgenstein in his missing years watched movies constantly, anything on the screen. He was said to be autistic. At least on the continuum.

    In the movies, the rate of projecting stills into movement, I believe has a correlation to receiving signal which represent the frames, or bound content at which the signal projected on the screen can simulate the reality that expresses normal, everyday movement.Too fast a rate shows that as less real a representation, as too slow as well.

    As the rate of projection nears the unrecognizable blur of the continuum, the frames , begin to loose their distinct stillness of separable framings of reference,

    What happens then is that spatial perimeters elongate and trick the rate of eyeball incoming signals and the signaled neurons interpret this as a spatial increase, while duration as represented appears to increase

    .Wittgensteins understanding was difficult to interpret because his metaphysical perception , of qualifying a Kantian-categorical sense of boundedness, could
    visually only recognize it’s quantitative sequencing ,as the unreality of rates of projection could relate only to absolutely framed referenced signals without motion to the non objective look of the stop content .There must have been that, which excluded the range considered as near real representation.

    This too, is a naively real formulation of what goes on within the semblance of minds occupied with ideas such as looking back toward a journey to the back.
  • Currently Reading

    “ Don't worry! They'll cook it and feed it to the masses.”

    Or promise pearly gates fed to pigs
  • Currently Reading
    -Noble Dust

    Again, guarantee to script blue, it truly is an ‘existential errand for me,
  • Currently Reading
    -Noble Dust

    Yes , must have been a slip, for it is the first existential work I came across, without knowing it was that. Read it at 16 years of age way back
  • Currently Reading
    Letters from Underground re-reads

  • Currently Reading
    The Wild Duck


    Was lucky enough to see Glenda Jackson in it !
  • The Necessity of Genetic Components in Personal Identity
    Sorry, comment meant for wonderer1.
  • The Necessity of Genetic Components in Personal Identity
    Sorry the above reply in haste was mis written. It should read, that the absolute certainty of proofs to that effect are , even if , a shade below expectations, may make a huge difference , in a retrospective effort to change the way things may have turned out.
  • The Necessity of Genetic Components in Personal Identity
    “ That being said, a TON of counterfactual ideas about "being you" are discounted if you at least admit that prior to conception, there is no way any other set of circumstances would have been the YOU who is reflecting back on their counterfactual history because any slight change in the antecedent causes would have affected effected the set of gametes that would have been conceived, if they were to even be conceived at all.”.


    How is it that ‘in no way that ton of ideas about who you are done affected antecedent causes to the degree that it would have disaffected an unintended formative identity?
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “ So being of the same gametes is necessary but perhaps not sufficient to identity.”


    Perhaps,, but even if it’s insufficient, it may ought to be more then sufficient.

  • On Fosse's Nobel lecture: 'A Silent Language'
    Just commenting the urge, the gnosis, the doubly took semblance of it, not to appear dilettantish or trollish , but merely to signal a fascination with this here forum, and appropriate it accordingly to some structural hierarchy with which identity can be flushed out, as remarkably telling,

    That urge, succeeds where other means fail in the ascription of a dilettante’s paradox,

    before daring to even touch it, glance back while breaking the continuation implicit within the spectrum of ambiguous designation.
  • Is reality possible without observance?
    “ A universe that is birthed, plays out and ends might very well be ultimately pointless even if it at some brief interlude during its existence is was fleetingly, partially and myopically observed from within.”


    Such observation from within , when it begins to play out it’s brief sojourn , can not yet conceive that his being is not solitary, but bounded by a hidden objective.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ Yeah, when you’re strange, in a strange land, that died in mcarthur park in the rain, like the Chevy in the levy, in Paris.
    — Bella fekete

    A wonderful set of references.”


    This reference is the one alluded to’
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    Sorry again in the omission of the author, as to the source of the quote, Amadeus D. Working on it .
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    -“ It wasn't a comment on the OP. And again, don't know if it's your writing style, or my lack of comprehension but it's hard to work out what you meant if it applies to the rest of our exchange.”

    That’s another matter of opinion issue, what I’m getting it subsists in your comment on my sixties musical menus as applied to the a set of referential successions, and how that applies to your current comment of cutting off any connection with Vaskane’s superiority complex and my possible inference to other references, with which they may or may not be linked.

    And that means little, but is a fairly common method of unintended or intended instances of obfuscation ,.

    Such literary devices, may even liven up an otherwise stagnant progression of some design.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ I agree with the possibility”

    Sorry to be disingenuous, but then, sure, everything repositioned and , or disposed, suffers sense of critical perception of disorganization, whereas quick fixes, short cuts suddenly jump out of nowhere and imply unintended perceptions that may allude to a sign which does not come close enough to a clearly constructed idea.

    That this procedural shift necessarily implies some other mind set which approaches a sense of dishonesty, is questionable , and exhibits a preceptive bias, which usually is merely a matter of opinion, that may not rise to the level of a superiority complex.

    Just a passing through comment but the opinions do not suggest and form of judgement, while sustaining an allowable neutral attitude, which can shift love’s ‘love’ delicate balancing act proportionally and grossly out of joint, that creates the very dissembling quality interpreted on opposite positions on the fulcrum.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    -“ It is more likely you're not groking responses to your ideas adequately, and responding as such.”

    Yeah, when you’re strange, in a strange land, that died in mcarthur park in the rain, like the Chevy in the levy, in Paris.
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “ That's a very good characterization, from Ryle's point of view. The key is that Descartes thought in terms of different "substances" which is how people thought about this issue. One problem about this way of thinking is that there was never a satisfactory characterization (definition) of that term. Famously (as I expect you know), Locke was reduced to saying that substance was "something, I know not what". Berkeley leapt on this to deny that any such thing existed. Probably rightly. Effectively physics identified substance in terms of mass and extension (Locke's "primary qualities), which didn't help Cartesian dualism at all. Ryle is simply substituting "categories" in place of "substance", shifting the issue from one of metaphysics to one of language. What is at stake is the idea that the mind is an entity that exists in its own right, independently of physical objects.”

    Such categorical shifts became necessary, to intentionally short cut the progress of evolving sciences, and so, short cuts indicated this inverse , axiomatic connection, perhaps felt to be of an essential meaningful process later on.

    These ‘cuts’ signify the virtually created meaning after the fact

    Just mentioning and cut away as anyone ‘s comprehension can not sway from a hardly conscious recollection.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?

    Preceptions may bar perceptions in very drastic ways which require extraordinary measures to clear up,
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ (I use this list format for clarity only; not at all a function of exasperation or anything like can sometimes be inferred)
    1. No. Legal professional - still working my way toward lawyer unfortunately lol but I do work along side lawyers daily and essentially perform their functions without my signature.
    2. That's true to a certain extent, and in certain ways. Nominally, the law should not function beyond quality in terms of those disparities. If you have a shitty lawyer, not a lot can be done. But you're right to point out the aggregate reality of that problem.
    3. For uneducated people**
    4. Yes, but that is misguided and unhelpful to both their case/s and the overarching claim being made.”

    seein is not necessarily perceiving, sometimes perceptions bar a message, and here is a continuum an autist can swear by.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ You're a lawyer, right? What one can readily see in practice is a gross inequality before the law, depending on one's socio-economic status. If one has money for a good lawyer, one can get out of pretty much anything. If one doesn't have such money, even an administrative mistake by a government official can mean the end of one's existence. We're not living under the rule of law; we're living under the rule of money. Money, with which law can be bought. And so for someone who doesn't have much money, dealing with the state really comes down to might makes right.”



    The difference between de-facto and de-jute procedures are not exactly immune to total impression convenient interpretation of the black letter, mostly hidden in fine print. , which little subtlety disqualified me as well.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?

    -on the part of the little monkey, that is
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?

    Got it, and slow learning is compensated by extremely high preception, and as such, the.continuous spectral image releases the boquet of lotus flowers, but extreme patience may be a foreshadow which should fill the void
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ Trustworthiness is, to me, the word more appropriate with a trait. (I can argue for this if anyone challenges it).”


    genes over memes, let’s configure it.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ So what are you really saying? Might makes right?”


    yes and recollection lost, is the emergence of evil.
  • What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty?
    “ Perhaps some light could be shed if the question is reversed.”


    A very insightful critique, raising indelible? Questions about the reversibility of the traits hard wired to mindsets which tend to appear fixed within both the unfortunate little monkey, whose effort to wolf down the delicious piece of food , he was able to glean from the ground up, and jump at the chance, has also been hardwired , as the alternate could be life threatening.

    As it is in reality, such unfortunates are usually wage a war of attrition before expiring, and both sides of such emerging(ensuing) battle share in this primordial struggle, a dog eat dog, monkey eat monkey kind of correlate, where they axiomatically, develop a kind of mutual regard foe each other.

    Unfortunately for both, the little monkey’s vile becomes a tool by which emerging properties, traits are oft mistaken for inadequate realization of the primary relation, and ironically the little monkey, some of whom can emerge from a long line of such types, develop a kind of private communication by which they can unnoticed , jump to the delicious morsel and feast hastily before being discovered.

    And so he thinks, while the crowd below, angrily trying to follow suit, generally fail, because the requisite height becomes unreachable due to a slight edge of compensatory agility, which those still grounded, we’re unable to match.

    Both are hardwired to accept to various degrees this state of participation, bound by a lack of progressive realization toward their long term significance developing awareness toward a realization that their cooperation within their community should include longer termed transitory movements that could end the standoff by repeated attempts to hasten to get to the treat on top.
  • How May the Nature and Experience of Emotions Be Considered Philosophically?
    I left out the question of the ‘will’
    As far as the boundary with eastern philosophy goes, the right side of the brain does link with the left through the neurons, that inter penetration is I believe variably pushed toward the more indiscriminate content, so that the masculine(right side) develop more powered regulation over the more indiscernible left (feminine side of the brain.

    That such will-fullness, over the more chaotic indiscernible left hemisphere, is a function of the content that is, the ability to gain power to will, through the presence of the visualized plan to act as if through a directorial, , assumption of a masculine role taken.

    Just an afterthought
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “Then perhaps he is on about something else.
    — Banno

    Is he? And what is that? Simply citing an article that goes beyond Ryle without identifying which of the issues in this debate are pertinent does not tell us what this something else he is on about is.”


    Sure , it may be merely a categorical error, but then again merely an effort to hide his uncommon defense of that unknown entity, which, not actually opposite to a mechanistic representation, may imply that it really no defense, because it really is presumed to be bounded by it.

    This logical subtly was present ages ago in the the Eastern World, where such distinctions need not require a mechanistic interpretation.
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    Guys, forgive my not putting apostrophes around a general description , not my own- above.
  • How May the Nature and Experience of Emotions Be Considered Philosophically?
    “Jack Cummins

    “ I think that one of the reasons why I have raised the topic is about the potential for control of the passions. Nevertheless, it may be complicated in the sense of the interplay between the expression of emotion and control. This may be where it becomes a hard problem, relating to the hard problem of consciousness, especially the chemical-electrical processes. In relation to yogic practices, one important area may be to what extent does will , as an aspect of motivation, guide the processes of emotion?

    This involves different area of understanding of emotions and living with them in life experience. In thinking of adepts, I wonder to what extent can the ideas of emotion, including its variable expression and suppression, may be intrinsic aspects of the ongoing evolutionary processes, for human beings in particular. The critical philosophy issues here is the possible ways in which emotions, going back to the basic routes of sensory experiences are based on gut reactions or ideas of emotions, as desirable or undesirable aspects of the inner experiences of human consciousness?“

    -Jack Cummins

    The thought of the differences between the ontic and ontological , description which is sought after, as an algorithmic sign by as far as control emotions goes, axiomatically reactive to the way conscious derivations of structural changes evolve alongside the progression of conscious development from in it’s utilized self toward it’s outer archaic expression of the original participation mystique (Levi Strauss) .

    As consciousness returns to the original integration into itself, the above mentioned left side of the brain is akin to yogic meditations use of the integrated continuum
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    No matter matter who, the important difference is Unlike topological dimensions, the fractal index can take non-integer values, indicating that a set fills its space qualitatively and quantitatively …‘

  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “ Wittgenstein is hard to nail down. He has several remarks about philosophy which are mostly different metaphors. "The point of philosophy is to show the fly the way out of the fly-bottle" or "Back to the rough country!" I don't think you could get a consistent, complete definition from them.

    Neither Ryle nor Wittgenstein are fans of essences.‘

    -Ludwig V

    /\ is apparently only the inverse of V that I thought indicated various metaphors , one conceivably signaling an inverse position.

    I have no idea of the possible intervening variables to such predisposed structural problems, in line with the basically essentialist position taken by Wittgenstein where:

    “ Ryle explains his approach with a metaphor:- “A live issue is a piece of country in which no one knows which way to go. As there are no paths, there are no paths to share. Where there are paths to share, there are paths; and paths are the memorials of undergrowth already cleared.” (p.13) Compare Wittgenstein’s remark that he “does not know his way about” and his desire for an “oversight”.

    There is nothing specifically about ordinary language here. On the contrary, he includes technical, scientific or specialist concepts in his concerns – it is a marked difference from Austin. He is analysing the issues with apparently little self-consciousness about his method. However, the last lecture will give us a more detailed discussion of that dilemma.”

    What I get from this is the last paragraph in which he looses the path where the ground below that can no longer can be recalled.

    Which goes along you thought: “way out of the fly- country and back to the rough country”- ( he needs an oversight)

    This comparison is actually grounded on an inverse topological layout,

    An oversight and a return to the rough country cover a non too transparent intension to hold the object at bay, which seems to bear out with:

    “ I think you've got him upside down. He sets up his target
    — Ludwig V”

    That series of conjectures is more convincing than not even by the progression within this here forum, of the con-foundation of intended disposition
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “ Is it exasperated by the assumption that there are conceptual and categorical boundaries to disciplinary domains? Does the question of life itself contain a category mistake in boundary cases?”


    Boundary situations are it seems to me either all or none inclusively conceived , where the later leads to a reduction to none sense. As revolutionary pressures oblige further and further restructuring, the signs, the meanings or words become progressively tenuous.
  • Reading Gilbert Ryle's "Dilemmas"
    “ Ryle explains his approach with a metaphor:- “A live issue is a piece of country in which no one knows which way to go. As there are no paths, there are no paths to share. Where there are paths to share, there are paths; and paths are the memorials of undergrowth already cleared.” (p.13) Compare Wittgenstein’s remark that he “does not know his way about” and his desire for an “oversight”.

    With so little time on my hands , would like to nail down a remark by Wittgenstein that helps me get into the essential crux of the matter upon which to build subsequent structure , so as to recollect some way of commenting a-posterior .

    Interesting forum from different points of tangency .gearing toward
  • How May the Nature and Experience of Emotions Be Considered Philosophically?
    -Jack Cummings

    You may be highly interested in Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" He talks about how the two systems of thinking (fast and slow) work with each other, he mentions emotions are a part of the fast thinking and talks about emotions affecting and controlling slow thinking, which is reasoning and building up conceptual thoughts etc etc doing math.““

    I”be been a practicing Buddhist since this summer, and can justify the fast/slow rate of the practice of chanting the mantra.

    This corroborates the chemical- electrical basis of the ages’ old practice, as advanced adepts modulate the sutra, as if such method of practice dialectically foresaw the later Brito-logical tie in.

    As far as I feel it , control of passions toward a progressive aim of achieving wisdom is again underscored by a universal adoption of various yantras, yogic methods which work in tandem with the mantras,