How do you know that their behaviour is not rational "like our behaviour is rational"? Is there some other kind of rational that it could be? — Ludwig V
Animals have behaviors, many of which humans share (eating, sleeping, hunting, etc.). One of the behaviors humans exhibit is reasoning, or being rational. This involves language and communication with other reasoners.
I see no need to explain the behavior of animals as involving the human behavior we call reasoning.
There is no reason to think the sun is communicating with Mercury when the sun heats it up. The sun never says “look at me, see how hot I am.” We could use that metaphor, but we would be silly to assume that Mercury could be conscious of the sun or its communication, or that the sun is conscious of itself as bright and hot or that the sun now conscious of this would try to communicate it.
I think because animals have consciousness and because reason pervades human consciousness so deeply, we just assume (personify) that all higher consciousness involves an inner life of reasoning and communicable conceptualizing. I disagree.
Animals make sounds and other other animals react to those sounds. Humans see this as communication. But the animal that made the sound may have been forced to make that sound by some conditions, just like the other animal that responded to that sound was forced to respond. Nothing need be in between them called a “communication” - we reasoning humans make that relationship and call it a separate thing called “communication.” These are just on-off switches.
Because of the debate between free will and determinism, we might say that humans are not actually rational either, incapable of communicating a single communication clearly. Equating human behavior with animal behavior along the lines that none of us are using reason or making communications seems an easier argument than saying human and animal behaviors are equal in that they both involve levels of reasoning and communication.
Dog barks to warn the pack? Or a dog sees something and just bursts into a bark? Pack hears one of its members making barking sounds and thinks “what is wrong?” Or pack just hears barking sounds and moves directly towards whatever range of responses have survived the evolutionary process?
Dogs may be better off because they don’t reason. No such thing a paralysis by analysis for any other than a rational being.
It’s very romantic to personify things. Like the warm embrace of the dawn after the night’s unrelenting assault of darkness and cold. But not necessary to explain it. There is no dawn or night who is communicating anything.
Lastly, this doesn’t mean reason didn’t arise in the universe from physical causes. That’s a different question too. Again, who cares whether dogs or humans live better, or worse, or higher or lower - I’m not attributing reason to a higher, immortal soul or something - but saying humans and dogs both reason and communicate makes no sense to me. (Although the vast, vast majority of people today talk like this and believe this.)
Humans bother to seek and communicate reasons and ideas through language with other humans. Dogs don’t bother with all of that. Neither does the sun. Every sound isn’t a word. Every response of a conscious animal isn’t born out of a self-reflective process of reasoning.
I don’t know this for sure.
But seems to me, if any thing in the universe used reason, it could make that ability clear to me by communication. Nothing else bothers to communicate a reasonable idea besides other humans.