• A discussion that I started and got erased.
    In solitude would you invent a different society in your mind?
    that's basicallly what I asked.

    Sorry to hear that you don't think it's intersting enough for you forums.
  • How Would a Loving Creator Perceive Time?
    It depends on your system of belief.

    I am a Gnostic, so the creator god is the evil god while the unknowable God is the true infinite GOD.
  • How Would a Loving Creator Perceive Time?
    BTW it's not 43 billion years but 13.8 billion years which I have heard, but if God is eternal then the universe always existed even before the big bang.
  • If women had been equals
    Do we use different logic?
    Our contingent ideas about the world are different because the roles we play in the world.

    Men compete and females nurture the kids, of course there are exceptions to this rule like any man made rules.
    Though females used to not make the rules only to adhere to them.

    People are trying to change this rule I don't understand why?
    But in a non-dominated men world I assume things will be different, but not in this world!
  • Are all philosophers insane?
    That's a stupid thing to say.
  • Are all philosophers insane?
    Insanity is an ill-defined notion anyway.
    Anyway here is an interesting sentence to be amused.

    Every genius is necessarily insane, but not every insane person is a genius.
  • Disproving game theory.
    But white does have a natural advantage over black - as in he is the first to start the game.

    Like in the westerners, the first one to shoot usually wins... :-D
  • Disproving game theory.
    No one as of yet proved that the game of chess ends always in a draw by two perfect players.

    For checkers it was proven so it lost its appeal to me.
    When someone will prove that chess also always ends in a draw it will lose its appeal to me too.
    How about NHL 2013, quite a hard game to master.
  • Have scholars surrendered to nihilism?
    One should embrace nihilism...
  • Does Relativity imply block universe?
    In what sense do virtual or real particles live outside the mathematical equations?

    I mean also unicorns, dragons and God/s can be real in some sense...
  • Is life a contradiction?
    You want the dictionary meaning of the word "cool", then google for it.
  • Is life a contradiction?
    Well, think about it.
    Existence is quite puzzling, I mean you wouldn't think there should exist something in the first place; but here it is we exist.
    And no matter how do you face the existence problem it's always there.

    For me this is cool, otherwise non-existence would be quite boring... nothing to do all day, not even existing. :-)
  • Is life a contradiction?
    Yes, mad Fool life is a contradiction...
    and what a cool contradiction it is, is it not?
  • Nobody is perfect
    One of my many names is "Nobody".
  • Living Consciousness

    Humanity is a big group which has subgroups within it which compete between them.

    One can only do his own common good, and if he or she finds someone else to aid than the better, but we are all lonewolves in the end.
  • Living Consciousness
    Forever undecided...

    The common good of which group? (or set or category or space if you mathematically inclined as me).
  • Chaos theory and postmodernism
    Well, if we humans and others exist is there any meaning to the term "disorder"?

    I would guess that a true disorder is not possible...
    My proof for this is our existence, or at least mine I don't know about you zombies. :-)
  • Schopenhauer versus Aquinas
    You decided what you categorize as "right" and what is "wrong".

    But who decided that you should decide?
    No one, not me at least... :-D
  • Schopenhauer versus Aquinas
    What is "right" and what is "wrong" in life?
    And who decides it?
  • Sort of an axiom or theorem in Modal Logic.
    where ^ stands for the conjunction connective.
  • Sort of an axiom or theorem in Modal Logic.
    Well, I am not sure if my formalization is correct, let me know.

    If we denote by Gx the predicate that says: Good for x.
    And let L - denote the necessary operator.
    Then I would write it as:
    \forall x \forall y (Gx \rightarrow (~(x=y)^ ~LGy)

    I think.
  • What's it all made of?
    Cause and Effect are just an illusion ask Hume.
  • Proof that something can never come from nothing
    Well if you search for a logical proof, I am not sure there is.

    But if we denote by P- something then ~P - nothing.
    Then we have the conditional ~P->P which is false if nothing doesn't entail something.

    But if nothing existed we could have claimed 'nothing' as something (but that's meta-language mambo jumbo); I think you cannot create something from nothing since it would be like believing that the rabbit wasn't there in the magician's hat to begin with, it just came out of thin air.

    I mean all of evolution in biology will be regarded as hogwash if something can come up from nothing, hell all of human evolution started just a few seconds ago ... :-D
  • What's it all made of?
    The problem with this question is that eventually are bound to come to two options:
    1. there's a basic building material which is not made up of anything else.
    2. infinite regression you can reduce matter to other constituents and also these to other constituents etc ad infinitum.

    It depends on your belief of a universe which is finite or infinite.
    I believe in an infinite universe so I'll take the second option.
  • What is the Best Refutation of Solipsism? (If Any)
    Irrefutable philosophy, even if it's correct...


    Have a nice dream.
  • Is it self-contradictory to state 'there is no objective truth'?
    It's indeed self-contradictory.

    But it raises the question then what is the objective truth in our world?

  • What option do you have if you don't want to or can't deal with how difficult life is?
    I didn't read all of your post.

    But yes, life sucks and then you die.
  • Anarchy or communism?
    Dictatorship by me of course is the most efficient way of government... :-D
  • Two questions on relations
    Regarding question (1):
    A relation can have any properties we wish it to have.

    Perhaps you meant for an equivalence relation which is a binary relation which is transitive, reflexive and symmetric.

    You should give us a link to the paper.
  • Mathematics for philosophy?

    To the question "what should I do, were I immortal?"
    my answer would be: "whatever you wish to do, you are immortal".
  • a priori, universality and necessity, all possible worlds, existence.
    There are only logical tautologies as necessary truths all the rest are akin to be possible in some worlds while not possible in others.

    For example, physical theories are only possible truths, they aren't necessary to hold in every world there is.
  • Burned out by logic Intro book
    Doing math or physical exercise is all about enduring the pain.
    or else, why bother waking up of bed... there's only pain and misery awaiting us in this life.
  • Does everything have a start?
    From nothing, nothing can be obtained thus the universe always existed, just in different forms.
  • A Map of Existence
    The mind shrinks? on what do you base this assertion?
  • How do we justify logic?

    We justify Logic by Logic.

    Now, that's Logic for you!
  • Was the universe created by purpose or by chance?
    I believe "eternity" is a well-defined notion of endless time.

    t \in \mathbb{R} if latex would work here.
    No beginning and no end, the cosmos is created and destroyed everyday.
    We have preconceived notion of a time interval of beginning and end, but then how can existence pop out of nothingness? You need to assume that something has always existed, may it be God, Universe, quantum fluctuations or what you have not.

    From absolute nothing, nothing can come to be, and that's pure logic, no magic!
    Where I take nothing as the absence of something, your mind cannot even imagine a situation of absolute nothingness, we always think of something, even when I stare at the thin air I think of something, I mean there's space between me and the air.

    I agree that there's no room for dialogue, as in everything in philosophy, these matters have been discussed endlessly, I believe there's no room for creation because that would say that there is room for magic. When I find something in math, I don't create from nothing, I have a preconceived notion of arithmetic and geometric ideas.
    How did anything come to be from nothing?
    There's a universal mind that imagines everything, but he doesn't create anything, they are all part of him.

    If something were to come from absolute nothing, then we should equation them the same.

    Perhaps this is the barrier of the language that doesn't let us go beyond our limitations of communication.

  • Was the universe created by purpose or by chance?
    The third option, the universe always existed in one form or another for eternity.

    No creation, No magic.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    Listening to Demon, prog-metal band.

    Quite old, but good nonetheless.
  • Reason gone mad.
    Well it's all about luck that we are still alive and kicking and no one accidentally pushed the button... :-P


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