• Maureen
    I am not saying this in reference to anyone in particular, but I have just noticed that there are times in my life when I feel overwhelmed with everything that I have to do, and there does not seem to be any relief or any end in sight. For instance I am involved with a therapy program and there is a support person who has to meet with me 6 times a month for up to 30 minutes each time, and even if I have a ton of other stuff to do and I am overwhelmed by having to meet with them that many times, I still have to do it and this will not change unless I voluntarily leave the program, which is strongly discouraged since it is covered by insurance and it's hard to get back in if you leave. On top of this I am worried about paying bills and other responsibilities, and I always tend to think how incredibly easy my life would be if I did not have to deal with any of these things. On the other hand, I do have to deal with these things, and I don't know of any way that I would not have to deal with most of these things unless I was dead. I still have to concern myself with paying bills, going to involuntary appointments, talking to people, attempting to find a job, etc, etc, as long as I am alive. I know that there are people out there who do not have to deal with any of these things, and/or they have no concerns or worries about these things if they have a lot of money, but is there even any option for people like me who do and will continue to have to deal with these things for as long as I am aware? I suppose the main point that I am trying to make is that I understand why a lot of people are driven towards suicide since there does not seem to be any other option in lieu of it. It's like if you are one of these people and you want to be alive, then you have to deal with how hard life is or suffer consequences which can include legal repercussions such as going to jail or prison. So what other option is there other than suicide if you don't want to deal with how difficult life is? I believe the primary thing that has saved me is that I know there are so many other people out there who do not want to take their own life, and that all of these people will still be alive and living their lives even if I were to take my own life. But even in spite of this, I still do feel like this is a big issue. Like I feel like there is no real option if you don't want to deal with how difficult life is. Like what can you do?
  • BC
    Maureen: the truth of the matter is that life sucks. It is for a very large number of people one damned thing after another. Billions feel like they are stuck on a treadmill of demands they can not satisfy. That's just life.

    Do you have a job? Jobs are like an 8 hour appointment that you are required to make 5 times a week.

    You feel like your life is overwhelming, but it probably isn't all that bad.

    Make a list of the things you have to do in tomorrow. Now, organize them in a list from VERY IMPORTANT on down to DON'T MATTER (because you don't really have to worry about them).

    Cross out the things that don't matter. How many things do you have left to do?

    Going to an appointment 6 times a month leaves 24 days free of appointments. Resenting the 6 appointments is not something you have to do. Looking for a job is a problem. Worrying about looking for a job is not a problem.

    Simplify, simplify.

    Hey good luck, and welcome to the club of the overwhelmed.
  • Pattern-chaser
    Like what can you do?Maureen

    Accept life as it is? By this I mean that much of the problems that assail you are outside your control. Those, at least, you can safely and rationally ignore, and avoid the negative emotions they bring with them. The rest of life is yours to 'deal with', as you put it. I might say instead it's yours to enjoy. It's the same thing. And if you feel lonely, there are lots of places like this on the interweb, where you can chat, and there are people in RL that you can interact with. Explore what's there, until you find what best meets your needs? Oh, and Good Luck! :up:

    Hey good luck, and welcome to the club of the overwhelmed.Bitter Crank

    From me too! :smile:
  • RBS
    Life and the world itself is a play. We all struggle no mater what. Don't think that the rich are not struggling, i am confident that they struggle way more than those who live on the streets. They have so much more problems than what you explained here. To me you are doing just great. You are lacking or have lost the inner peace. When you are always in such mood, just compare yourself with the people who have lesser than you, not those who have more than you, because you will not understand clearly those who have more and their situation but those who have less you can easily interact.

    Killing yourself is a sin and its not a solution for your problems. Changing a job will help you. Interact more with people in real life, stay away from forums such as these ones if you are not in a good mood.
  • Terrapin Station
    I don't know what sort of therapy you're dealing with. If it's physical therapy because of some major medical issue, then that's going to be difficult to just ignore, obviously. Normally, I'm an advocate of people making major changes if they're unhappy with the way things are going. You can change careers--and you can radically do that, change where you're living, change who you're living with, change the way that you're living--you could be a wanderer rather than settling in just one place, you could live much more cheaply than however you're living now, etc. There are all sorts of options available. People often get trapped into thinking that they need to approach things in some conventional way. You do not need to do that. You can do things that are very unconventional. You can do things that people don't at all expect of you, things that don't go along with the self-identity you fashioned in the past. If people are going to be negatively judgmental about that, distance yourself from those people and make new friends.

    But if you're tied down to needing physical therapy or something like that, then that can be more difficult to make major changes with.
  • Tzeentch
    Life is not difficult. People are difficult. They desire all sorts of things from life, put great value in things that have none, fill themselves up with all sorts of nonsense about what they think is real and then they complain about how difficult the system is that they have created for themselves! You're under no obligating to accept other people's faulty systems.
  • Devans99
    I would suggest trying to simplify your life. Paying bills for instance can be automated. Reduce the amount of admin in your life so that you have more time for the pleasant things in life.
  • MathematicalPhysicist
    I didn't read all of your post.

    But yes, life sucks and then you die.
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