If we ask people is this sentence true: "What time is it?" the smartest ones will say type mismatch error. Those that have less insight will simply be confused. — PL Olcott
Basically I am saying that self-contradictory expressions such as the epistemological antinomies that Gödel refers to are not truth bearers (neither true nor false) thus must be excluded from formal systems and never any part of any formal proof. — PL Olcott
But people use the expression all the time in daily ordinary communications. Why reject?An expression of language that is both a question and a statement would also have
to be rejected until it is translated into one or the other. — PL Olcott
It wasn't "Did you lie?" we were talking about. It was "You lied, didn't you?" That was the original sentence. It cannot be chopped into two sentences. It is one sentence, which is both declarative and questioning form. It means, you lied, and it is true.The sentence: "Did you lie?"
is not a truth bearer thus would be rejected by a correct Truth Predicate. — PL Olcott
“it is beyond me” refers to something which is spatially separate from yourself; so, no, this is not an example of a different meaning of ‘beyond’ that is aspatial. — Bob Ross
No, I am not a Hindu. I am an agnostic atheist materialist monist. — Truth Seeker
sounds like one's claim that she is a vegetarian, but loves eating beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and enjoys BBQ. :grin:simulation/hallucination/dream/illusion — Truth Seeker
It means the OP is under some sort of suppositional or imaginary scenario rather than based on the fact. When you say "It is possible that", it must have some degree of plausibility with the factual evidence for being real life cases. Without it, "It is impossible that" has the same plausibility too.What do you mean by "So the OP is not the actual case."? — Truth Seeker
Not too worry.I did answer the second question by editing my initial answer as I had initially forgotten to answer the second question. — Truth Seeker
If religion is a belief system, then no. No religion is my religion.Do you have a religion? — Truth Seeker
I suppose, theoretically, I could have my brain removed and put in a jar that keeps it alive, and is wired to sensory apparatus so I could still perceive what's near me. My guess is I would still be conscious, and still myself. My brain is where my consciousness lies. I can lose any number of body parts, and still be my self. — Patterner
I didn't say it was actually the case. — Truth Seeker
I disagree. I could be a disembodied soul experiencing the simulation or hallucination or dream or illusion that I am in a human body, in a universe where there are other humans and other species. — Truth Seeker
It's possible that my body, the Earth, the universe, and all the other living things including you, are all part of a simulation or a hallucination or dream or illusion that I am experiencing. — Truth Seeker
The statement: (a) "You lied." and the question: (b) Did you lie? When we break it down to its constituent parts (b) is still not a truth bearer. — PL Olcott
questions cannot be {truth bearers} is known by everyone that knows what {truth bearers} are. — PL Olcott
We are not our body, but we appear to be embodied. I agree about the mind dying when the body dies. — Truth Seeker
What is the true nature of the self? — Truth Seeker
You missed the point: my linguistic expression of 'beyond' space is incoherent. 'Beyond' refers to something in space. — Bob Ross
Gödel Incompleteness can only be implemented in systems that implement Boolean True(L, x) incorrectly. It cannot exist in systems where True(L, x) means that x is provable from L and False(L, x) means ~x is provable from L and for everything else x is simply untrue in L.
This same reasoning also conquers Tarski Undefinability.
When Tarski anchors his undefinability in the Liar Paradox: — PL Olcott
Really? In which book or article did he do that? I have his Mathematical Logic, Method of Logic, Elementary Logic and The Significance of New Logic, total 4 books. But cannot recall seeing it.No that it not it. He used the term {synonymous} 98 times. — PL Olcott
Bachelor is a rather simple term. There are many other words in English which are more abstract to define. Try to define "Self", "Soul" and "Existence". Let's see if analytic truths can define them without contradiction or obscurity.He did not understand that the term {bachelor} is simply assigned the semantic meaning of {unmarried + male + adult}. — PL Olcott
A person with a 50 million IQ that cannot understand that the term {bachelor} is assigned the semantic meaning of {unmarried + male + adult} is ridiculously stupid about this one point. — PL Olcott
Quine objected to true on the basis of meaning trying to get away with saying there is no such thing as meaning. The stupid nitwit could not even begin to understand that bachelors are not married. — PL Olcott
For example, we cannot properly express how a non-spatial entity relates to space in english; but this is just a linguistic limitation. I can only say "a non-spatial entity would exist 'beyond' what is in space", but the concept of a non-spatial entity's relation to space as 'beyond' it is perfectly sensible albeit linguistically nonsensical. — Bob Ross
The key most important thing about Prolog is that Gödel's incompleteness can not be implemented in Prolog. — PL Olcott
That set of facts that comprise the actual model of the real world is the basis.
This includes common sense and also details that almost everyone does not know. — PL Olcott
The actual model of the world is the basis. Facts not opinions. — PL Olcott
Again, you are confusing language with concepts. The dictionary doesn't define concepts, it defines words (in a particular language). — Bob Ross
I have the classic Clocksin and Mellish. https://www.amazon.com/Programming-Prolog-Using-ISO-Standard/dp/3540006788 — PL Olcott
Likewise we can generalize cows eat house bricks into cows eat something.
Any nonsense sentence can be changed into a different sentence that is not nonsense. — PL Olcott
That is not true at all. If someone says that a {dog} <is> a fifteen story office building this is ruled as false because there are no {dogs} that <are> fifteen story office buildings in the actual world. — PL Olcott
That would just be ungrammatical. I am unsure, then, what contention you are making with the OP: I am not claiming that ungrammatical sentences make sense. — Bob Ross
So you think that the concept 'triangle' doesn't make any sense in itself? — Bob Ross
{correct} is an aspect of the meaning of the term {truth} so analytic truth cannot possibly be wrong in any way what-so-ever. If it cannot possibly be wrong in any way what-so-ever then it cannot possibly be wrong in any specific way. — PL Olcott
Concepts have their own meaning despite how they relate to concepts. The concept of the number 3 is obviously distinct from the number 2, and they don't rely on how they relate to each other to be defined. — Bob Ross
That is like saying the integer five may not be any kind of number at all. Everything that is {incorrect} is excluded from the body of {truth}. That people make mistakes has no actual effect what-so-ever on truth itself. If everyone in the universe is certain that X is true and X is not true their incorrect belief does not change this. — PL Olcott
:)Analytic truth can be wrong — Corvus
I am stipulating that analytic truth are only those expressions of language that are a correct model of the actual world. It seems a little nutty to define it any other way. — PL Olcott
Saying that analytic truth can be wrong it like saying that kittens can be 15 story office buildings it cannot possibly ever happen. — PL Olcott
Untrue unless provable from Facts does seem to be the correct model for the entire body of analytic truth. — PL Olcott