• Confused. "I think or I think that I think".
    And can anyone assist me with the knowledge in how to quote another on this page? Cancel that, figured it out
  • Confused. "I think or I think that I think".
    "What definition of "objective" are you using?"

    My apologies, I believe I was aiming for subjective. essentially, we can influence our reaction to it. I know to some extent, I can nearly turn off pain. While my case is minor, I can think of a whole lot more then 1 situation where an individual has the restraint to accept pain and continue on with it. Pain is a personal measure, its completely based on perspective. One persons "most painful" may be a walk in the park for another.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    "Jesus said much the same. It's such a simple rule but if everyone in society followed it, the world would be a much happier place."

    This was known as the "Golden Rule" where I was in kindergarten. They were pretty serious about instilling it lol.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    "How do we judge if an action is good or evil? It has to be its impact on people/animals that we use to judge it. The only way to judge that impact is emotional/physical pain/pleasure. These sensations/emotions are the only way people/animals react to an action."

    I must strongly disagree, respectfully. Overcoming that barrier of basing opinions off of personal feelings is likely a huge step in personal progression. More specifically, emotional reaction and/or physical reaction, absolutely are not the only base for decision making for all people and animals.
  • Defining Good And Evil
    I agree with this, and you put it so well. I believe there definitely is a right and wrong, but like everything else in life, it's objective. You have to be willing to comprehend, to accept. I've more then once caught my self attempting to be prideful or what have you, and nearly not be willing to put thought into an idea. Nearly choosing to throw away any idea of its possibility for success. But the momemt I chose to resist that urge, and put thought into the idea, nearly always it will open up a whole new series of ideas or thoughts. In my opinion there simply is a greater good. There is the option, in every decision, to be considerate of all others. The rule SIMPLY is! All for one, and one for all. Treat all others, as you wish to be treated!!! As long as one is willing to consider others, a conclusion Is nearly always easily achievable. Of course there is a exception to every rule, but that is life. Nothing is perfect. Accepting that is crucial to developing a correct way of thinking in my opinion.
  • Confused. "I think or I think that I think".
    Seems simple enough. The feeling of pain is objective. So you would think that you think it would hurt. As again, the feeling at the question, is objective. It is not definite for all witnessing or experiencing. So it is a thought of your own
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    I think one of the most important things with racism, is remembering we need to aim to love everyone the same. That doesn't mean we need to try and pick and choose the correct level of love to give.. we are supposed to love all others 100% without question. The moment you have to stop and question that, and the question is seeded in race. You have found the bound of racism. The very questioning of that nature of our reality is but a cardinal sin. As it should be. Are a criminals values being passed down to their child, seen as acceptable. A racist shouldn't be either. We should fight them the same. With awareness. We need to accept there are differences not just between race but between all people. There simply are, people of all shapes, sizes, and abilities, in all races. But a race is indigenous to a region. That means their physical characteristics will generally be dependent on that area. It's evolution, it is a basic at this point. When any living organism is exposed to a specific biome for any extended period of time, changes are made to fit the surroundings.
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    Black folks tend to dance better. They tend to sing with more feeling. Not all, but many. To me, this means they're more embodied- more activated and aware of their feelings. It suggests to me they have stronger souls, and more active hearts. We melanin lacking are far more disembodied. Now advantages come with that- with less feeling we can be more controlled and disciplined easier, etc, we're less prideful, easier for us to act in our longterm interest rather than act out of passion etc. and other things too that I feel uncomfortable saying. But basically, when racists say black people are more animalistic reverse racists can just say- well white people are closer to robots. What happened to their souls? What happened to their hearts? What else is more important in life than the soul and the heart?Jonah Tobias

    I feel like this is so accurate. But I feel like it's still really deep in murky water so to speak. As you put it, "To me, this means they're more embodied- more activated and aware of their feelings". I feel as there is a lot in that line to be discovered. I believe a more passionate out look would lead to more bias generally, unless ones views and values are being held to a constructive standard of course. Until that point is achieved for the individual to begin and transition into being constructive, there would be a completely different behaviour behind a noticeably more passionate outlook. Especially having been brought up in America, not in this generation, but as African Americans actual original point of beginning to become slaves really. The fact that weight is carried on the shoulders of African Americans today. Can you imagine the staggering affect, or role, such a thing could play in a childs life? Their values, morals, would all change. Likely down to their very core, their sense of self. It would beckon the question, what's the reason for this. Why were my ancestors slaves here. Why does it seem there is racism still apparent and why am I misfortunate enough to be discriminated against. Why are there statistics about African Americans being in the hood, and all of that nature of speak. Imagine how those blows fare against the strength of his door, his concious. Put your self in those shoes. It's a very touch border, a gray area I'd say, that we explore at this moment. It's hard to close a gap that's been reinforced so severely by ignorance.
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    Recently I heard or read somewhere something like :'all white people think they are superior.' Is there a pride in whiteness that is mostly unconscious? Experienced as a kind of neutral pride in one's own self but dependent somehow on skin color? It seems plausible. If people with more pigment in their skin had by chance ended up in the same position, I think it would be the same for them.macrosoft

    I really feel like this is a valid point. I believe very strongly in vibrations. That our presence, has an affect on those around us. And I hate to say this, but truly, for there to be an argument, there has to be grief on both sides. Both have to see a reason to argue. And generally speaking, it's not white people going out being racist to anyone not white. In fact most people do their very best not to acknowledge race. It is simply a curiosity. When as a child you are told things about blacks running, or asians being short. Or white people being racist. Of course you are going to begin to question the differences apparent between race. Besides that, it's not generally white people seeking things out. Its other races recognizing that there are racist people, and getting upset about it. White people just seem the be the target for all the repercussions of such things. I guess our ancestors set us up for it. But I thought not doing that whole, oh our ancestors said this, no no, our ancestors said this, was what we needed to do to avoid conflict over race again. We gotta leave it all in the past and accept there are differences between races.
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    So very well put friend, here is to finding our selves. I do hope I didn't accidentally put a perspective into my story, that would allow for such an idea as: me or anyone else being better then another person. I enjoy the idea of the experience you shared so much and relate so well. Finding philosophy has helped a lot in my experience
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    Thanks for reading friend, I do agree that is a key point in my realizations and perspective this far.
  • My Animalistic Philosophy of Truth- Please give me reflections and debate!
    Mac Miller, 2009(recommend putting on replay before you begin to read)(play through once and listen thoroughly if you are yet to hear the song prior)
    I guess I am more fortunate then most, because I have always known exactly how I wanted to start this. "This", being my story. I want to be clear all I've ever hoped to achieve in this life is to selflessly, empathetically, assist others in enjoying this experience. I don't want my name connected to my work in any way. I don't want money. I am nervous I am nearing my death. It is simply my tendency to expect the bad with the good. And my, have I been finding a lot of good lately. It hasn't been because of material or others. But it's like my souls awake. I feel so different then ever in my life. I've accomplished this and so much within my self. But the weird thing, all I did was begin thinking independently. I stopped looking to others for things, and instead asked my self. For the longest time, I truly couldn't understand what felt so weird about it. But have recently realised, the possibility that I really am one of few humans with this ability. Imagine, a species, coming literally from primal ancestors. That have seemingly achieved a higher sense of self, or a concious. There must be a point of transition correct? A point where evolution, natural selection, takes effect. I kinda just can't help but wonder if this is that point. I imagine, at the surface, that probably sounds pretty wacky. But see, I have personally experienced some pretty odd things in this life. Hell I wish I couldn't even explain it, simply because it tortured me for so long. I have to catch my breath so often writing all of this, it's like a vomit I've been holding in for years. It's felt so bad, hurt me for so long. Absolutely numbing to the deepest of my core. Can you imagine for a moment, empathize with me. Try to imagine exactly how you would feel, suspended in this picture i'm going to paint for you. Imagine being surrounded with others the "same" as you. Being told regularly that regular is the supposed to be. Watching everyone celebrate their regular. The depiction of the very meaning of life, to be regular! Experiencing anything new or different is bad! Just try to imagine a truly ambitious, caring, considerate, sensitive, aware child, being drown in such a life. Ya see, I trusted my family, my teachers, the ones that were supposed to look out for me. And it took so long! So much damage! For me to realize you can't trust anything, a single person says. Some damage is irreversible, and don't forget to consider that the next time you question how to treat someone. Matter of fact, just ask your self how you would like to be treated. Anyways. So this child, surviving all the abuse that was done, and still all that kid wants is to be like everyone else. He tried everyday. Put thought into every action. A kid!! Being aware of the difference that the image of my self that I depict for others, affects rather they are okay with that persons very existence. Pure, instinctual, hatred. I can't understand why I was treated the way I was for so long. But I found a light. I fought my self every day for so long! So many time, I gave up, but, I couldn't ever stop. And it actually paid off. I fought through all the pain, and focused, on that light. For the longest all I did was focus that light on others, why and how they lived, so I could be like them. I just wanted to be regular. My life was anything but. A while passes, and boy sees a bigger picture. He sees the way to help others isn't to stay the same as we have been. But to come up with his own idea of good. I can't explain what happened out of that very well honestly. I couldn't tell you if some how everyone sensed it, or my behavior just changed. But everything, has changed so much since that day. Everyone. Everything. This voice, inside my head, yenno. It's like it knows everything. It's intimidating yenno, being so different. The things I think, that I try to talk about. For the longest people seemed to react negative, almost instinctually, to my conversation. And it's like slowly, everyone just began to accept what I had to say. I was just a child. I had no way of understanding. I was alone, suspended in a sort of hell. I just focused on that light. That ability I had to look where I wanted, and truly accept what was there. I was actually abused for this behavior for so long. I began hardening my exterior, and nearly turned into the very monster I hoped to vanquish. So often, I feel as if I'm riding that fence, but I am fortunate enough to have some one to go to. To relax around and just achieve some clarity. I couldn't be here without them. It's been a long journey, but I did always hope to make a difference. I'm not afraid to say I can see the impact I've had on the way people live their lives every day. I'm not afraid to admit I've invested every bit of my being, to being that change. It all hurt so badly I had to, put everything I had, to it. What I've come to realise is I've been drowning because I'm trying to swim with all the weight on my shoulders. I guess because of all the pain it caused me, I had my self believing my thoughts weren't okay to even think. Let alone speak aloud to another person. For what, from my perspective it was a literal curse. It would defeat, what I seen as my purpose. To just help another enjoy their experience. Even if it meant to sacrifice my own experience. It would be worth it if I could just help even one person. To carry the weight of the world. I lived that way, in complete agony, falling victim to my own perspective. Until, this girl, taught me we are all responsible for our own happiness. If she heard this I'm sure she'd remember the very moment. She truly loved me more then I loved my self. I learned to implement that into my way of thinking. I realised I was choosing when to be happy or mad. And that I could choose not to let things affect me negatively. In fact, I realised, everything has it's ups and downs, things change. But it is my decision to choose how I react to it all. Who decided when bad things happen we have to be upset. Can't we be constructive in the face of upheaval. Wouldn't every human everywhere benefit from us working constructively in unison with one another?