Kuhn, Feyerabend and Popper; Super Showdown I think you’re misunderstanding my argument. I’m not advocating for anyone’s academic freedom to be taken away. After all, there are Marxists and Creationists at many universities and it’s not like I want them banned off campus. However, because of the Popperian influence of the sciences, these people are criticised beyond belief and noone takes their theories seriously. (Creation scientists have some of the least amount of notation of all scientific groups.) This is because people are providing sound and rational arguments, which I agree with you is the right way to go.
If we were to apply Feyerabend’s doctrine of science to the academies however, we would have a problem. The poor scientific performance of these pseudoscientists could be rationalized by ”pluratiy of method” and ”anything goes”. Science would infected by improductive forces. That is my primary concern.
Also, I feel as if you’re being very uncharitable about what could be considered useful. In my opinion, anything that brings us closer to the truth is fundamentally useful, which includes philosophy, language study and the Humanities.