Which is to say you simply do not know the difference between the two. Try this, 2+2=4. Repesenting a fact or a truth? — tim wood
The distinction here is between what is a fact and what is true. Notwithstanding that the terms are often not distinguished and used interchangeably, they are not the same thing, and you are stumbling badly over that. — tim wood
I got this book as well. It just arrived. It seems Prolog is a great logic program language which is built on FOL and HOL. An ideal PL for AI applications. — Corvus
You know the cows eat house bricks is false from common sense.
You don't need to generalise it to find out it is false. But generalisation and abstraction is what FOL and HOL are for the computability of ordinary language. — Corvus
It sounds a weak argument for your point. Some surly confused guy calling an honest man dishonest doesn't make the honest man dishonest. Likewise some obtuse man making totally irrelevant claims wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that analytic truth is true or false. — Corvus
↪PL Olcott I’m puzzled as to why you are posting on this amateur forum. Your ideas are groundbreaking and revolutionary. I urge you to submit your thesis to The American Philosophical Quarterly (or equivalent). If there is any validity to your ideas then of course they will print them and the name PL Olcott will be entered into the pantheon of famous philosophers along side with Aristotle, Kant, etc. Go for it PL! — EricH
"This sentence is not provable." — tim wood
But nowhere in that is Godel demonstrated wrong or foolish — tim wood
This is helpful. But you have omitted a critical qualification: "[C]annot be proven or refuted" from the axioms of the system. But that the sentence in question is absolutely a truth bearer is established by meta-system argument. — tim wood
"This sentence is false" can be generalised into "Some sentence is false" which is not a contradiction. — Corvus
I'm guessing in your system Godelian self-reference is simply ruled out, which you certainly can do. But that makes Godel neither wrong nor a fool, and to say he is simply means that one of you is both. — tim wood
I'm guessing in your system Godelian self-reference is simply ruled out, which you certainly can do. But that makes Godel neither wrong nor a fool, and to say he is simply means that one of you is both. — tim wood
Your points seem to be confined in the domain of analytic truth only. In a domain where all in the domain is defined as truth regardless of the real world cases — Corvus
I am obliged to conclude that what you're writing about has nothing to do with Godel or any of Godel's ideas. But since you claim Godel has made "a ridiculously stupid mistake," it appears you do not know what Godel's ideas are about. Which is too bad, because all you have to do is just read the first section of his 1931 paper, which you cited, and you would have enough of an understanding of his ideas to know that he at least was not mistaken. And as well you might try reading your other citation. — tim wood
He explicitly limits his argument to systems of sufficient expressive power. He further notes that while his sample expression asserts its own unprovability while at the same time neither itself nor its negation are provable, that it must be true because it asserts its own unprovability. "The proposition undecidable in the system PM is thus decidable by metamathematical arguments." — tim wood
You are not reading what comes after,
Analytic truth can be wrong — Corvus
Analytic truth can be wrong — Corvus
As our Friend PL Olcott points out: "mathematics is incomplete." And that presumption profoundly affects the symbolic language (syntax) of logic in the First and Second Orders. Higher-order logic (HOL) is another animal altogether. — Rocco Rosano
Analytic truth can be wrong, when it contradicts the reality. The reality has potential possibility to be otherwise from status quo at any moment of time. Therefore AT has potential possibility of being wrong. — Corvus
Analytic truth can be true, but wrong. Can "wrong" be "true", and "right" be "false"? — Corvus
The ones I ordered are,
PROLOG ++: The Power of Object-oriented and Logic Programming" by C. Moss.
Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence by Bratko. — Corvus
I am waiting for a couple of cheap old Prolog books which are on my way. Prolog seems to be the system for Logic programming. It seems to be a PL which has a long history, but seems to be still very much popular even now especially for AI applications. — Corvus
I see. But my point was, isn't the main point of using HOL (as also mentioned in the OP title) is being able to set TF values to the non-existent truth value sentences or word such as "What time is it?", and make use of them in the real world applications? — Corvus
In PASCAL or C, "What time is it?" can be set as True or False in a variable — Corvus
Yes, it would be good if you could present the Tarski's and Godel's theorems in connection with HOL with your own explanations (the proofs and refutations) in clear English with added formulas too (if needed). — Corvus
In simple English, please, please make clear just what Godel's terrible mistake was. — tim wood
Isn't HOL the expanded logical system from the other simpler ones with the relation and operation variables in the formulas? — Corvus
Sounds good idea. Only problem with the PLs handling the paradox cases could be the program crash, when the contradicting variables with TF values were encountered during the execution. — Corvus
From your coding, it seems no problem for HOL dealing with the Liars paradox and also Tarksi's undefinability. — Corvus
This sounds a very interesting topic. I was reading on HOL recently, and it seems to be heavily mathematical arithmetic stuff. My question arose with the Liars paradox. How do you convert the Liars paradox sentence into HOL formula? — Corvus
The HOL book by Bacon must be an introduction to the subject, and doesn't seem to discuss anything about Liars paradox or Tarski's truth. I will try to finish it first, and then look at the Tarski's truth and Godel numbers. — Corvus
I don't believe anything in the propositional sense is known in the kinds of altered states of consciousness people refer to as "enlightenment". But such altered states are a kind of knowledge: a kind of familiarity or know-how. — Janus
Such skepticism based on mere imaginable possibilities seem toothless and irrelevant to me. I see a dog in the room, I have no cogent reason to doubt its existence. And that is exactly why I say that where there is no possibility of genuine, as opposed to merely feigned, doubt, then speaking in terms of belief is inapt. — Janus
I think there is a valid distinction between knowledge and belief, although I also think that much of what is generally considered to be knowledge might be more accurately classed as belief. It may well turn out that I am sympathetic to Chet's belief. Let's see... — Janus
↪PL Olcott Sure, I am currently reading on "High-Order Logics" by Andrew Bacon, and this is a really nice supporting thread for the reading. Thanks. — Corvus
It sounds like Tarski's indefinability theorem is only applicable to arithmetical truths according to the dictionary. — Corvus
It's been observed were truth so definable, then the usual reading of Godel's sentence, unprovable but true, would have been instead untrue but true. — tim wood
One can formalize the semantics—define truth—of lower order logic in high-order logic. Under that fact, isn't it the case HOL defeats Tarsky Undefinability in the formalization, because TU only applies to the domain of Algebraic statements? — Corvus
A knowledge ontology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology_(information_science) is essentially an inheritance hierarchy of types from type theory which is apparently the same thing as HOL.
— PL Olcott
Great link with much useful info to learn. Thank you PL. — Corvus
I was under impression that higher than 3rd-order logic would be for the multiple set theories and advanced calculus applications, therefore they wouldn't be used for describing the empirical world cases. — Corvus