I was just reminded, by your physical/metaphysical poetry, of the book by Gevin Giorbran : Everything Forever, Learning to See Timelessness — Gnomon
You are a genius, for a digest of 'Everything Forever' is next in the poem, completing it, as 'The Final Answer', although it's rather long; Nobody's portion is done, but he referenced Giorbran in a forum post and so must have liked Gevin's idea. Nobody is probably not dead but cannot currently be found anywhere online.
Time Forward
The Alpha of the Beginning can’t be
From the impossible nonexistence;
Only time begins, and so the universe
Must be such that time moves frames forward.
Grouping Order to Symmetry Order
Wherefore why the ‘improbable’ Alpha,
It being the most complete grouping order—
Separated matter / inverse matter?
Only then is the pull toward symmetry.
To the ‘Improbable’
All the possibilities of the imbalances
Must trace back to the one and only state
Of the most probable beginning of all,
The separation of matter and anti-matter.
Between River Shores and Lakes Alpha/Omega
The ultimate, flat, symmetry order
Of the Omega—the end of all, draws
The river of time along, guiding it,
Through the probability patterns.
The Wave Function of the Universe
Totality is in a superposition,
All at once—of no time and of no space,
The quantum probability patterns
Really being so, not just a math tool.
From Grouping Order to Blended Symmetry Order
The Time River of Probabilities
Flows smoother and further near its center,
While near the shores there are eddies and swirls,
Contrasts, lumpiness, ebbs—even back flow.
Timeless ‘Time’
The pages turn and the living film plays,
Motion but apparent, as successive frames—
All the alternate plot’s scenarios being,
Which will blend into ‘everything forever’.
We Reflecting the Universe Start-End
The two brain hemispheres, too, must reflect
The nature of the universe itself,
As the grouping order versus and with
The whole of the symmetry order.
The Hare Beats the Turtle
The universe expands, forming a light cone;
The arc of the ‘ice-cream’ end getting flatter,
Seeming to take forever to straighten—
Accelerating expansion bridges the gap.
It Has Always Been
Nonexistence can’t be, nor even meant;
So it is that existence must be here;
There’s no other option, by necessity,
And thus herein these pages we learn its ways.
Divergence and Convergence
Top-down drives the bottom-up ‘events’,
The future ever affecting the present;
The flat whiteness of the Omega End
Brings forth diversified prismatic colors.
Electrons, protons, seem ‘bottom-up’
But are ‘enfolded’ in the top-down whole,
As with Bohm’s implicit order guiding
The blooming, unfolding, explicit order.
The Second of the Final Laws
Boltzman’s increasing disorder (entropy),
Due to there being many more states of
Disorder than order, is close to the mark,
But it’s more-so of the ungrouped patterns.
As Well, There Are Many More Ways For…
The universe to be lumpy, in degrees,
Than for it to be perfectly smooth,
And that’s why there’s still a grouping order,
As with galaxies and solar systems.
The Opposite ‘Improbable’
The not so ‘improbable’ symmetry
Of uniformity comes at future’s end;
This Omega symmetry order is
The opposite of Alpha’s grouping order.
Bohm’s Poem of Home
Classical physics says that reality
Is of particles that separate
The world into independent elements;
But now I am proposing the reverse…
Close Condensations Approximate a Track
The fundamental reality is en-un-foldment;
Particles are abstractions from that.
Electrons don’t exist continuously
But are coming, going, then coming again.
Real Quantum Mechanics
Possibilities are actualities, so
Possibilities exist, in a timeless way,
So then we have a simple solution
To why our universe came from a dense state.
All at Once
All the possible patterns of the past
And future exist simultaneously,
Independent of the passage of time frames,
So, the history of a temporal universe…
Why Time
Moving through those possible patterns
Will inevitably trace backward to
The extreme, greatest imbalance, and hence
To the severe order of the Alpha start.
Time’s Direction
It seems strange that time began from Alpha,
Unless patterns are physically real.
Then time invariably originates
From the greatest imbalance of them all.
Toward Balance
Time’s forward direction is ever toward balance.
And so when it’s traced backward, that same path
Invariably originates from imbalance;
The temporal universe is as it must be.
Time Explained
Any path of time embedded within
A physically real pattern space would
Exhibit a history that originates from the
Single most improbable location of all: Alpha.
Probable Existence
Since pattern space is existingly there
Then the flow of time is built into reality,
Causing probable time-worlds to exist, while
Extremely improbable time-worlds do not.
What Exists
All possibilities must exist,
Because nonexistence cannot be so.
Existence is inevitable. What does exist?
Whatever is possible to exist does exist.
Our Existence is Not Absurd
Time-worlds are secondary, subject to
The realer reality of timeless patterns.
Time’s passage must pass through patterns;
‘Tis no more spectacular than a moment.
What Patterns Lead to
The must-existence of patterns is great—
For the hierarchy of atomic elements,
Stars systems, bio-life, consciousness,
And finally intelligence and wisdom.
No Chaotic Change
If time and change were not restricted
To probability’s arrow of time
Built into pattern space then anything
Could happen and would happen, as chaos.
Quantum Collapse
Quantum events are a “handshake” between
Past (retarded waves) information
And future (advanced waves) information,
Causing the probabilities to collapse to ‘now’.
Probabilities Produced From the Whole
Time doesn’t simply roll into the future,
For there’s a mesh of probabilities
Where possible pasts and futures meet,
Which scientists correctly call ‘non-local’.
The Complete Transaction
When we stand in the dark and look at
A star not only have the retarded waves
From the star have been long traveling,
But advanced waves have reached into the past.
The End Promotes the Means
Time’s river, having a specific ending, explains
Why the universe’s wave function is specific.
If what’s possible was just coming from the past,
There’s no reasonable explanation…
The Guidance Goal: Lake Alpha to Lake Omega
For the control of all the probabilities,
Such as the wave density of atomic particles,
A river only from the past would be
Flowing outward into chaos, but it can’t.
The New Natural Selection
‘Evolution’ is thus an ordered happening,
From the unnoted neutral order in the future,
Along with the positive order of the past.
(So now we know there must be a negative.)
The Whole Thing
The positive order in the Alpha past
Is only half of the Cosmos’ puzzle,
Merely half of a larger duality, one side
Of the great divide, one side of the coin.
The Chess Board
Our Alpha is one chess player as the game begins,
When all the pieces of one color are divided apart,
Half of the most extreme case of grouping order;
Both Alphas are the highest imbalance and contrast.
Time, and Time Again
Time travels from positive to neutral,
While anti-time travels from negative to neutral,
But, note that time & anti-time are much identical.
We may even be alternating back and forth.
Matter Traveling Backward in Time
If matter is evolving forward in time,
Anti-matter is matter evolving backward in time,
In the direction of our own positive Alpha,
Explaining why anti-matter is unstable on our side.
Other Matters
Stable anti-matter exists on the other side
Of ours in anti-time, traveling inversely in time,
Not backwards, but away from the negative Alpha
Toward the universal Omega.
Space-Time Distance
Since time is a direction in space,
Then the space that we’re within is special.
It’a not a 3-D space in which things move about;
It is instead what Einstein called space-time.
4-D, Not 3-D
Space-time is a product of “4-D directions”
In space that travel through a series of many
3-D block-like spaces, jumping from one to the next,
As a new volume dependent on the 4-D directions.
The Probability of Balance
Exterior to the 3-D spaces, the 4-D volume
That we exist within changes and transforms;
It evolves because most of the spacial
Directions move from Alpha toward Omega.
The Unnoted Dimension
This 4-D volume is what collapses
In the phase of accelerating expansion (Big Rip),
Even though the actual universe is expanding.
This acceleration is inevitable.
Driven by Opposites
This dominant probability
Makes our volume (our space) positive
In reference to the volume of
Anti-time which is negative.
Anti-time is a negative space,
Or negative space-time,
Which is properly referred to
As negative volume.
The Unseen Scene
Inverse matter can only exist in
The negative volume of anti-time.
We cannot observe the negative density
Of an inverse-proton in our positive space.
Two Worlds
Our positive volume would collapse
Before the inverse proton could
Exist spatially extended, on our side
Of the dividing line between worlds.
The negative electron is but a point particle.
Our positive volume collapses before
The negative density that gives the electron
A definite mass can exist spatially extended.
Front and Back
Electrons are one side of inverse-protons in anti-time,
Which means the back side of our protons
Are inverse electrons, and our electrons
Are the back side of someone else’s protons.
For Opposites to Move To Balance
The whole progression of time is driven
By a slow cosmic influx of negative density leaking
Into our positive volume from the other side;
A slow merging of the two sides is occurring,
The two sides must slowly and gradually unite,
Which from our perspective causes
The cosmos to grow larger and expand,
In the first steps away from Alpha,…
Time is stepping away from the uniformity
And sameness of a perfect positive state
And is necessarily moving into the
Beginning of variety and diversity.
The negative can visibly invade Alpha
By tunneling into its positive space,
Creating fluctuations in the CBR, or at
Micro-scales as negative charge point particles.
The Cosmic Plans
In order to control the cosmos,
In the necessity to bring itself about,
Omega must even rigidly regulate
The early cosmos in its first moments.
As if planning to bring about complexity and life,
The early fluctuations in expansion are moderate,
The masses of electrons all kept equal,
The ratio of electrons-protons kept even.
Has to Be
With the precision of a watchmaker,
The inevitable future carefully designs
The stable particles with properties that will
Produce the periodic table, molecules, even DNA.
Only Two Ways
Why just the proton and electron?
Why just two stable fundamental particles?
Why are they matched with polar charges?
They are forged with a specific goal in mind.
All the Pieces of the Puzzle
We know what we think of as a material universe
Is really an intricate interplay of imbalances.
All that is known are positives and negatives,
As the stable protons and electrons.
The March of Time
Following time backward only increases imbalance,
In seeing that time originates fully positive,
And then slowly becomes less positive,
Until it becomes neutral, centered.
The Trend Shows
We now realize there actually should be
Great imbalances evident in the world around us.
There should be even much greater
Imbalances evident in our Alpha past.
1836 Times More Massive
The proton should be heavier than the electron.
We don’t note an equal number of anti-matter galaxies.
We shouldn’t expect there to be equal amounts
Of matter & anti-matter near the beginning of time.
The Mystery
The question that has haunted us for so long,
“Why is there something rather than nothing?”
Is related to asking “Why is there asymmetry?”
“Why are there imbalances present?”
The Results
Form and material things, substance itself,
Are products of the imbalances that
Exist within the cosmic balance—
Everything a great tapestry of imbalance.
Further Why
And when we ask the question “Why are
There imbalances instead of why somethingness?”
It’s simple and unavoidable that imbalances exist.
Imbalances are natural inside any overall balance.
Should Have Known the Timeless Everything
Our finite world could only be an imbalanced system.
We exist because a balanced whole exists,
Which we incorrectly see as nothing,
And worse still, confuse with nonexistence.
The Forces Explained
All forces are probabilities, simply the
Most predictable events we experience.
In fact, gravity is the probability
For time to travel backwards.
Gravity is Time Moving Backwards
Gravity is trying to recreate the past.
In an expanding universe the past
Is increasingly denser; less expanded.
Gravity battles with the universe’s expansion.
Expansion is a Force From the Future
The trend of nature is not at all toward disorder,
But it is for balance to increase.
Being drawn toward the balance of zero
The universe invariably expands.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
The universe’s expansion is time moving forward.
Cosmological expansion isn’t a consequence
Of some chance explosion in the past.
It is a force, just like gravity (Gravity’s losing).
Electromagnetism is Time Moving Forward
Electromagnetism is the perfect balance
Of the future’s absolute zero influencing the present.
The balance of the future, the most probable state,
Is a great cosmic attractor of all universes-change.
We can feel absolute zero pulling
And pushing the cosmos around.
We feel this balance of zero
As electricity and magnetism.
Moving Toward Greater Balance
Positive and negative particles
Are moving nearer to the balance,
For like particles will naturally repel
While opposite particles attract.
Imagine Electromagnetism in Reverse
Like particles would then attract
And opposite particles would repel.
Such a force would cause positive and negative
Particles to divide apart into separate groups.
Nucleon Binding
In fact, when like particles such as
Positive protons bond together,
Time is actually moving backward.
The strong force is electromagnetism in reverse.
How it Works
The strong force battles against electromagnetism,
Causing positive protons
to attract at short distances.
If protons and neutrons get close enough,
The repulsion of electromagnetism is overcome.
The Ranges
The strong force holds the nucleus together,
Just like gravity holds-creates stars and galaxies.
The strong force is the short range gravity;
Electromagnetism dominates on the larger scale.
The Power Broker Breaker
Something must overcome the strong force,
Because electromagnetism cannot break
The bond between like protons by itself.
Electromagnetism-expansion beats gravity-strong.
Forces Are the Possible Directions of Time
At some point in the future the weak force
Has to break down all the complex atoms in
The universe into individual protons and electrons.
The Weak Force is time moving forward.
The Power of the Weak
The weak force is an extension of electromagnetism.
The weak force grew out of electromagnetism
In the early stages of the big bang,
Prior to which there was just the electroweak force.
No Absolute Motion
Objects do not move about in Newton’s vessel
Of empty space because a real perfectly
Flat space would be absolutely chock full.
Thus, the relative, not absolute universe.
Empty Curvatures
Objects can only exist as distinct forms
In a space where their opposites have
Been removed or displaced to create
A half space or parallel regions.
Space, the Final Frontier
This creates the present interdependence
Between matter and space which led Einstein
To describe space as an extension of mass.
‘Space’ seems to be the ultimate challenge.
The Ultimate Puzzle
We’ve learned about space relative to materials.
A common theme is that matter and space
Are two forms of the same thing. Not exactly.
Matter is really an absence of content.
All Told and Tolled
If the cosmos stretches totally flat,
Then matter and space are equivalent,
But this leads to a very dramatic switch
In how we evaluate the universe, whereby we see…
What Matters
That particles are holes in a primary full space,
Rather than material things arisen
Above and more primary than space.
Matter is a bi-product of space.
Two Apples Means Two More Anti-Apples
For our universe to exist, an identical
But opposite anti-matter universe
Has to be removed from space.
Why are we separate from our other half?
Half and Half
Perfect symmetry doesn’t create nonexistence.
Perfect symmetry is just everything experienced
At the same time in the same space.
Opposites don’t cancel—we’re here observing half.
In Order For There to be Symmetry
From our place in the world, we cannot
Or would not directly observe unified symmetry.
It’s hidden, in our future or in our past.
We need to be here; there has to be asymmetry.
Nonexistence Isn’t; Perfect Symmetry Is
The combination of our galaxy
With an inverse anti-matter galaxy,
As combined, and every other pair of galaxies,
All exist joined together in ordinary space.
Taken and Placed Somewhere Else
And so matter is not more than space;
It is less than space; it’s what happens
When part of something whole is taken away,
Taken from the place and time we call ‘now’.
The New Normal
It’s difficult to re-normalize after such a switch,
But the fullness or substantive aspect we attribute
To matter is present in space more than in matter.
Dense matter’s an absence, as in the tiny early universe.
Things Aren’t More Than Nothing
Mass and density are both a measure of absence.
Objects cannot exist unless their opposite
Is removed from that seeming emptiness.
Things are then less than everything.
Accentuating the Positive
A negative density can only
Exist in a negative volume, just as
Positive density can only exist in a positive volume.
This allows the mass value to ever remain positive.
Matter is like bubbles in a water aquarium—
Tiny voids in a denser medium.
Density is a positive or negative void
That causes the curvature of the bubble.
Going, Going…
We live in a positive bubble (volume)
That is actually collapsing,
As distant galaxies expand away from us
At speeds beyond the speed of light.
Everything Leaks
We detect the mass of a negative
Density as a point of zero volume,
Or what is called a point particle;
Electrons leaked over from the anti-time side.
Each as Half of Totality
The electron leak is in response to the
Existence of protons on our side,
Which is why the ratio of electrons
To protons in the universe is exactly even.
The Point of It
So why does the electron point particle
Have a defined mass, as opposed to infinite?
A negative density cannot be
Spatially extended in a positive volume.
Confined to a Point
The electron mass exists in a negative
Volume that opens up beyond the point of the
Electron in the ghostlike invisible partner.
Negative density also explains polarity of charge.
Credited Debits
Positive and negative things are debts
That have to be repaid to a larger neutral space.
Charges reflect imbalances in a spatial content.
To create particles creates indents, or curvatures.
The Flow
The only way for the plus-minus puzzle pieces
To exist separate from one another
Is if time originates from such a state,
An imbalance, then moves toward equilibrium.
One Way
Equilibrium never breaks down into imbalance;
Something does not come from nothing.
But time will start from something imbalanced,
And evolve toward balance, or ‘nothing’.
A Four Dimensional Space
When you combine an infinite past and future,
Time is-was relative (allowing the infinite).
Everything exists in one huge moment of now,
Which supersedes the possibility of existential change.
The Printed Pages
Time-worlds are imprinted within the great moment,
So the time of such worlds must travel linearly
From a beginning on to an ending.
Books have binding; movie frames are projected.
The Clock-Block Universe
At any tick of the clock the world is
In a particular condition or state,
Which is called lateral time, and each distinct
Moment is in an individual universe.
Linear and Lateral Time
How can distinctly separate blocks of space
Be simultaneously fused into a linear progression?
If they are fused then they are not distinct;
If they are distinct, then they aren’t really fused.
The Separate and the Common
What separates one block of time from another?
Only the definition of each time block
Maintains it as separate from other states, and
Spaces are always linked by a common existence.
The Sum of the Fragments
They are all embedded in the same great
Never ending moment—all fragments of the whole.
Each spatial pattern is a tiny internal part,
And only the patterns’ sum creates the whole.
The Lateral
There exist directions in space which travel across
Or through the multiplicity of these blocks—
A 4-D that independently constructs
The lateral component of its surroundings.
Governed by the Innate Probabilities
Each individual direction moving through
The blocks becomes a sort of parent
To a lateral time world—its own 4-D space,
Strictly relative to that single parent direction.
Replacing Chaotic Freedom
Each of these directions in space are free to find
Their way through the overall multispatiality,
Except the direction of travel, and so each path
Is governed by the probabilities of the superspace.
A Very Strict Guidance System
The result is a fourth dimensionality of space,
In which the lateral surroundings of each 4-D
Parent direction are uniquely constructed
Strictly relative to that single parent direction.
The Series of Stills
Time passes through many spaces, and
Each block is an individual moment.
An object does not move through the spaces,
Rather it stays and exists frozen in each space.
Time Rules
Only time, which is actually a
Special direction in space, is able
To pass through multiple 3-D spaces,
Traveling from one moment to the next.
4-D Touches All of 3-D
An undivided existence of all
Conceivable 3-D configurations
Would inevitably create the 4-D of
Spatial directions passing between the blocks.
The Full Range
We will invariably observe a sampling
Of galaxies which reflects the widest range
Of configurations that pattern space dictates, plus
Ranges of solar systems, planets, moons, asteroids.
We will observe the whole range of geography,
The whole range of possible chemistry,
The whole range of other lifeforms,
The whole range of personalities.
All is then integrated into the parent direction,
Inevitably causing expansion and growth—
Letters, words, phrases, sentences, verse (uni).
We ourselves are the evolution of time.