• How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Climate Change
    The point is it's used as a euphemism to disguise the reality of the situation. As an example, the GOP has been using that phrase in recent years because as far as they're concerned warmer temperatures just means warmer regions they can make more profit in. Death on an unprecedented scale is coming because perpetuated inaction has left us with a near certain catastrophe on our hands. There's no adapting out of that, we might barely have enough time (maybe 12-20 years) to mitigate it a little.

    Of course those who survive will have to adapt, that's not the point. The point is that mindset is a large reason we're stuck in a worsening situation. The powers that be have decided in word and in deed (especially in the U.S.) that we're not really doing anything substantial to overcome it. And to the extent that it's even acknowledged at a federal level (need I mention the "It's a Chinese hoax" crap?), we end up with tepid remarks like "We'll just adapt to it", as if it weren't a global state of affairs that will kill shocking numbers of people, damage to environment to an unprecedented degree and destroy lots of species.
  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Climate Change

    Indeed. The degree to which we are fucked and just plugging our ears disturbs me. It's hard not to think about most days.

    Oh yeah sure, they'll have to "adapt". In practice, this means an enormous death toll as sea levels rise destroying coastal cities the world over (major cities alone are usually on coastlines: New York, LA, Beijing, Tokyo), as climate fuckery worsens and promotes bad weather events (droughts, hurricanes, the whole shebang) and as violence of all types increase in response (people will have to flee inland to survive, causing issues with "OMG foreign 'invaders'! Gotta kill them"). Idiots have the stupid view that the Middle East is fucked up "because religion" while ignoring a major factor in worsening climate in the region (it will be uninhabitable in the foreseeable future).

    So yes, we are fucked and no one who isn't being highly disingenuous and monstrous can say "We'll have to adapt" as a response to that. A bunch of people are
  • How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Climate Change
    that fact will hasten the end of the fossil fuel era, due to the fact that fossils are inherently inferior to electric. [...] It's a matter of simple economics with climate change. A cost-benefit analysis is all that is needed to persuade a politician, and solar and the wind is becoming so cheap in many regions, that people are seriously considering the switch.Posty McPostface

    Apologies for the likely rude nature of my response but this is hopelessly naive or ignores the lack of time we have for these "simple matters" of economics to persuade politicians. The U.S. and China are overwhelmingly responsible currently. There's not much to do about China since they hit their industrialization period later. We don't have long (perhaps as soon as fucking 2030 according to the IPCC...) to avert catastrophe. In all likelihood, we will eclipse catastrophe by a considerable margin, we are well and truly fucked.

    So honestly, I hope this was somewhat tongue in cheek. There's not enough time, the U.S. especially will insure we won't make it in time, it takes a long time to shift large sectors of the economy to doing something else on this scale (global) and it's just a fact that current big business is working overtime to prevent renewable energy from gaining prominence. That's the point in paying off politicians via campaign contributions to ensure climate change deniers (including the goddamn president) have a sizable control over the political system and thus large control over the economic developments in the world. Nothing about this is simple.
  • What is logic? Simple explanation
    The person I was responding to was making the case that even mathematical logic has an inherent normative component to it. Really all I was saying is that there are different senses to "logic" and the norms for correct reasoning is only one sense, it doesn't subsume the others.

    I don't think FOPL really captures the intuitive reasoning we're drawn to either, I don't any logic does. That's why people get tripped up by things like the material implication paradoxes or find "ex falso quodlibet" strange, because they don't map onto how we actually reason. FOPL is really, I think, about capturing a certain type of mathematical reasoning, as that was explicitly why Frege created it.
  • What is logic? Simple explanation
    That is precisely what Peirce and I mean by "hypothetical states of affairs" as the subject matter of pure mathematics - there is no connection (purported or otherwise) with reality as the subject matter of metaphysics.aletheist

    OK then I think referring to them as "states of affairs" is inappropriate then because that term is generally used to refer to various aspects of reality, not to the relations of abstract objects. It would sound very... queer to talk about the "state of affairs of the number 2".

    That depends entirely on what we mean by "doing logic."aletheist

    Just doing logical derivations, exploring some specified consequence relation. Doesn't commit you to thinking the rules guiding those derivations ought to be the same rules you adhere to when you reason.
  • What is logic? Simple explanation
    Charles Peirce, following his father Benjamin - one of the most accomplished American mathematicians of the 19th century - defined mathematics as the science of reasoning necessarily about hypothetical states of affairs. As such, it includes mathematical logic as distinct from and more fundamental than normative logic

    But I don't think that's right. If I take some arbitrary logical system and work out what follows from what in that system, I am not reasoning about hypothetical states of affairs. I'm simply investigating the properties of the relationship between particular abstract objects. I mean, just take fuzzy logic. I personally don't care for it, but if I were taking a look at the formalism and just did proofs for shits and giggles, that wouldn't be reasoning about hypothetical states of affairs because I don't think the idea of "fuzzy" states of affairs would be coherent in a metaphysics regarding the physical world. I'm just doing math at that point.

    If you're defining logic principally as normative, that cannot include mathematical logic as it is easily possible to divorce that entirely from how one thinks one ought to reason. Reasoning can be made more rigorous by adopting a logical formalism, by adhering to a logic, but that doesn't mean the two are the same. Doing logic is not to pick out a type of reasoning as the correct kind.
  • What is logic? Simple explanation
    I find a lot of what has been said interesting, some I think is correct but incomplete, or else a little off the truth.

    I (following Peirce) hold that logic is the science of how any intelligent beings should think, if their purpose is to arrive at true beliefs by learning from experience. This is similar to the distinction that Peirce drew between logica utens, instinctive and uncritical habits of inference, and logica docens, deliberate and rigorous habits of inference. Logic has to be a normative science if there is good reasoning vs. bad reasoning, which I hope no one in this forum would deny.aletheist

    His distinctions are fine, but incomplete. My take is that there are three especially interesting aspects of logic (I'm ignoring the aspect of how logic is taught and folding that into the norms logic for simplicity):

    Normativity of logic: How ought we reason?/What are the correct rules for reasoning. The views of what are the correct logical norms have demonstrably over time (e.g. Classical logic invalidates some of Aristotelian logic and adds what the old logic lacked). This isn't very surprising.

    Logical Consequence: Given a set of axioms and inference rules, what theorems can be derived? This is, essentially, what's meant by "logical possibility", it's relative to whatever formal system you're using.

    World Logic: Following Pierce, you might call this logica ens, logic itself. It's somewhat hazy but basically it's the logic of the world. It's related to logical consequence, but it's really about the underlying mathematical structure of the world which could be mapped to some specified logic. Sometimes you'll see logicians say something like "In a world governed by Intuintionistic logic, x, y, z would be the case". It's that, what actually follows from what in the actual world.

    But logic certainly isn't just normative and to think so is contrary to most of the professional work done in mathematical logic. Sometimes I just want to explore the derivations of some logical consequence relationship. That does not entail I'm asserting we ought to in general reason according to the principles of the logic I'm exploring. That's just mistaking practical reasoning advice with a mathematical calculation.
  • The US national debt: where is it headed?
    I understand that personal or corporate debt isn't the same as national debt. However, the fact is that national debt is a recurrent item of discussion among economists and politicians, both.Bitter Crank

    It's more a concern of politicians, but even then that's more in the public sphere. When they're doing budget allocations they aren't actually constrained by the debt. That's how you can have things like Trump arbitrarily upping the defense budget by 10s of billions on whim. It's a choice of politics how much money to spend and where to allocate it. The Republicans have never been the party of small deficits, it's provably just a cudgel they use against the weakling Democratic Party so that they don't do anything during their reign while the opposition starts wars on a whim (again, trillions to throw around on a whim; that money is just invented). The dollar has investor confidence, other countries would rather have dollars than not so it works out even if it's used for stupid reasons (not toe pick on GOP, I can use idiot Democrat examples too).
  • Carlo Rovelli against Mathematical Platonism
    No, Rovelli's 'M' explicitly excludes contradiction: "Then the platonic world M is the ensemble of all theorems that follow from all (non contradictory) choices of axioms": It contains everything that is true under any choice of non-contradictory axioms (so yes, read the paper!).StreetlightX

    Well then he's not talking about the trivial world, which is the world where everything is true. He is thus, in fact, making the exact baseline assumption that all mathematicians make: No mathematics that is interesting can entail triviality. The trivial world is the quintessential impossible world, because it's the world where all the contradictions are true. I will read the paper though!
  • Carlo Rovelli against Mathematical Platonism
    That doesn't really have anything to do with my response. Existence in the mathematical sense is, as I've already admitted, what's provable. My point is that the necessity of formal truths does not require (and in fact is incompatible with) possible worlds semantics.
  • Carlo Rovelli against Mathematical Platonism
    If you mean truths that hold in different possible worlds, then these truths constitute a more general/more abstract/higher-order possible world.litewave

    That's not what I mean (depending on what you mean by "hold"). Take this. Take any coherent math system and it's results (the theorems you derive) will not change no matter the possible world. I don't mean anything about those worlds remains fixed, I mean the formal system itself, no matter the system, doesn't have change depending on the world one is in or on the mathematical structure of the world one is in. E.g. the truths of Euclidean geometry are "true" even in a world that is non-Euclidean (true in the system, not about the world).

    I think you can call this a sort of higher-order necessity, but recourse to possible worlds semantics is superfluous I think since these don't need those to explain their necessity the way other modal statements do.
  • Carlo Rovelli against Mathematical Platonism
    I believe that's exactly the point: M would be entirely trivial. This is the dilemma that the paper poses for Mathematical Platonism: either M is trivial and has no structure whatsoever (and thus largely says nothing at all about our world), or, if M is not trivial in this way, then it cannot be independent from our intellectual activity. In either case Platonism is undermined because if the former, then it has no explanatory power, and if the latter, then it simply isn't Platonism.StreetlightX

    But then M isn't a possible world, it's an impossible world. Under most analyses, impossible worlds have no ontology (because then you're accepting the existence of a contradictory object). Now I don't think this makes sense since impossible worlds ought to play the same theoretical role possible worlds do to the relevant modal statements, but put that aside.

    All that's needed for math platonism is for the objects referred to and quantified over in maths to be real. I think recourse to possible worlds talk is at issue here. Consider we are in a possible world where intuitionistic logic/constructive mathematics obtains. Well, the results in standard maths (in our world) are still provable. That is, if we assume the ZFC set theory and classical logic, the formal derivations will be the same if I work them out in that world, with the same formalisms, as they are when we do them here (if that's confusing, what I'm saying is that the truths of the math hold in the formalism no matter the world I do them in).

    So formal truths have a sort of... transcendality? Transcendency? Whatever. They go above and beyond possible worlds, basically. Their "truth" isn't quite the same as vanilla truth statements, and so too is their "necessity" not quite the same; they hold even if the logic of the world is different because formal truths don't involve any world at all. That's kinda what I was alluding to when I mentioned provability is what maths trades in.

    part of this, in turn, has to do with the modal status of our math: contingent or necessary, and to what degree? Rovelli's answer is a kind of qualified contingency: our math is contingent ("Which tiny piece of M turns out to be interesting for us, which parts turns out to be \mathematics" is far from obvious and universal. It is largely contingent"), but this contingency in turn is premised upon the kind of beings we are, and the kind of things we encounter in the world, along with what we do with them - which lends our mathematics a kind of empirical necessity (Rovelli doesn't use that term, but I think it's appropriate in this context).StreetlightX

    Well, it's tricky. If we are talking about the truth (provability) of our mathematics then the answer is mathematics is necessary. But if we are talking about our mathematics's applicability to the world then that is contingent because so far as we know, there is no reason to think the structure our universe has is the only possible structure. As an example, our universe has a pseudo-Rimmenian manifold as its geometry. But it seems perfect possible that it could have had a Euclidean geometry or something else entirely. But irrespective of which one the universe does does have, the theorems about those systems are true about those systems. Maybe it's a sort of stratification of the modality. Neither geometry is made true or false based on what geometry our world happens to exhibit.

    I think the "what is meant by interesting" is more about whatever math happens to hold at a world than about the platonism question. (Sorry if I'm taking this off track, I am trying to answer you, lol) I think I'll go read the paper because I'm probably mucking this up by not having done so.
  • The US national debt: where is it headed?
    National debt seems more like credit card debt to me. Some of it may be as necessary as a mortgage, but a lot of it is living beyond one's income. Now, the US Government could, if politicians were willing, increase its income through taxation, and could put a ceiling on its debt or lower its indebtedness. It would be a good thing, because the interest on the national debt is huge, and costs us the opportunity to accomplish worthwhile goals.Bitter Crank

    The problem is a government (the U.S. government especially) is not like a household. Households cannot produce their own currency that others will accept, a government can (and does) do so, and can (and does) do so entirely independent of whether it spends more than it takes in in taxation (what the government sets as it's budget is a political decision). The analogy breaks down at any relevant level so I don't think it's a good one. It ignores how governments actually go about attaining and using its money.
  • Socialism
    Are you here to ask about Marxist theory you've read or be taught Marxism? The former is reasonable, the latter is not.

    And the answer is yes, he did.
  • Socialism
    Private ownership, or just ownership of capital?Marchesk

    For just socialism, it's non-collectivized ownership of capital that's eliminated, usually by having the state own it (but since you still have a state it's not their end goal of communism).

    Was Marx envisioning a fully automated society? Because a post-scarcity society has never existed.Marchesk

    Considering his works predated any real socialist society (anything that lasted more than a few months anyway), I think it's pretty clear he wasn't talking about a society that had then-presently existed. It's part of his theory, that in a communist society scarcity is eliminated from the economic system.
  • Is infinity a quantity?
    You can do addition and multiplication with infinity, e.g. transfinite arithmetic.
  • Carlo Rovelli against Mathematical Platonism
    Now, he asks that we imagine a world M, which contains every possible mathematical object that could ever exist, even in principle.StreetlightX

    I think this is already starting on shaky grounds. What does "exist" mean here? Mathematically it would mean something like "provable" but if we're dealing with a possible world in which everything is provable, we're dealing with the Trivial World. A world without any coherent structure at all. You later ask'

    This, though, opens up a new question - what is 'interesting?' Well, interest simply is in the eye of the beholderStreetlightX

    And often what mathematicians mean by "mathematical interesting"ness is some set of results that do not entail triviality (every sentence becoming a theorem). Because if some math explodes into everything it loses coherency and thus can't really be analyzed at all. Non-triviality is the baseline for what mathematicians consider a theory worth investigating.

    Far from being stable and universal, our mathematics is a
    fluttering buttery, which follows the fancies of inconstant creatures. Its theorems are solid, of course; but selecting what represents an interesting theorem is a highly subjective matter.... The idea that the mathematics that we find valuable forms a Platonic world fully independent from us is like the idea of an Entity that created the heavens and the earth, and happens to very much resemble my grandfather."

    I'm not really sure what his argument is supposed to be. Math platonism doesn't say math is universal in the sense he is assuming. I'd say I'm a mathematical pluralist, so I don't find myself committed to any particular math system as a matter of principle, but this doesn't preclude being a math platonist. But the preference of real numbers in the scenario he refers doesn't seem to contradict math platonism unless I'm missing something. It's just a scenario where it's more useful to apply real numbers.
  • Socialism
    A standard definition of Socialism is “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”tinman917

    That is a quote from Marx, that is not a definition of socialism from Critique of the Gotha Program. Socialism is, according to Marxist ideologies, the midway point between capitalism and communism. Private property has been eliminated at this point (through collectovization into state ownership, non-state collective farms and the like).

    I don't think you understand the idea there. What he's saying is that under socialism there will be an abundance since the economy isn't operating under scarcity. There's more than enough for everyone, basically.
  • Does the principle of sufficient reason lead to a barber paradox?
    I think you have it backward. My claim is that that if there is no sufficient reason in reality, we cannot know that there is a sufficient reason. This was in response to your suggestion:Dfpolis

    You have my point backwards, actually. You can demand that one must give a reason for what they claim to know because otherwise we would believe anything whatsoever. But that doesn't mean there will actually be a reason for why something is the case. An epistemic claim is not of a kind with the world. (Since you didn't see it probably, here was the update to my last post)

    You seem to have confused my point. We can know X is the case despite there being no metaphysical explanation for why it is so. In fact, the PSR is inescapably being formulated in just this way.

    A common justification for the PSR is that if the PSR were not true, then things would just happen at random for no reason at all. The obvious assumption here is that the reason this randomness doesn't occur is *because* of the PSR. Which is patently circular. The PSR cannot be extended to the... extent which would be needed to make it a metaphysical principle. Any attempt to do so will either be circular or will in fact invalidate the PSR from being a metaphysical principle (because the PSR ends up holding in virtue of nothing, which contradicts the PSR).
  • Does the principle of sufficient reason lead to a barber paradox?
    Putting aside your unsupported sociological claim, yes, some people are quite irrational. How can we know there is a sufficient reason if there is no sufficient reason to know?Dfpolis

    What a whomping non sequitur. The inability to know something does not entail there is no sufficient reason for why something is the case.
  • Mocking 'Grievance Studies" Programs, or Rape Culture Discovered in Dog Parks...
    I think that what this little exercise demonstrates, is that in some of the more politicized academic subjects anything will likely be accepted for publication in the journals, provided only that the paper's politics are perceived to be correct. Which arguably does tell us something about the academic standards of the subjects in question.yazata

    As I said above, you're aptly showing the people pushing this are the ones out to make a political point and skew things through the lens of their own biases. Poor academic material happens in every field, yes including outright fraud, and happens even in major journals (some of the things that have made it into Nature ...). There are many people who actively try to get such fraudulent material into journals of test them, and with the publish-or-perish culture in academia, it's completely expected that some amount of it gets through.

    But you an OP don't infer you, you make it out to be an overtly political problem and thus you look foolish to anyone who keeps an eye on Retraction Watch and who is in academia. See my last post for a link showing how in Computer Science some guys were able to develop a bot that got hundreds of fake papers on nonsense into CS journals. Is that proof Computer Science will accept anything "provided the paper's politics are perceived to be correct"? But what I suspect you will answer is that CS isn't politicized while feminist philosophy is (meaning: it's not your politics) and so you don't care about the politics there to the extent that you'll ever mention it. This isn't about the junk being published, you just don't care for the discipline is my guess.

    As I said, these complaints are always more telling about the person's own politics and biases than it is about the general quality of the paper.
  • Mocking 'Grievance Studies" Programs, or Rape Culture Discovered in Dog Parks...
    Whenever I see these sorts of threads or discussions on the internet, I immediately know these people have not looked much into the sokol hoax (and it's purpose) and have no knowledge of (or no acknowledgement of) things like Retraction Watch for fraud and nonsense in fields like chemistry and physics or about studies where A.I. gets hundreds of fake articles published in computer science journals and the like. As someone who's in grad school for CS (or as we like to think of it, grad school for those of us who couldn't become mathematicians), it's not something I like but the fraud and such in our field is not insubstantial (see lots of A.I. "research").

    So I take creation of threads like this more as OP signaling their political/ideological affiliation rather than them actually caring about the integrity of academic papers. I'm gonna guess (probably accurately) that this is more about getting a dig in at left wingers from a right winger. Which is... cute, but not terribly revealing about the nature of these fields.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    Yay you agree. I was simply pointing out that which axioms you choose to adopt cannot be determined without the use of other axioms so you ultimately end up with an arbitrary logic.khaled

    That's not what I said, I said one's goals cannot be reached by pure logic. The axioms one adopts can be done so rationally (non-arbitrarily), as I gave two means by which to do so.

    The only reason the law of identity holds as you've said is because
    A) not having it would result in an incoherent and absurd system of logic and
    B) a system of logic has to be coherent and consistent

    My point is you cannot get A from B nor B from A and so one should just admit that they're both arbitrary because they are.

    Then as I said you're just pointing out an is-ought distinction. The ought has nothing to do with the logic itself, it regards the normativity of logic. And unless you completely disavow all normativity your argument really seems besides the point. Even just considering the logical formalism itself, a trivial logic is without use or understanding in any circumstance. Everyone rightly assumes you care about what the words you say mean when you use logic because otherwise your communication would be ineffective.

    You justify A using B then claim that everyone has B. While that is true, I'm trying to find a way to get B that does not rely on consensus, pragmatism or arbitrariness (thus the title of the discussion: where does logic get its power. So far you've clearly shown that everyone has B but I'm asking WHY everyone has B and you cannot use an answer that refers to C if C is also as arbitrary as A and B)khaled

    A & B are the norm precisely because there would be no point in having one without the other. If you don't care about being coherent at all there'd be no reason to construct a coherent logic, and vice-versa. I've given non-arbitrary, non-pragmatic, non-consensus answers. Recourse to models of theory choice (abduction) is not arbitrary nor any of the others characteristics you mentioned.
  • Does the principle of sufficient reason lead to a barber paradox?
    If you allow brute facts you reject the PSR and with it the logical foundations of science.Dfpolis

    You might well reject the PSR as a metaphysical principle (as most scientists do) while still doing as Hume suggested and retain it as an Epistemic principle.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    To even apply that logic programmatically, one is going to be using a computer operating with a two-valued logic. What I'm saying is that it's not really an interval of truth values, it's more of a formal trick since in the semantics of fuzzy logic those values disappear, leaving only truth and falsity.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    I'm not advocating triviality here. I am simply stating that you cannot explain why triviality is to be avoided without appealing to theoretical or practical uses.khaled

    I just explained why. A trivial theory loses ALL meaning, it's literally meaningless and without structure. It can't be used for practical or theoretical purposes. That's been my repeated explanation, it's not a practical justification.

    Why should we have a consistent theory of mathematics? Why should we have an understanding of the natural world? Why should we seek the answers to theoretical problems? I'm not saying we shouldn't do any of these things, I'm pointing out that to have an understanding of the natural world/ to have a consistent mathematical theory, etc cannot be justified without begging the question.khaled

    If the theory isn't consistent and Explosion is valid, then the theory becomes meaningless and thereby cannot be used for anything practical or theoretical. And you don't have to have an understanding of the natural world. But then no one will want to communicate with you in any capacity so it's a pointless conjecture. All you're really doing is asking "But what if I wasn't interested in that?" A question which is of no interest to anyone but yourself. I've already justified having a non-trivial theory above, you just keep misrepresenting or ignoring what I say.

    You have to set these things as goals first before you discriminate against triviality/ other systems of logic. And there is nothing in classical logic that can be used to justify itself or to frown at triviality.khaled

    If your point is that there's no necessity in having any particular goals then you're shifting the goal posts and are in fact doing exactly what I just said: You're complaining that there's no purely logical reason to have some goal or other. That's a matter of what interests you, but good luck finding people who have no interest in having a non-trivial understanding of the world or who completely dissavow all meaning of everything whatsoever (otherwise known as trivialism). It has nothing to do with self-justification, that's a fool's errand. It doesn't exist.

    The statement "A=A" is not ontologically different from the statement "A!=A" and there is no proof of either statement therefore one cannot be used to justify itself or devalue the other. It's just that the people that thought A!=A died and the ones that thought A=A lived. Ultimately, logic is based on consensus between homo sapiens and there is nothing in the consensus of homo sapiens that leads one to believe a proposition is true.khaled

    Um, they are ontologically distinct. "A!=A" provably leads to a contradiction, and thus (in Explosive logics) it entails triviality (total meaninglessness). We can sensibly speak of objects which lack identity (see Non-reflexive logic), but it has nothing to do with negation. If you have non-self-identical objects they are ontologically very different than self-identical objects, surely this difference is obvious? One has the property of self-sameness and the other kind of object lacks that property, they are qualitatively different. The reason Identity wins out is that even if we take into account the possible existence of objects that lack ontological individuation, any object we actually deal with practically and in mathematics do have identity, so it just makes sense to preference that. Quantum objects lacking identity just won't be relevant to almost anything else ever. And besides, QM is rather new so prior no one really could conceptualize how an object could even lack an identity. So yes, that was a good reason to hold to it if one seems to find it impossible for it to be otherwise.

    They could be wrong, sure, but unless you can give good reason why they are (or why they could be) wrong then you might as well just make fart noises. Simply objecting to something is not a reason to consider that thing is incorrect.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    That is a practical consideration. As I've said before all of your explanations as to why we should avoid triviality are practical explanations. If triviality one day proves to be a more useful form of logic we will switch to that.khaled

    How does it have anything to do with practicality? If you apply a trivial logic to purely theoretical problems (pure mathematics, for instance), it's just as useless (due to its incoherency) as it would be in practical matters because it forces you to derive every sentence as a theorem so you end not getting a answer that can be understood in principle. It cannot be more useful because it asserts that everything is true. There is no possible circumstance or theoretical issue where that assumption is a more useful, because no possible state of affairs or problem which can be answered or understood by recourse to pointing at every sentence.

    All of these are practical virtues. They are virtues because they are useful. I don't mean practical as in used in physics, I mean practical as in both theoretically and physically applicablekhaled

    No they are not, they are literally theoretical virtues, properties of theories. People, due to practical necessity, make arbitrary assumptions all the time. In science, or whatever other field, that's a black mark on a theory. You are just labelling random things "practical" with no explanation. These virtues apply to theories in pure mathematics as well, and by definition pure math has no known application to physical reality or practical use (otherwise it becomes part of applied mathematics).

    Yes and the problem I'm having is that there is no reason for anyone to agree on assumptions that is not itself an assumptionkhaled

    Except for avoiding triviality, except for practical use (or even practically necessity), except for understanding the structure of the actual world, except for developing good theories as opposed to bad ones, etc.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    Why not? Why should we avoid triviality?khaled

    Because triviality is incoherent. It dissolves all conceptual barriers, prevents any kind of analysis or understanding, leaves the resulting mathematics without any structure at all. It is true absurdity.
    People do use fuzzy logic in many many applications such as "facial pattern recognition, air conditioners, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, antiskid braking systems, transmission systems, control of subway systems and unmanned helicopters, knowledge-based systems for multiobjective optimization of power systems, "
    Source: first site that pops up when you look up fuzzy logic uses.

    Incorrect. With the exception of knowledge based systems (e.g. SQL), all those examples use the Boolean logic which is just a physical implementation of classical propositional logic. Don't bother with Google search results that don't go into any specificity, those things you mentioned are based on classical computers, they utilize classical logic.

    Not only that, but the fact that fuzzy logic shares some axioms with classical logic does not in any way indicate that those axioms are to be shared by all systems of logic. That is a genetic fallacy.khaled

    I did not say that. First off, I wasn't talking about the axioms of fuzzy logic, I was talking about the metatheory: the language/logic within which you construct the logical system in question. For fuzzy logic, it requires assuming classical logic. Other logics (e.g. Intuitionistic logic and paraconsistent logic) can avoid this classical assumption in their metatheory, but fuzzy logic cannot.

    But as for why the system SHOULDN'T blow up you've given no answer. You've simply asserted "the system should not reach the point of triviality" but you've never said why and the only reason I can think of is practical uses.khaled

    I did answer why, repeatedly. It becomes completely incomprehensible *in principle* and loses any possible use towards anything, whether practical or theoretical. That's why triviality is, in logic, also referred to as absurdity. It has no structure to it, it's just the arbitrary entailment of every sentence.

    Oh really? What else plays a role?khaled

    Theoretical virtues: simplicity, fruitfulness, adequacy to the data, lack of ad hoc elements, unifying power, etc.

    The fact that no one disputes them is no proof of their validity.khaled

    You asked for their justification. Validity is a separate notion that requires already making assumptions by which validities can be derived. If no one can agree on any assumptions (which never actually happens) then the conversation is over, there's no common ground to work from. Assumptions are necessary.

    What are the criterions of theory choice? Because as far as I know that's a matter of opinion and practical utility. One might choose to use the most elegant theory, the most accurate theory, the easiest theory to use, etc.khaled

    I listed them earlier in this post. And they're not just practical utility, you yourself just mentioned how they make theories more elegant, which is not necessarily a practical thing. And it's certainly not a matter of opinion. A theory which has equal explanatory power to another theory but which makes an extra ad hoc assumption is a worse theory because it contains an assumption that is not needed to explain the data. It would not be mere opinion to point out that flaw, it's just the truth.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    It IS entirely ragtag because any rule you choose to use as an axiom is by definition based on no other reasoning.khaled

    That is not true, I gave you a perfectly clear reasoning that didn't use the rule. If the Axiom results in trivialism, it cannot be admitted on pain of absurdity and meaninglessness. Avoiding triviality is not arbitrary.

    Take the Law of non Contradiction for example. In terms of practical value this law is priceless however it IS an axiom and it IS entirely arbitrary. God could've woken up one day and decided "hey you know what, let's get rid of the law of non contradiction" and created an absurd yet consistent universe.khaled

    Using that axiom is not arbitrary. If you take any logic which validates the Argument from Explosion, asserting a contradiction results in triviality: everything becomes true whenever a contradiction is introduced to an Explosive logic. So again, we have a perfectly non question begging reason to adopt Non-contradiction. And no. If a universe "lacks" Non-contradiction (whatever that means) then the universe is necessarily inconsistent. Inconsistent means contradictory, so your claim is just false.

    A better example is fuzzy logic. It has no binary truth value but it is still very useful and entirely consistent. You can only say it is not ragtag to the extent that it helps us survive when applied.khaled

    The metatheory of fuzzy logic is classical logic. People don't really use fuzzy logic anyway. It might be useful for some applications but as I said, to actually construct the formalism for fuzzy logic you have to apply classical logic in the metatheory.

    Why not? This binds our logical systems to practical value, which brings it back to the definition you started your reply with. Now logic requires neither rigor not any specific axioms, it just needs to be useful when applied to the world. It just so happens that rigor is extremely useful when applied to the world so we use that in almost all logical systemskhaled

    It's not mere practical value, a trivial logic has *no* value because it has completely dissolved the barrier between truth and falsity. A logic which is trivial leaves no mathematical structure because it has no limitations, it is excessively powerful and thus cannot be applied to anything because it literally tells us that every sentence is true. That is a meta requirement which does not beg the question and which is not arbitrary.

    Again, you are binding logic to practical value which is exactly what the start of your comment tries to refute.khaled

    I'm not binding logic to anything, I'm pointing out a common motivation for why we bother constructing such formal systems in the first place. And I certainly didn't refute that in my first post. As my first post says,

    And there seems to be a pretty pragmatic explanation here. If the logic we naturally develop begins failing too often we change our logic until we find one that works. Otherwise we die so there's good incentive.MindForged

    Practicality plays a role, but it's not the only role.

    I'm not looking for a way to justify logic in terms of practical usefulness (because you can justify almost anything that way) or in terms of consensus as a result of practical usefulness. I am looking for a way to justify it that is entirely devoid of practical uses. I think this is impossible but I wanted to see other people try.khaled

    I already told you two ways to do this:

    There's two ways I can think of how to do this. You justify a deductive logic by means of abduction, a model of theory choice. Whatever logic, in some specified domain, comes out the best on the criterion of theory choice is the correct one for the domain (we can assign them scores basically). That's not question begging, it's using a different type of reasoning.

    Another way would be to pick a very weak logic which contains principles no one disputes but which does not contain principles under disagreement. Whatever that logic ends up being, it would have to, for example, have a conditional which satisfies Modus Ponens. That will be a common ground across logics that are actually used. Either of these means suffice.

    That's how you justify logical systems without begging the question or being entirely arbitrary.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    If I continue the mapping a few more spots, the even numbers go to 8, 10. But these numbers will be outside of the set of natural numbers, on the left. Don't you see that with this type of mapping, the set of even numbers will always contain numbers outside the set of natural numbers which it is mapped to, so it is impossible for it to be a subset?Metaphysician Undercover

    No it doesn't. You're confusing the listing of the mapping with me populating the set. These numbers are already part of the set. When you say "the natural mumbers" you're ready conceding the issue because you're tacitly acknowledging that there's some common property or rule which makes some numbers "natural numbers". Otherwise your use of the term "natural numbers" is just an empty term, in which case you aren't talking about anything. The even numbers are necessarily part of the natural numbers, it's literally just the naturals without the odd numbers, that's a proper subset. The reason you can't acknowledge this is because then you can't defend this ultrafinitist nonsense.

    Right, so no matter how you lay it out, if you maintain equal cardinality the set on the right side will always contain numbers which are not contained in the set on the left side. Surely you can acknowledge this. So do you agree with me that it is impossible that the set on the right side is a subset of the set on the left side? If not, why not?Metaphysician Undercover

    No because no matter what even number shows us we will always get it in the naturals just a few spots down. I've already explained why not. Speaking of the natural numbers and the even numbers is not me creating said sets by extensionally writing out small parts of the set. That's simply to illustrate the pattern. Unless you seriously think understanding a mathematical relationship requires writing out a entire pattern, this response of yours isn't sensible. It's not a real objection.
  • Where does logic get its power?
    We both seem to have reached the conclusion that logic is: "A rule for making rules that is based off of ragtag collection of intuitions that we are born with strung together which helps us survive". You said that we are not born with logic and that we change it periodically to help us survive which I totally agree with but then that would be putting logic on the same "correctness" level as lunacy. They are both based on primordial intuitions, just that the followers of one survive and the followers of the other perish.khaled

    It's not ragtag, that would suggest the rules are arbitrary. If the rules allow us to survive and understand the world, then the justification for accepting them is straightforward. And intuitions do not themselves make the logic, they are just part of how we get started. As I mentioned, there have been many experiments which show consistent failures of reasoning that people engage in, even those with formal logic training. So our logical intuitions are not on the same level as lunacy, we can check for the usefulness of our assumptions about logic.

    The problem is, there are countless potential ways to formulate such rules and there is no meta-rule about how to do this for which there are no alternatives, at least none that I can see.khaled

    This doesn't seem true. Consider taking classical logic and removing the Law of Non-contradiction. What happens is the logic trivializes, every proposition becomes provable in the resulting system. That system loses mathematical structure. So there's one "meta-rule" right there: the axioms cannot on pain of absurdity result in the system degenerating like so. There's really to say on this, as I will do below.

    The main goal for this discussion was to get people to think about such a meta-rule (A method for choosing logical axioms) for which there is no alternative. A "common ground" across all possible systems of logic if you will. Question 4 was supposed to be a trick question because what defines "work" IS the axioms of logic. You can't get an answer to "what works" without knowing something that works and you can't know what works without knowing the answer to "what works". It seems to me that the only way to develop a logical system is to pull yourself up by your bootstraps (beg the question) and I'm looking for someone to convince me otherwise

    This is mistaken, I believe. When I referred to a logic "working", I was speaking extra-logically. As in, the applicability of some logic to figuring things out in the real world and keeping us from making reasoning errors which lead to harm and such. This has no recourse to the axioms of logic determining what "working" means.

    But you ask how justify logic without begging the question, basically. There's two ways I can think of how to do this. You justify a deductive logic by means of abduction, a model of theory choice. Whatever logic, in some specified domain, comes out the best on the criterion of theory choice is the correct one for the domain (we can assign them scores basically). That's not question begging, it's using a different type of reasoning.

    Another way would be to pick a very weak logic which contains principles no one disputes but which does not contain principles under disagreement. Whatever that logic ends up being, it would have to, for example, have a conditional which satisfies Modus Ponens. That will be a common ground across logics that are actually used. Either of these means suffice.
  • Why shouldn't a cause happen after the event?
    Why shouldn't a cause happen after the event?

  • Where does logic get its power?
    A method by which humans go from premise to premise that seems to reflect reality if the premises do.khaled

    This doesn't seem like quite the right definition of logic. Logic can refer to many things, and the scope or domain of logic has changed over time. Broadly, logic refers to the rules of correct reasoning. More narrowly and more specifically, logic regards explorations of (or rather, theories about) the logical consequence relationship of some formal system under investigation, e.g. classical, Fregean logic. Given some set of assumptions and rules for allowed propositional transformations, what can be derived. That is the modern conceptualization of logic (deductive logic anyway).

    Now, you ask a number of questions, which I'll assign numbers for convenience:

    1) What was the "origin" of logic.

    2) Why is it that we are simply born with a "rule for deriving rules" and why does it work so well?

    3) Why is it then that humans can get by using arbitrary axioms that they are born with whose validity they cannot prove?

    4) And why is it that despite the fact that many axioms fit that description, that only very few work?

    5) Again, where does logic get it's reality-reflecting power?

    1) What do you mean by origin? There's the biology of logic, exploring how our logical intuitions about what follows from what developed over the eons. Particular formal systems were created by particular people. Aristotle created Syllogistic logic, Frege created Classical Logic (which is not the same as Aristotle’s), Brouwer and Heyting (more the latter) created Intuitionistic logic, etc.

    2) We are not "born with" a rule for deriving rules. Lakan has some stuff on this (it's a well known book, but the name escapes me). We mostly get this stuff, er, pictorally? Might not be the best word. Observation perhaps. We evolutionarily have some dispositions built in but a lot comes from hacking together a set of intuitions based on our experience while young. But these intuitions are often very limited and even fail us often (lots of experimentation done on common logic failures people do).

    It's not like we reason according to any particular logic. Hell, people always have contradictions in their beliefs (whether they know it or not). But if we were "born with" classical logic our brain would start making us believe every proposition because of the Explosion principle. It's just an example, but it generalizes. If there is a discernable logic we operate on its very weak and it needs to be like that.

    3) We're not exactly born with them, certainly not entirely. And there seems to be a pretty pragmatic explanation here. If the logic we naturally develop begins failing too often we change our logic until we find one that works. Otherwise we die so there's good incentive.

    4) & 5)
    It's a mistake, I think, to speak of logic having a "reality reflecting" capacity. There are no metaphysical inference rules or axioms, those are formal "objects". Perhaps the best way to characterize this is as follows. If reality didn't have a structure that would be equivalent to trivialism being the case. As there seem to be propositions which are only false, trivialism does not appear to be the case, therefore reality has a structure.

    Now, logical systems are structures as well (in the math sense of "structure"), and as with mathematics broadly, it's natural to think there might be [at least one] logic whose structure is "the same" as reality's structure. I suppose we might speak of an isomorphism between the structure of a logic and the structure of a universe. In that circumstance, the success of various logics in practice seems to have a transparent reason: they chart the same algebraic structure. So the relationships which hold between abstract objects covered in logic can be "mapped" to the same relationship holding between real world objects in an equivalent arrangement (it's not identity).

    Is there any metaphysical basis for logic or are humans just stuck with a certain type of hardwarekhaled

    It's a difficult question. My best guess is the above isomorphism answer. Otherwise, I'm tempted to say speaking of logic is to categorically be speaking of something very distinct from reality. Penelope Rush has a book on this, aptly titled "The Metaphysics of Logic", though it kinda drops into the Epistemology of logic at various times. I don't think I finished it, but it should give you something. And not to be too unethical, but you can (unsurprisingly) find uploads of the book's PDF online. NAUGHTY NAUGHTY
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    Clearly, your sets as written do not indicate that the right is a subset of the left. The left contains 4 and 6, which are not contained in the right. It is not a subset.Metaphysician Undercover

    You have got to be kidding me. Both the left and right contained 4 and 6, your just had to continue the mapping a few more spots. (4 & 6 appeared on the right side earlier because the right side was only even numbers, so obviously the natural numbers take longer to get to the even numbers since it also has the odd numbers).
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    Clearly, for any set of natural numbers, a proper subset is always smaller. That is always the case, and there is never an exception.Metaphysician Undercover

    This is what happens when you don't realize that Even numbers exist, are a proper subset of the naturals, and are provably the same size as the naturals.

    0 - 0
    1 - 2
    2 - 4
    3 - 6

    If the even numbers (those on the right side) are smaller (as you say proper subsets "clearly are") then point out exactly when the even numbers fail to give a number to match to the naturals. If you can't do that (which you can't) then the only way you can continue is by ignoring the definitions used. So I'm just not bothering anymore.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    the number line between 0 and 1 has length 1
    - to find out how many things fit on the line
    - divide line length by the thing length
    - a number has length 0
    - so the number of number between 0 and 1 is 1/0=UNDEFINED
    - if you let number have non-zero length then there is a finate number of numbers in the interval but a potential infinity as number length tends to zero

    This is what happens when you don't understand math. At all. I mean, it's almost like numbers such as 0.5 exist.

    I can’t believe you; we’ve been talking about this for ages and you have learned nothing. You are still not even using the proper language to discuss this is (actual/potential infinity).Devans99

    Aside from people who insist on stupid Aristotelian terms, only Intuitionists sort of use those terms, but even they accept that at least one infinite set exists (the naturals). You're not using the "proper language", you read some Aristotle (or more likely a summary of bits of him) and parade it around like a Randian does their political philosophy. You haven't even understood how this discussion is actually done in the last century and a half.

    You need to realise that you were told the wrong things about infinity at school and free your mind of Cantor’s muddled dogma.Devans99


    No really, I'm done this time. I know I've said it repeatedly, but you were kind enough to finally be explicit about what you believed. Have fun pretending to be talking about "Cantor's dogma" while ignoring everything required to understand his work and the work that came after.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    You have stated an arbitrary boundary of zero and one, but this does not bound the infinite. You could have set your boundaries as 10 and 20, or 200 and 600, or zero and the highest natural number. These boundaries do not bound the infinite itself.Metaphysician Undercover

    How? It doesn't matter if the numbers I chose arbitrary, we're talking about whether it's infinite or not. Because there are numbers greater and smaller than those in the real between zero and one, they are bounded under any standard definition of "bounded" (having a limit). Nothing you've said here even attempts to address this because otherwise you'd be forced to admit that "infinite" is not defined as "unbounded" in mathematics. You're whole approach requires ignoring the definitions mathematicians use, it's disingenuous.

    The boundaries are in the definitions by which they are produced, but the definitions are made such that the numbers themselves are not bounded. The two systems, the naturals and the reals, are just two distinct ways of expressing the same infinite numbers.Metaphysician Undercover

    You have lost the plot. You're just question begging again. You think I'm saying the number of reals between 0 and 1 are finite because I'm saying they're bounded, because you're conflating the two terms. The set of reals between 0 and 1 is uncountably infinite (because it can't be put into a function with the naturals) but it is bounded because there exists a lower bound demarcating where the set begins and an upper bound demarcating where the set ends. Those are boundaries, that doesn't entail the cardinality is finite.

    There is a real problem with this so-called proof. It's called begging the question. By assuming that the natural numbers are a countable "set", it is implied that the naturals are not infinite. It is impossible to count that which is infinite.Metaphysician Undercover

    You are just ignorant man. Counting here is the *mathematical* notion of counting, not finger counting. I've mentioned it repeatedly: It's the one-to-one correspondence. That in no way entails finitude because this method actually gives us a way of defining "infinite" in a way which is actually useful in math. An infinite set in no way is a contradiction and anyone saying it does literally has no knowledge of modern mathematical foundations and the definitions of the terms used in standard mathematics formalisms.
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    A computing array is obviously bounded by memory limitations as you found out when your program hung.Devans99

    By unbounded I meant there was not in principle a final member which the array could reach. In practice is irrelevant, we're talking about abstract objects not the limitations of finite state machines.

    The naturals {1,2,3,...} are unbounded on the right as denoted by the ...

    The reals between 0 and 1 {.1, .01, .001, ... } are unbounded ‘below’.

    Both are an example of potential not actual infinity in that it is an iterative process that generates an infinity of numbers.

    Sets are already whole, they aren't iterative calculations. The point of of the loop I posted before was to show that finite things which increase over time are clearly unbounded despite there finitude. In other words, MU's assumption that infinity is to unbounded, and finitude is to bounded, is just false. Infinite sets can bounded, and finite sets constructed over time can be unbounded.

    The number of reals between 0 and 1 is undefined: a number has ‘length’ 0 and 1/0 = undefined. If you let number have length>0 you get a finite number of reals between 0 and 1. So there is no way to realise actual infinity...

    That is not the length of the set, what are you talking about? You don't divide to determine the number of members in a set, you count them (counting as understood in math, not finger counting).
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    I agree, but as I explained, the thing which is infinite is not the same thing as the thing which is bounded. Therefore the limits expressed are irrelevant to the infinity expressed, and the infinity is unbounded. Therefore your argument that there can be a bounded infinity is not sound.Metaphysician Undercover

    You did not give any counterargument here that the real between zero and one are either finite or unbounded. I gave an argument for why it was both, and thus why something can be finite and bounded. So I don't know what you're trying to say here. The "thing" which is infinite is the number of reals, the thing which is bounded is the number of reals. Ergo "infinite" and "bounded" can be possessed by one and the same thing.

    I don't believe this. Both the naturals and the reals are infinite, so I believe it is false to say that one is larger than the other. This is where I believe that set theory misleads you with a false premise. I would need some evidence, a demonstration of proof, before I would accept this, what I presently believe to be false. Show me for example, that there are more numbers between 1 and 2, and between 2 and 3, than there are natural numbers. The natural numbers are infinite. So no matter how many real numbers you claim that there are, they will always be countable by the natural numbers.Metaphysician Undercover

    If you ignore the last 150 years of math you can believe this, but Cantor's diagonal argument is pretty clearly proof of this. On pain of needless contradiction, one can show that the naturals are smaller in size than the reals. A real can always be constructed such that the set of reals cannot be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the naturals. If they were the same size, this correspondence provably hold but we know it doesn't via the diagonal argument.

    This is what I've been telling you over and over again. To stipulate that the cardinality of the natural numbers is less than something else, and to also say that the natural numbers are infinite, is contradictory.Metaphysician Undercover

    It's not stipulated, it's proven. Again, just read about Cantor's diagonal argument,
  • Do you believe there can be an Actual Infinite
    "Rigorous mathematical understanding of infinity". Lol. But if your not joking, you have my sympathy.Metaphysician Undercover

    Great argument, about your usual standard in this thread.
    Does anyone even know what it means to be larger then zero?Metaphysician Undercover

    I continue to be amazed by the questions asked here.

    That there is an infinity of real numbers between any two real numbers is the assumption of infinite divisibilityMetaphysician Undercover

    It's not an assumption if you can prove it. Seriously, assume there is some limit to how many reals there are between any two naturals. A simple expansion can be done to yield a new natural. Ergo on pain of contradiction the initial supposition must be false. There is no smallest real.

    So the infinite thing itself, divisibility, is not bounded. Likewise, in the case of the natural numbers, that the one unity being added at each increment of increase is bounded and indivisible, is irrelevant to the infinity which involves the act of increase. That the increasable amount is bounded, restricted to exclude fractions, is not a limit to the infinity itself. Nor is the fact that a divisible unit is bounded a limit or restriction to divisibility.Metaphysician Undercover

    This has absolutely nothing to do with what I responded to.

    That's incorrect. Whether or not something is infinite has everything to do with whether or not it is unbounded, because "infinite" is defined as unbounded. Where is your rigorous understanding of infinitiy?.Metaphysician Undercover

    "Infinite" is not defined as unbounded. Seriously, show me two mathematics textbooks that define infinite that way. Stop stop stop. The set of naturals has a smaller cardinality than the reals; the former is countable and the latter is uncountable ("unlistable" is probably a better word). So the naturals are bounded, we know numbers which are larger than it so there's a very obvious boundary: The cardinality of the naturals, no matter how far you go, is always smaller than the cardinality of the reals. Ergo your nonsensical claim that "infinite is defined as unbounded" is just false. You're not really adding more members to the set of natural numbers as you go further, you're just discovering more numbers that were already part of the set. No one that isn't brain dead is trying to create an extensionally defined infinite set.

    And no, an iterative calculation is not unbounded. It is limited by the physical conditions, and the capacity of the thing performing the iteration. That it is so bounded is the reason why it is not infinite

    You either have no reading comprehension or you don't know what I'm talking about. Just some simple (picking a language...) JavaScript.

    let arr = [], i;
    for(i = 0; arr.length < Infinity; i++){
    // result: arr = [0,1,2,3,....] (it actually never completes, for obvious reasons)

    The set of numbers in the array is obviously ever increasing. I didn't have to put infinity in the loop comparison, I could have just put some tautology. The set is obviously unbounded, it's members keep increasing with every iteration. That's unboundedness .An infinity can very well be bounded unless you're just using some idiosyncratic definition of "bounded".